League of Legends General - /lolg/

Cooking meth with Lulu edition!


>jungle locks udyr
>mid locks kayn
>adc locks vayne
>support locks thresh

nice game lolnegroes.

remember to crush lane and kill the ardent cancer supports!


I want to fiercely hug Kog'maw!


Already doing that.

>lowest win rate

xth for Syndra

>in the middle of ranked game
>check internet, nothing wrong
>log out and log back in
>no reconnect button
>game isnt in match history
wtf just happened??
>le small indie company

you got drophacked

Should I buy Ornn or change my SN to something girly to match the new Star Guardian skins I'm getting?

If the enemy adc takes warlords and doran's shield you won't ever kill them

Ornn sucks.


>everyone has honor 3 now

this fucking sucks

is anyone honor 4 yet?

Two years ago, my main was turned into a botlaner in the blink of an eye, and the world just fucking watched.

Tomorrow there will be no shortage of sisterfuckers, no shortage of autists. I know you understand.

this yasuo skin sucks

I get ddosed every once in a while in silver.
Static ip is a curse.

Everyone has honor 4 now. Keep up, grandpa

>Morde with Ornn ghost broke the game

I'm real glad this game's code is held together with twigs and spit.

You don't

Which champion has the best personality?
pic unrelated

lolg a pretty cool guy
he post lulus and doesnt afraid of anything

I have proofs.

What happens with Ornn ghost? I bet it's something with his passive

Most are 4 now and some people even have honor 5


Project Yi is handsome

>Already honor 4
>Never seen a single orb in my life
Riot why
At least feed me keys onegai

>kassadin main
>lvl 0 honor
alpha male here, ask me anything

Fuck Vlad. Why is a champ with FREE healing and FREE damage allowed to use ZERO mana and a FREE get out of jail FREE card. Fuck this past ass nigga

I love Camille

how do they get ur ip?

Why did they change the ping wheel? There's a delay before it pops up and it looks like complete trash now

I'm honor 0

>3rd world country language
try again faggot

xth for CLIMBing!
never EVER give up!


Pick an ad with lifesteal and build executioners like Xin, Tryn, Jax, Irelia and you will see that he is easy as shit to defeat

>high lvl honor beta cucks


Just use rumble.
Like honestly every matchup can be won just by using rumble.

>Tfw playing champion
>Lane against some Morde autist
>My Yasuo mid is feeding enemy Oriana
>Adc is behind 20 cs
>jg is getting his ass counterjungled
>Bait Morde ult
>Die on purpose
>Game crashes
>LP is saved

why didn't they add the warded ping? I have no idea how to use it

You need to bind the ward ping to a key in the settings to use it

You have to bind it your self

Call us beta cucks all you want. Some of us can't afford to buy skins and food at the same time.

>unironically being an honorlet

>tfw no irl sona gf

she's so ugly

Apparently Riot likes making people feel like special snowflakes. I thought the system would be sort of like the older one where it would be quite difficult to achieve, but since they tied it into the loot systems they're pushing it like candy.

Poppy unironically seems overall pretty decent. She's humble, kind, lawful and whilst not the best at jokes, tries her best.

She makes the dick in my heart erect.

First for being the Ornnposter

today our comfy EUNE club had their first
vg vs vg
only 4 v 4 though cause not enough people

daily reminder that you can only get champion shards from honor capsules

She's a retard though

has anyone been getting higher ping since the patch?

Best couple!

Goddamn I hate how naive they made her.

I want a mauy thai camille skin that is from before she got hextech upgrades and is a young fighter, and her ult makes a UFC octagon!

make me some items then
all this cash ain't going away on its' own

Illaoi, she just does whatever the fuck she wants and smacks people with a test who disagree.

Im new to this general and why are there so many midget and pedo poster?

LAN vs LAS battle for spic supremacy when

I can't see Ezreal being a good father.
Especially after losing his own.

I see......

What could i forge you masked stranger

I'm still 2.

Leave while you can
>Everyone playing at 20fps on minimum settings while never going below 200 ping
>LAN wins because they have one guy with a decent setup that carries the game

>Sona is so fucking busty that most fanart that normally depict off model female characters with exaggerated breasts actually undersell her chest

Who's the cat? New possible champ? And is that Nocturne to the right of Cass?

I beg to differ

Not him but forge me a mask, a blue boot, and a ribbed dildo
bonus points if you guess my champ

why don't you have twitch anyways

what's that

Vladimir i guess?

Here is are the goods , now pay me and get lost

las is better.
we don't have venezuela

It's part of her recall

It's one of the creatures you can see around the rift and she transforms it into a robot one

But you don't have mexico.
Mexico might be a shitty country, but amongst latin americans mexicans are king.

That;s weird. Figured she'd have another reptile

>She makes the dick in my heart erect.

>like character proportions
>artist makes her tits double the size
Makes me mad desu

Looks like Aatrox or Malphite moreso than Noc

In her recall she catches the animal first, and then forcibly makes it a robot. It's a little rodent mammal looking thing because it's prey because Cass is a snake.

Girls are huge perverts

> Lock in Sona
> ADC tells me to pick something else
> Explain that it's already locked
> ADC tells me that Sona is useless and that I'm a retard for picking her
> He picks Yasuo
Guess who inted 3 times during laning phase against Lulu and MF and who got blamed? I managed to give Ziggs and Yi 6 kills by roaming (they were already doing very very well by themselves) and the other team surrendered, but m8, Yasuo players, not even once.

man zed is attractive

Is zedmode achievable natty?

Why didn't you dodge or more importantly just ban Yasuo

Have we even seen zed without a mask

First impression of Ornn everyone?

Feels rather weak to me. His kit feels slow, and his combos are often quite hard to land. Even if you hit them, they're not super impactful.

>support Annie starts doran's ring
>keeps taking cs "to charge her Q"
>tell her to stop
>doesn't stop
>tell her to build sightstone at least
>doesn't build it
>keep rocket jumping into the enemy team and we end up losing

nice game, lolniggers

his titan looks hard as fuck to hit

Unless you count fan art of him, no.

just had this, im very much opposed to the idea of ornn at all as a result

>League patch notes
>like 5-10 more base damage
>more than 300 words full of buzzwords talking in circles justifying the change

>DotA patch notes
>"this guy has an entirely new ability, 15s CD changed to 15/11/7/3s CD, also this other character isn't a hard carry anymore now he's a support"

I love having a good sona as lucian
>She hits an enemy with her blue spell
>Dash aa q aa
>Many damage
>Level 6 crescendo memery

>ban zed
>enemy picks kassadin or fizz
>ban kassadin
>enemy picks zed or fizz
>ban fizz
>enemy picks zed or kassadin
>any of these 3 roams bot at the moment he hits 6
>botlane doesnt listen to pings because "muh lost cs"
>enemy team double kill!


he's complete shit

t. plat 5 who played against him 2 ( two ) times

holy fuck ornn is garbage