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Mermaid Sugofest Edition (Good luck)

previous thread : >General Guide: READ THIS IF YOU ARE NEW

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Just a reminder that you're fucking stupid if you don't do at least one multi on this batch. These characters are insane and you'll be waiting until Zou 2 for an equally good batch.

So when the fuck would anyone actually use Shyarly.
She doesn't negate the barrier, she just gives a normal, non-stacking class buff.


>current rotation: Chinjao, Kuro, Ms Valentine, Alvida, Apoo, Ben Beckman

>Aug 20 Sabo (YWB)
>Aug 21 Heracles'n+Usopp'n
>Aug 24 Duval
>Aug 27 MChopper

>Aug 15-29 Summer girls, Smoker-chan
>Aug 15-22 returning: Mr 2, Marguerite, Revolutionaries
>Aug 22-29 returning: Hogback, Perona, Young Arlong
>Aug 29-Sep 05 returning: Camie, Breed, Rumbar

>Turtle rush Aug 25 PSY, Aug 26 DEX
>Aug 22-26 Rayleigh with tomes
>Aug 22-29 Neo Aokiji
>Aug 22-28 Meat Snails and Special up x2


>current rotation: Orlombus, Smoker, Moria, Machvise, Kid, Paulie, Gin, Binz, Alvida, Rebecca, Wyper, Shura

>Aug 21 Enel
>Aug 25 Shiki
>Aug 28 Pica and Tesoro
>Aug 29 Akainu

>Aug 08-22: Neptune and Fukaboshi
>Aug 22-Sep 05: Sugar and Trebol
>Aug 17-24 returning: Tom, Tontatta, Sengoku
>Aug 07-28: TS Summer Robin, Aug 14-28: TS Summer Nami
>Aug 24-31 returning: Soul King, Law, Hogback
>Aug 31-Sep 07 returning: Shirahoshi, Wanze, Marguerite


>Aug 21-24: Turtle only FP sugo
>Aug 21-27: Super Success x2
>Aug 22-27: Evolver quests half stamina
>Aug 21-28: Double drop on punk hazard 2, and half stam on 1
>Aug 21-Sep 04: Anni Sanji manual island, chopperman missions
>Aug 24-28: Strawhat island
>Aug 24-28: 20th anni SUGOFEST
>Aug 24-Sep 04: Anni Zoro isle
>Aug 27-30: Special up x2
>Aug 30-Sep 04: Super succes x2
>Aug 29-30: Cola cavern
>Aug 31-Sep 04: Colored evo materials isle

It's not fair

I will pull.

She is extremely useful for Blackbeard.

I'm planning to use her on one of my Blackbeard team

hello, comrades.

I have just pulled mermaid legend girl.

How to I best make use of her, ty.

>Sub for the legend I want the most
I bet I pull her, just like I pulled pretty much every double primary class unit in the game.

Epic MayMay

Two Fukaboshis and 9 Dupes.

Seems like a bait sugo.

I did one more single and got a new Sugar. I'm super happy with this sugo.
I'm also happy I can get rid of 100 RCV candy on Corazon now.


>no fishfu
>no mansherry
>no new usopp
>no SW franky
>no intvankov
>no croc
>instead got a legend no one else has and ill never be able to use
just fucking kill me

>50 gems for a max level evolved Fukaboshi and that's literally it
>No other striker RR
>Raid on right now for a generally better unit
At least he's a carbon copy of brook so he goes down to 10 turns.

>1500 rp
>van dicky
Average multi

Syrup village batch sugo was kinda good for me

>One multi
>2 new legends
I think I should stop while I'm ahead.

I'll never pull SW Usopp.

Fuck, Shirahoshi has the most annoying voice second to Buffalo

ill end you

did one multi and some singles cause i got the boa after the first one still kinda new so not sure how well this is but i need units

This is a great singlepull

I've literally only used him as an impromptu blind remover, though realistically there's a ton of times I could've.
He's alright. Enormous attack regardless.

>they have five sockets
What the fuck

Get pumped for when Halloween returns I guess.

Fucking this, even Wanze's voice was more tolerable

How many batches until accomplices?
It's such a ridiculously quality batch. The worst is Heraclesun and he's still really decent for me personally.

Single then a multi. Only brook and Neptune are new

Single pull or five stamina refill to socket my legend aokiji?

stamina refill

When the fuck did I finish Coby? I swear I dont remember this.

Finally pulled a legend, feels great


>tfw the next new FN in line gives us his books
This will be fun

If you have Brook you can clear literally everything with some patience now.
Not even a lot of patience, turns are fast as when you're not attacking.
Good for skulls, bad for farming

You did very well. That Neptune alone is gold.

>Responding to shitposters

Mabel's /ourguy/, fuck off kid

I can't believe there's someone who could bring themselves to say this even ironically

idk man Shillew is basically a legend the nigga got a 100% clear rate

This is good right? Corazon is useful right?

no one's debating that

>It's a Corazonfest

Hope you haven't cleared all the forests yet

Better then expected, is jesus actually used for anything?

Only the mihawk one. Is he good for certain forests?

Forest god

King of the Forest

He's the zombie king. I just pulled him too so add me if you want. I'll leave him up every now and then.
201 493 084

Not anymore, Shirahoshi just took his spot.

>I'll just do one roll
>I'll roll until I get gold
>Fake Gold
>I'll roll until I get a real gold
>Fake Gold
>Dupe Gold
>Fake Gold

I just want to fucking kill myself why did I do this.....

Did I win or fall for the Bait Sugo? All are new

Except Ace, Ace and if that's the first form of bubble Khalifa are doubles

looks good to me, better than my pull.

I also got a Sharley

Minus Kuroobi, Got the summit war luffy from a single yolo

Honestly i expected worse.
No neptune though

They should guarentee you a fishman unit or anything off the banner as one pull.

Did anyone pull the mermaid princess?

Hello, I did.

>Make lightning fast Aokiji team that I'm really happy with
>3 levels off 21 copies
Thanks Aokiji.

ill punch you out larder

My friend did, which made me get excited and try a multi myself.

Highlighted are the new. I hate seeing more silvers than golds in these..

Gotta play to win my man

>Get Neptune
I really want to fucking smash your face in.

hehe sorry friend, i wish you luck in your pulls!

but good choice of gif! I pulled barto last sugo!

decent fighter booster if you dont have koala

So croc is my first legend, can someone spoonfeed me a little about what to do with him? He doesn't seem too straightforward.

Do I need a specific boat like Moby dick? Do I forget about AH socket for him since it's a bit counterintuitive?

unusable on real content without doffy

have fun having him sit in your box for 5 months

No AH, except maybe level 1.
You need 3D2Y Robin, Dr. Indigo, or Prison Buggy.
Other than that, Kuma, Heracles, and Colo Drake are your best friends.

>Wanted Shyarly & Vander Decken
>Got Nep Nep his mirrorworld ginger son & Google safesearchman Caribou
Why does God hate me and only me

this is my fucking aces feel

its freespirit and shooter boost and no one is pulling franky and especially not me i just wanna cry

you probably fuck kittens. and that's why he hates you and only you.

Neptune is a cheater unit who fucking cares

Will work on those, at least my Heracles is useable

Cheater unit? What?

Quick list every player with Neptune up so they can be blacklisted

Sugofest means time for my standard multipull. (* means new)

Story Luffy
Madam Sharley*
Madam Sharley

And +1 is


I hear Neptune was the one near everyone wants, so I guess I got lucky.

Are any of the beach units worth farming outside of maxing your favorite one piece lady?

>250 gems
>no mansherry
>no diamante
>no intvankov
>no franky
>no fishfu/doffy/marco/cora
>no van augur even
well im fucked

Violet is a f2p TS Nami, with some times where she's the better choice.
Perona might come up.
Aside that, wouldn't bother

Ah, she's the only one I've been focusing on so that's good fer me. Thanks, brother.

I wish her unevolved art wasn't a thousand times better.
Because I want to max her but don't want to evolve her.

How am I supposed to beat these Neo raids 30 times per level in one week?

I mean it comes seven times. So you only have to get 4-5 runs in a half an hour period.
Odds are if you can complete it you can manage that.
Still is an hour and a half day though.

>global got level up stamina overfill

Last version update senpai.

>dupe kizaru
I guess I can put rcv on this one

one piece 20th event /when/

So do people value Shirahoshi as a sub, because even though she has a great CA for zombie'ing I can't see her getting much use for a 2.5x CA in this modern meta.

3 multis trying to fish for Neptune.
Got 2x sharley as only unit from new batch.
Couple of new RR's and a only legend I didn't want to see, Hancock.

>evolved Sharley
>Dream Chaser Chopper
>Abdullah and Jeet
>v1 Zoro
>Vander Decken IX
>Impact Usopp
>Gecko Moria
I'm happy with this. Now where is my 20th anni sugo?

>Decken would make my Neo Aokiji team two turns faster
Colour me jealous

Went to Jpn acc to do a single pull after pretty disappointing multis from both and got vinsmoke sanji.

Is this real life?

yes, Japan is objectively better, we have been trying to tell you this

>vander decken
>van ogre

Feels pretty good. Though those fake golds did sting a little.

So I need 2 of red/blue/green dragons each to evolve my sugo haul. Is it better to farm everything from rainbow sanctuary or should I just do each dragon's respective sanctuary separately?

>no invasions on skill up week
The absolute jewery of bamco

>wake up
>no Pudding

3 multis, got a bunch of RRs I didnt have like Caesar, Ideo etc but no neptune and a dupe psy law, literally the only legend in the batch I had. Oh well, 5k ray ray points so i can get wild sanji and rocketman when they come and wont have to pick. Coulda been better but I'm not bummed.