Fighting Games General /fgg/
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Reminder that ethernet cables are cheap.
Reminder that you ruin the experience for both players when playing on wi-fi.
Reminder that you don't enjoy fighting games if you refuse to wire up.
wish i was makoto bros
Reminder that most people do not consider a cable running 50' across the floor of their home a reasonable option
I wish more games had the infrastructure of Injustice wifi detection is some good shit.
I don't think normies are buying mvci with that launch roster
when you book a hotel room with your nightmare
>get nervous
>start mashing pokes
every time brehs
I bet they will. Casuals fucking love to button mash in marvel.
my parents get furious whenever i get that massive cable out. wifi for life.
The picture is missing sir
normies and even current gaymers don't even know capcom's side so it doesn't matter who they choose. Marvel's side is full of movie whores, but it's a fighting game so no one cares
negative word of mouth has sunk this stupid game
run it along a wall and keep it out of the way
Just ask mommy and daddy if you can put the modem/router in or closer to your room. I'm sure if you do a few chores around the house and say "please," they'll listen.
1) That is still ghetto as fuck
2) It immediately fails as soon as you need to cross a hallway
Which still requires having the WAN cable moved presumably at some cost. I'm not saying don't wire your shit just don't pretend it's as simple as buying a cable.
Nemo probably contemplates killing him every night
>try to see if injustice 2 changed
>still get a shit ton of meter for missing projectiles with zero recovery and for getting your ass kicked
>adding even more mkx characters
>characters are still slow as fuck on these huge ass screens
>clash still sets you back to fullscreen
Quit being such disgusting casuals and pick Magneto yourself.
Pokken is going to die again before it even comes back to life.
>demo is limited to 15 matches
I wish I was Bridget
i hope everyone who screenshots reddit and then posts it here gets gassed desu
I support your motion but also propose adding Max posters.
i wish i was jam
Oh god it's far worse than I never would have thought.
you'd make a great jam because you're such a fruit
Max is literally /our/ guy though.
There's a reason /v/ makes fun of us and it's because of all the tripfags circle jerking about how great they are.
Reminder to filter all tripfags and don't reply and feed their egos
who in the fgc posts here
our home was built in 1642 and is in a protection program under national law because "traditional blabla architecture heritage", there is no internet in my room and drilling is not an option. americans have it easy with their paper weight homes made from cardboard box wood.
Why would anyone want to fund this? What's so great about Fantasy Strike?
Is she still like low-mid in rev2?
What a great advice. I'll feed you ego with (you) instead. Keep making such awesome posts.
but you already are a faggot user
Video games are fun. Or so people tell me anyways.
We need to go back to the past.
You have to make your game look exciting before anything else if you want to get it kickstarted.
its 3highIQ5me
I could see them selling her sprite as dlc and calling it a nostalgia costume.
Except Rising Thunder does not and will not exist.
Though, same will apply for Fantasy Strike.
Is Yomi, the fighting game in card form, any good?
It's definitely fun. If your looking for a top tier card game there is better though.
I think negative penalty is a bigger kusoge mechanic than danger time or yrc, gg would be a way better game without it you could actually try to play neutral instead of airdashing or gambling something else
and i would buy it on all systems
brilliant. i hope this happens
nothing is worse than danger time
>playing neutral in goober
lmao that's just begging to lose
Danger time doesn't affect games as bad as negative penalty does
Negative penalty is just kind of gay as a mechanic, dangertime is literally retarded though. YRC would be fine with some changes.
literally who
Looks like I hit a nerve :^)
It was confirmed today that they removed all the fun of the long combos in DBZ
>design director for Killer Instinct was the dude responsible for Hyper Fighting
Oh huh
>worked on characters for Overmeme when it was still Titan
Backdashing without ever pressing anything isn't playing neutral.
So what exactly does this mean?
>luvcheez will never see you in ki
>Dragon rush loops
Blog about babby's first Jive rankeds
>do a couple of streaks, win against a super bronze
>find a couple laggers (I'm wired), even when searching for 4 bar I got matched with someone from USA (I'm south american, sorry to that guy, took his points)
>finally get a league up
>against an abigail, who is a literally who to me
>get rekt
>runback, win, get bronze
>give it a third try, lose and get demoted again
Fuck me man. At least the match was really smooth but I'm a lil salty.
Great fun though.
It's shit. Still doesn't tell any relevant info.
>clash still sets you back to fullscreen
It's a combo break you nigger. Combo breaks always reset to neutral
best boy
Nice blog post
Use some fucking cable holders and hammer them to the wall to keep the cable out of the way. It takes two minutes and costs less than five bucks is discreet and keeps it out of the way. If you aren't confident enough just ask Daddums to help you.
PowerLine adaptors wouldnt work well either most likely Imo based on your most likely old as fuck electric wiring.
cover this place up with cloth and it becomes a circus
build a fence around it it becomes a mental hospital
Were you the one coming from Skullgirls? Abigail is pretty easy to beat as Guile.
post of the year
god damn Android 18 looks fucking amazing in fighterz. Watching Super every week has made me forget how fucking good looking she was in Z.
You are really forgetting the many factors in many houses.
delete this before dank sees it
not even close to the same distance the rounds start out as you fucking idiot
It's still neutral and easy to bridge distance gap.
i have a powerline adapter sitting in a box that i still need to sell off. it didnt work no.
Thank you, I worked hard on it
Yup, I'm that one. I figured him out later but uncertainty on certain things made me act weird.
I didn't know how many hits of armor stuff had, his options off run, if his punches guard broke, and how to correctly block his roll thing
Also my HP broke, this is my first charge character and the Xbox 360 dpad is weird.
That is about all excuses I have. I'm still bad, I know
Who is actually buying Infinite?
Me. My team is in it and i'm not an X-fag.
Clash is the stupidest shit in injustice bar none. Forcing me to save meter like that is so fucking stupid and then making me have to change me entire game plan to doing combos with nothing but f+3 or b+3 is trash
Not on launch, I'm broke as fuck and half-assed looking for a job. At least being a Neet means I have a roof over my head and food when I fail at that. Probably later though.
How many power breakers do you have?
yesterday after the marvel trailer
I'm stuck in the position of not wanting the game but wanting to show people how fucking stupid the idea of space stone + ultimate web throw resets are
Jedah is the only interesting thing about the whole game and he's definitely not enough for me to wanna buy it.
has anyone heard anything interesting about Captain America and Ryu in MVCI
I'm literally going to play wi-fi to fuck with peoople like you.
I bought it a few days ago and I don't really like the vs series. I just want to be apart of a game before everything is discovered and everyone has gotten good. I'm always playing catchup in fighting games.
I got it from a key reseller. $80 down to $35.
It's not really an issue overall although the quotes can be repetitive in long sets
people are literally avoiding me
it was 27 elsewhere, you got ripped off
Everytime I lose it's because I get chimped out by a v trigger combo that's easy to confirm.