/smtg/ - 真・女神転生/Shin Megami Tensei General

New 3DS game is called "Deep Strange Journey/Strange Journey Redux" further info and trailers:


SMT HD Project teased at Nintendo Switch Presentation:

>Alignment themed concerts

>Starter guide

>Tips and tricks

>Fangames, artbooks, soundtracks, manga, and other downloads

>OST links

>Misc translations


>Recommended reading

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Let us bring back the glory days of smtg when it was drowning in funposts.


Anyone le remember this gem?

Yeah, my cum materialized as a slime Mara and killed me.

Thanks a lot, fags.

Would the summoning program let me summon Atma users?

Well, in SMTI it let you summon humans. That was kind of glossed over.

to the guy struggling with giten: there should be a way to get east asian characters from the windows XP CD

wouldn't be surprised if it was on michaelsoft's site either

How do P1 and P2 play on the PS3? I've heard the PSP versions are better but they butcher the OST.



>some titty monster
>over the second in command of hell and this handsome piece of ass
You have to be literally gay.


Today I will remind them.


>fighting Barons before defeating Ozawa
shit video tbqh

>Fucking some slut.
>Instead of hanging out with a demon pal with a harem that he would most gladly share with you.


I think its a joke lads

>some bug monster
>over this handsome bara daddy
You have to be literally gay.

Dude we know, we're joking that mainline beelzebub is more attractive which he is.


Just curious, where do you find the Silk thread in Kyuuyaku Megami Tensei?

>being attracted to women
Ya gotta be kidding me!

I remember one idiot shitposting and everyone else telling them to fuck off.

Kind of like now, only no one is even paying attention to you but me.

Finally finished MT I tonight. I really enjoyed it, and got really excited how after the credits, it throws you into MT II.
Really fun game. I'll start the second one soon.

MTII is the better game so if you liked MTI you'll definitely like MTII. I actually really enjoy MTII a lot, I wish it was more popular but it can be quite rough.

Also the protagonist has one of the coolest designs in the series, not that you really see it.

Anyone know what the theme is called in nocturne when you are first enter the kalpas and that angel starts talking to you and is all like "stop what your doing is sinful turn back now!"


Also this is this is the law theme that has been used since SMTI. Often it is remastered in the mainline games. In SMTIV the archangel's battle theme is based nearly entirely on the theme.

>a fatty
>over this sleek handsome man
No way fag

Thanks senpai. It is a very pretty theme.

Future lawfag in the making.

The design I thought was only just okay at first, but the more I see it, the more I really like it.

Saying used since smti is a little misleading. Its not like its in every game. There is just throwbacks. II didn't use it, nocturne only did when it was rereleased, the random side games never used it, and sj didn't. So it really only shows up in four games, and for iva only because its using ivs songs.

Sorry, I definitely could have worded it better.

well at least you see him on the world map

why is it the only megami tensei game that has an actual RPG style overworld map, i'll never know

Playing SMT IV for the first time and man people were not joking how bullshit it is. I was fighting a Deagh whatever and tried to negotiate, it failed and for literally no reason my attacks were dealing just half the damage.

This beggining is bullshit.

You new to SMT?

The beginning can be pretty tough however after Medusa things get way easier for the rest of the game. SMTIV is genuinely one of the easier titles in my experience, only the beginning gave me problems and it was my first SMT game.


Explain how being new justifies halving my damage just because. He didnt use any buff or debuff nor the game ever said my damage was being gimped. That was literal bullshit.

Those guys resist physical attacks. You can check their resistances by analyzing them

Except i was dealing 20+ damage constantly to them except that time they decided all my attacks should only do 10 with no one using a weakening attack.

I wasn't trying to insult you, I was genuinely asking if your new to the series.

Maybe it was just a higher level? I'm really not sure how to help since there's a lot of info missing.

Anyone sick? Was the demon smirking?

Its the same enemy i have been facing (Recluiting demons quest) but after a negotiation failed i needed to kill the demon but my attacks were not dealing the usual but instead were halved. No one can use buffs or debuffs at this point nor my attacks are influenced by my HP.

Basically the game just decided on a whim that my attacks should just do half the damage.


i think you might be imagining it, ive never heard of something like this happening

No since the enemy only does physical (And one crit would had killed anyone in my party when he uses grand slice so i would had noticed) so there was no change whatsoever.

Are you running a physical Flynn? In IV physical seems to be really shitty for some reason, meanwhile magic is fucking amazing in IV. Physical can be somewhat good but only later on, if you're below level 20 maybe try to focus on magic. The "optimal" setup is +3 to magic and +1 to agility and luck.

Is Flynn one of the most powerful SMT protagonists after the White ending?

Oh shit, you just got a email saying your demon summoning program is ready. Fortunately for you you are one of the very few to actually check it out instead of ignoring it, because of this you are gifted a demon ally from the start, they will be based on your post number.

imagine getting slime

You know what I want, board. Don't let me down.

gonna get something good

I want a waifu


YEEEES. Everything went better than expected.





Norn or Astaroth pls.

Learn your numbers user. Sadly you were not blessed with best demon.

kek, enjoy your dumb bird bitch

you'd have to beat him into submission before he'd acknowledge you as worthy enough to hang out with and give access to his stuff.

Fuck. I realised right after posting (it's early here) but I hoped no one else would.

Eternal sadness is mine.

Lucifer can be a real bro depending on the game. Not every chaosfag demon is some braindead fuck like a oni.

Lucifer was a real bro in Nocturne, he supported you in whatever decision you make and Dagda just murders you if you dont agree with him

even lucifer often wants you to prove your strength to him before he deems you as worthy to hang out with.

>not helping lucy stop satan

u guys make me sick

Lucifer ranges though, he could be a total bro and other times a complete cunt.

Dagda was just a cunt the entire way but it was actually noce to have a character in IV:A who didn't kiss your ass from beginning to end.

Im sure im not imagining but it has happened again so it was probably a one time thing, it annoyed me since i had some progress made.

I didnt change any of his str stat so it couldnt had possibly be that. It was maybe a bug. It has gotten more manageable since i completed that quest.

Thats not a cute Mothman.

You can't hold ice cream
You have no arms
Mothman why

stupid moth

They are stupidly sweet.

This is the face of true evil.

More like the face of minor inconvencience.

>get new Demonica
>holes errywhere
>oh you.jpeg

woah buddy

Mothmen are canonically good entities though. Go away from spreading lies!

Fuck you, mothman is the best thing to happen to this series.

What was it?


it was just a drawing of an irl mothman, real spooky shit

>people still think mothman is cute and innocent
I'm a West Virginia native. I've been haunted by this creature for decades. I can confirm he is a shit.

I'll take one off your hands, for cuddling.

Chill out Mr Gere

As a avid lover of mothman I do kind of wish we got a true serious depiction of him but I still love the silly SMT depiction. This toy is maybe my favorite, the human feet are hilarious.
He is a hero. No but seriously all the legends about him never depict him as violent or evil.

Wow. That is something.

doesnt he appear as like a warning for disasters or something? also fuck me those huge eyes creep me out, the toy looks kinda cool though

The one thing I will say is that I like that Kaneko did stay accurate to the original depiction. Too many depictions give him a head or arms. That toy is just amazing, both spooky and silly.

For refrence this is the original witness sketch.

I just have the SMT fig.

Depends, that comes from the Silverbridge legend.

On December 15, 1946 a US bridge known as "Silver Bridge" collapsed and killed 46 people. Multiple sightings of Mothman were made prior to this happening. Because of this Mothman has become said to be a omen of approaching bad events.

Here's a statue of him in West Virgina, bit boring in my opinion. Hilariously though the ass on the statue is really nice.

Aaaah, it's cute!

Oh, that's lame. He looks like a bird.




Sadly people think "more human looking means more realistic" which is stupid. Mothman was said to barely resemble a human at all. Still I do love that a statue was made to honor him.
