/ink/- Splatoon General

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- Splatoon 2 Map Rotation: splatoon2.ink/
- Booru: booru.splatoon.ink/

> News
- New Splatfest - Which superpower would you rather have: Flight or Invisibility? (September 1st/2nd)
-Update tonight: en-americas-support.nintendo.com/app/answers/detail/a_id/27028/p/897
-New Salmon Run map, Lost Outpost will be added to the rotation
-The map Manta Marina will be added Friday/Saturday
-The Forge Splattershot Pro comes next week with the Bubble Blower Special

> Splatoon 2 Information (links + translated tweets)
- pastebin.com/h04p6aqy (embed)
> Splatoon 2 Weapon Stats
- imgur.com/a/eV8p0
> S2 New weapon stats
- imgur.com/a/NFzgv

> Big S2 Gear & Weapon list (contains unreleased weapons)
- leanny.github.io/splat2/

> Resources
- pastebin.com/6UaR6zHL (embed)

> Wiki
- splatoonwiki.org/

> User Stats
- splatoon.nintendo.net/

> View Nintendo switch online services on your PC
- github.com/OatmealDome/LoungeChair/releases/tag/v1.0.6422.34538

> Add your FC to the list of FC below:
- docs.google.com/forms/u/0/d/e/1FAIpQLSfrpLqYcIcxHjNbeVoBql4HDGqUseArmbUePz71gXqBgHlHtA/viewform?usp=sf_link

> List of FC:
- docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1y-zt8u4va5GuDYnX_ToKfRUFRHu-1izMtE6ifaRK4II/edit?usp=sharing

> Splatoon 1 Artbook
- archive.org/details/TheArtOfSplatoon

Other urls found in this thread:



pls respond

>this webm again

My wife!

what rank is that thot in?

You're in the splatfest and this guy cuts your woomy's pay. What do you do?


Marina can't take it when it's turned back on her.

1 main and 2 subs i think

>Look at me, I'm marina, blah blah blah!
>Hahaha, that's totally me!

Rape Squid Sisters

How will she ever recover?

>play SR after a long day of work
>go from profreshsional to over achiever b/c of dcs
>be just last match
>final wave
>60 eggs
>we all disconnect

I feel like they added in new lines to make Pearl seem like a bitch instead of making Marina less of a bitch. I saw another along the same lines this morning where Pearl says about the same thing ("make sure Marina's not on your team if you want to win").


What is the best singleplayer level and why is it The Octogalaxy?

I literally just tested this to answer you and its about 1 main 1 sub

Get disconnected.

T-thanks Nintendo.

I love those grind rails so much.

Wonder why they waste stuff like that on a lackluster singleplayer campaign?

>she didn't refute
Marina confirmed for shitter

Why didn't you save her?

Happy birthday user. I hope your day gets better.

Mary-na or Ma-ree-nah?

cause I love Marie

Nintendo won't let me


>startup splatoon
>about to play regular battles
>"eh why not play a ranked battle"
>round starts
>ALL opponents got the gud glisten

Just remove my consciousness permanently

Anybody have a source?

I need that mug



Anyone up for some Profreshional SRs?


why am I in this pic



When then salmonids get internet access?

>not using the trislosher to get S+ in all rank modes
>not using an acceptable weapon for ranked in turf wars to rack up a huge ink count on that weapon
>not playing one round each of every ranked mode, win or lose, with the acceptable weapons so that people think you mained it to S+ in each mode

Cause you have a tendency to photobomb.

Want to have fun with randoms, or see if one other person wants to join?

Already have you added, we played salmon run together weeks ago. I'll play for a while

Fuckin' kirby. All this fuck does is sit in Salmon Run

If someone legit did this, they have some serious insecurity issues.

I want your cousin to fart in my face

why aren't you working /ink/? those eggs arent going to collect themselves you know

wow, Dynamo Roller might genuinely be the WORST weapon in the entire game

Nigga fuck you that is my weaponfu and I will fight you for her

Fuck the weapon selection in the current Salmon Run. The dynamo roller is great in the hands of someone who knows how to use it, but goddamn is it useless otherwise. I went from profreshional to overachiver, and it dropped me down from 99 tp 45 immediately. Waiting for the next rotation

I got my two super bonuses so grinding rank mode now

Chargers are sum pussy ass nigguz


Cough up more drink tickets and I'll get back to work.

tfw you can't use your weaponfu in TW

Wow, that was the biggest train wreck I've seen where we still cleared it.

honestly the goo tuber is worse
also damn that was close

Is today's SR using the new map?

The dynamo roller is so easy as soon as you realize you're the mob cleaner and should just roll around instead of focusing on bosses.

user, the next rotation is even worse:

>Spawning Grounds
>Clash Blaster
>Splattershot Pro
>Dapple Dualies


Same here.
Jesus Christ, literally no one can make it past Wave 2, already down to overachiever 20


What if you saw Pearl at booth at a convention, and no one was in line to talk to her and buy her CDs?

i don't think it's spawning grounds next, i know it says it in the stages list but i doubt they'd do a repeat
i think it's a placeholder for when the new map is officially released
also the only bad weapon in this is the squiffer

Marina's mixes are SHIT

>doing SR in inverted color mode
>get a fog round

Jesus Christ

I tend to do pretty good with the Jet in turf war. Still weird having multiple matches where I'm out turf shit like Aerosprays.

>buy her latest EP
>find out later that it's an mp3 burnt to disc

>Still weird having multiple matches where I'm out turf shit like Aerosprays.
That's exactly what I mean. The Jet Squelcher doesn't have much inking efficiency but they keep teaming me with the worst of absolute shitters and I can't carry them.

Talk to her and buy a CD

Also nervously offer to take her to a new cake shop

crack woomy

Woomy doesn't have bones. They're very soft and squishy.


marooner's is worse for special waves
they already did a repeat a few days ago
the dapple has really short range and the SS pro runs out of ink fairly quickly

Buy more hats.

too bad it takes 10 years to even start rolling

Maybe if you sold Callie's glasses I'd buy more.

SSP is literally a bad charger in the context of SR, and they already give you the Squiffer so you have two bad chargers, again in the context of SR

Splatoon 2 sold well enough to guarantee Splatoon 3 in 2 years. I hope they revamp it a bit more next time.

Squiffer is probably good for SR. You niggas is crazy. Next loadout seems fine.

Hard out there for Jet mains but nothing they can throw at me would make me give it up. Can get pretty frustration though I will admit.

I think the problem with the SSP is just that the squelcher outclasses it in every single way for SR

>Spend both Stingers on Mothership
>Turns out it was only wave 2
Not gonna that was a terrible idea on my part.

do the boys and girls share the same locker room?

I'm not sure what I prefer, nobody using beakons so they become my own personal fast travel option, or everyone using beakons so we are more efficient at the cost of all I'm doing is resetting them.

>Lobby is full with all 8 players
>Timer still counts down, waiting for players
End this fucking meme

I hate how the smallfry makes it impractical to flank the griller

>splashdown on flyfish
>nothing happens

yes and they FUCK

Just look at this bullshit, everyone was in this lobby for a full 120 seconds and it still did this

your splashdown has to somehow hit the inside of the bucket I think

post MOAR pls(also where do Ibuy plush?)

Fuck you my woomy isn't a slut

And they leave their eggs all over the place.

it wasn't actually mine but I'm sure the other guy did it when the basket was open

That shit happened to me 9 fucking times last night. Why is this allowed?

>Be next to basket with two choices
>Deliver golden Egg
>Revive teammates and die horribly
Good thing I choose the 2nd one, eh?

Reopening room

:^) must protecc

This is my last one
Amazon probably
There's one available in my country but it's Callie

already seen...
this is not your OC?