I'm about to graduate with a bachelor's in accounting, and I still feel dumb. Is this normal?
I'm about to graduate with a bachelor's in accounting, and I still feel dumb. Is this normal?
You went into debt to learn how to use Excel. You are dumb.
If he even learned excel
Yes you learn everything you actually need on the job assuming you can get one
are you taking the CPA?
Not right away
Maybe eventually. To be honest desu my heart is in art, I'm a drawfag but that wasn't going to pay the bills until I got better. I went for accounting for a stable wageslave job atm
Accounting is a legitimate degree. Don't know what these other fags are saying. You're employable.
You are employable if you have +10 years of experience, certified and able to take care of company's accounting, taxes and reporting by yourself
Yeah. Were living in kind of a fucked up world.
Most Engineers who take the CFA and CPA think they are easy as shit compared to their classes, because we pretty much deal with Calc 1-tier formulas at most.
Double major with CS or Math and you'll be smarter than most of your collegues.
How the fuck can you major at a university in accounting? Is that a thing in the US? Here in Germany, accounting isn't something you go to university for. Go can be trained to become an accountant but hell it's not a university study. What the fuck is there to study? You get 10 Credit Points for accounting when studying Business Administration here.
I mean the US has a multi-billion dollar public accounting industry. So yeah, there is a demand for accounting degrees.
Yes because having a degree in accounting does not mean you are smart (otherwise you would have done a proper degree like maths)
>Is this normal?
Yes. True intelligence entertains doubt, and the truly intelligent are often more acutely aware of their inadequacies:
>imposter syndrome
Anything other than a phd in math is a meme degree.
Even masters level will just land you a job as high school math teacher
t. roastie who didn't network
There's nothing wrong with being creative. I'm confused why you didn't follow your dreams.
The architect that works for our designer (custom cabinetry) makes 130K a year. He's a young guy.
Of course, it's not drawing and he originally wanted to make more creative things, but I think it's a great balance for him between work and his passion.
The dude must be like 26-28y/o.
thats why you have to do internships after c:)
God damnit user, you better not neglect your art for your normiewagecuck job. Don't become an old man with shaky hands sitting in a retirement wishing he had done more art. I ain't saying not to have a good job, but don't forget to make time.
We also got accounting degrees but they're not university degrees. Accounting is not a science wtf..
*tips fedora
Locations where accounting isn't a university degree:
Locations where accounting is a university degree:
Financial capitals of the world:
>New York
I mean it's true. People who tend to think they "know it all" actually don't know jack shit.
The more I learn the more I feel like I actually don't know anything.
I won't neglect my art at all. In fact, when I finally finish University and start working, I won't have homework or studying to worry about. So that'll leave me time to draw all night long.
Here's my plan. I wageslave for a bit while practicing and improving my art, get into digital and some light animations, then on the side after a year or two of practicing, start freelance work. I have friends who have good connections for this type of thing.
Eventually when I'm good enough, I'll pursue a full art career and probably dump accounting as a full time career.
But anything can happen, so who knows.
>stepping stone to finance
doesn't sound that dumb to me OP
Get your MBA in finance. Get an internship with a hedge fund. Graduate and take an offer from somewhere that's paying 100k/year.
I like your strategy. It makes a lot of sense. In the best case you can life from your art. In the worst case you end up working as an accountant (which is already better than the majority of jobs)
By "networking" I assume you mean sucking cock. No, I did not suck cock. Luckily Im in a position i dont have to go that route. Just not for me, not my style.
For some people, probably people like you, cock sucking might be the way to go. Then by all means, suck cock. Accounting degree is perfectly suitable for gray office drones and cock suckers.
Also accountants are often looked down upon like some secretaries, doing mind numbing excel - unless you found your own accounting company. Half of the students are female.
Accounting is very complicated in the US.
You need a CPA to be even relevant which is 150 credit hours or so. Most people just get a Master in Accounting then do their CPA.
It pays pretty well, a friend of mine just started at a Big 4 for 80K, but I go to a top accounting school, so it may be a lot less for some.
Being an architect =/= drawing gay vore scat furry pony porn
Boy what's with the cock fixation? Networking just means being sociable and knowing people. That's how you get the good jobs, by being likeable and a known quantity.
I know you think your edgy and shit but you sound like a sad individual. Hope it gets better user.
Here in the US we don't have a refugee cum drinking degree. Different cultures
The latter is probably a more enjoyable occupation, and you'll never be out of work
Right on
>do economics and finance degree
>realize you honestly hate both fields
masters in statistics or go NEET?
lmfao bullshit. Our laws are 100x more complicated than yours. You're just a stupid people by large. A Bachelors degree in the US is like a High school degree in Germany. That's why you can't into engineering either. Stupid faggots.
>inb4 ranked
enjoy your wagecuck ratings
t. Mohammed
I hear suicide bomb engineering is the next big industry in Germany
I swear, don't you feel like you're lying to yourself if you tell someone "I studied accounting"?
Also funny how Universities in the US offer "Nursery" degrees. What comes next? Simple car mechanics are engineers? HAHAHAHA
>not saying it's blowing up
cmon dude step it up
>be me
>minor in accounting
>get straight A's in all of the accounting related courses
>don't know anything about accounting even after graduation
Only thing we did was how to type in excel codes without any fundamental knowledge
Go get your cpa. You should be able to land a job at a recruiting fair unless your school is really small. Smaller sized firm I work for offers 55-60k for no experience right out of school. Start studying for the cpa exam now and get it out of the way. Once you get busy it only gets harder. Congrats on getting through accounting major.
Is accounting considered a STEM major?
it's the STEM of business, along with stats, econ, and finance
gonna study accounting, apparently it's a great foundation for entrepreneurship
being financially illiterate is part of why so many businesses fail, probably why you guy's animated turbo furry porn ventures all failed, couldn't keep your books
I'm glad people like me and OP won't have to worry about being wagecucks or NEETs our whole lives cause we studied "muh economics" in college instead of a practical trade
what's wrong with small schools?
i go to a private university with around a 1k student count, did i fuck up
Yeah, because banks and government departments, who influence your entire life, tell economists to go invest in kneepads huh?
haha, nice meme user! tell us about the time you and all your super smart friends prevented the housing crash of 2008 again
our society is lucky to have you guys...
No i went to a small school too with 2500 total students. Firms don't recruit there. Just makes it harder to get that first foot in door. (But not that hard) I would head to your closest metropolitan area or area you want to work in and start applying for jobs through websites. Hope you have a high gpa but a lot of firms are looking for warm bodies.
will a 3.5 cut it? also I'm really looking for internships, but they're all at least 40 minutes away
3.5 in accounting major is great. Should be easy to land a spot. Yea, mid size towns should have a bunch of cpa firms.
thanks for the reassurance man
i always felt like I needed a 3.8 minimum and would get frustrated as fuck when I get Bs in my classes
I have a 2.9 GPA... I really didn't give a fuck in college.
Will the GPA matter after my first job? Because my siblings can land me a first entry level job at their place
>Be college dropout working for $9 per hour loserfag
>Go back to school for one year
>One year left til graduation
>All jobs/internships start at least double my old pay
Thank you accounting for providing me financial stability in my life ;-;
3.5 is great. Firms will gladly take a 3.2 with good people skills over an autistic 4.0
Lol no....no-one gives a shit about grades after the first job
My buddy is an auditor at pwc and he never did internships and had a gpa below 3.0...He's a good people person though and knows how to do all that BS talking
>pwc auditor
>shitty gpa and no experience
He must have had some sort of connection.
Just by reading your post I can tell that you never learned how to socialize. Must suck not having any friends lmao
If you went to a state school, yes
>This is what pseudo intellectuals actually believe
it's because b-school is largely for frat bros and the kind of girls who think putting everything on index cards will help them pass
>Must suck not having any friends lmao
actually it sucked way more when I had friends
man i sure am glad i burned those fucking bridges lol
What a cunt
i have a habit of burning bridges
i can keep a friends circle for about a year max before i leave without a trace
sometimes i come back for a week or two each year, but it all ends the same
on the bright side, it gives me a reason to meet new people
Same as you user, except i'm double majoring in marketing/business management, I just finished mid terms and i did very good, i have a 3.7 gpa
I feel lost, and I'm not even sure if I have actually learned something. Any anons here gone through this, is this normal?
college is a scam
No one thinks CFA is easy you fucking tard. Maybe if you're a level 1 peasant. Please dont ever compare CFA and CPA in the same sentence ever again.
If you go for underwater basket weaving, don't network, and go out of state to an expensive out of state school then yes.
Statistically though college graduates are doing better than the rest. Deal with it.
And frankfurt is also a financial capital
>male on male auction
you don't get it, do you, hans? the uk and america have been cucked to holy hell by the jews. they steal a bunch of money from hardworking people in ponzi schemes or corporate mismanagement, then other jews wave their hands and all kinds of corporate regulations and federal laws magically appear.
they say these regulations are for 'investor protection' but all they really do is create a whole new class of vampires that leeches fees and taxes from hard working people.
Accounting is the one industry where they hire people with no experience. You are a dumbass who didn't go through recruiting, probably because you are too autistic to get interviews and interact with people like a normal person. Then you work in public until you're promoted to senior, jump ship to industry, and you're making a comfy living. Eventually you may become a CFO, and you retire comfortably.