League of Legends General - /lolg/

Fuck you lulufag edition


FACT: Vastayan's make the best sex slaves.

Jinx is the cutest

xth for breast metal waifu

Ezreal is going to turn into FOTM after his buff.

>cute boy
>league comes up, tells me he's master adc
>"ya plat is easy lmfao, q w me on my smurf and i get u diamond in no time :)"
>q w his smurf, he feeds 6 games in a row and constantly gets flamed for how bad he is
>"man that game was bs there was nothing i could do"
>i did well all 6 games, tons of honor, beat his damage every game playing tank champs
>go straight from 88 LP to 0 LP
>now im getting ~18 a win when I was getting almost 30 each win
>"dw, we'll get all that LP back on friday! hope youre ready to climb :)"
>tfw he is still cute
>tfw too desperate to tell him hes awful and im better off climbing alone

why are boys so terrible at league? desu i never asked for his "main's" info so its possible his plat account is his main account, but it feels super bitchy to make an accusation like that.

if i tell him he's shit and i dont want to play w him anymore will it ruin my chances w him? how do i let him down easy?

Name a better champion than Jinx.

Protip: You can't.

First, please stop using "w" when you mean "with"

Second, he's an idiot, and probably not worth your time


>rushing ornn item first


t. silver 4 ezreal who just convinced mommy to buy star guardian ezreal

>biggest breasts
>massive hips and ass
>long luxurious hair
>beautiful face
>not insane emotionally scarred from combat like almost everyone else in the league is
>pure of heart
>wants children
>basically the personification of femininity

how can other women in runeterra even compete?

>not dodging whenever a fucking retard goes ornn


adc is the best role


It's rarely just the ADC who carries, most ADCs are very reliant on having a support that knows how to trade in laning phase (in return supports also need their ADC to respond, though they are less likely to be fucked if their ADC does nothing).

Ever since 7.9 hit botlane had by far the most influence over games I noticed this since I was being stuck at diamond 3 instead of master / challenger as main solo top laner (and often my playstyle in teamfights revolved around shitting on the support / adc really fast). Meanwhile I take a look at what other high ranking toplaners are building from 7.11 or so onward and it was always stuff like knight's vow + locket because support items are insanely efficient.

>Ornn is either retarded and goes 2/12 thanks to his terrible early game
>Or his teammates get retardedly strong because of the upgraded items

I feel like doing bonus damage to shields really wouldn't be enough.

Having some means of pierce, be it an item or a champ, where say 25% of damage dealt cut through the shield and into the enemy's health would be best.
That way, you could at least get some of the trade in your favor against enemies that safely trade thanks to basic ability shields.

It may be too good to be an item though, especially on assassins.

this is his match history of our recent games

in that tristana game we won the enemy team had an olaf that was literally inting nonstop and xd'ing while talking about how shitty his school library internet was

he still managed to die several times in a trist/lulu lane to a bard/vayne lane and his lulu was getting so angry she was raging in all-chat about him.

is cute!

it's not like she can't communicate in other ways

ADC is the cuckold role. Even Support requires bigger balls because they actually have to roam and make plays and shit. ADC is spending 20 minutes right clicking minions then the rest of the game right clicking whatever enemy Champion is closest to you. Literally the only skill required is "not accidentally walking into melee".

Just tell him you'd rather climb on your own power but you'd be down for playing some normals with him sometime.

please stop posting this image

if i wanted to be upset about the left i would be on pol right now

I fucking wish ADC was that easy, then more people could do it without going 0/5/0 in my botlanes before 20 minutes

>Draven rushes molten Edge instead of getting QSS against Sej and WW

>First game of promos
>Top Laner instalocks Vayne

If it's so easy why haven't you ridden it to diamond? Plenty of others have

>actual biggest breasts
>thiccest champion in general
>long flowing hair
>ace bounty hunter
>pirate captain
>has actual depth and grew from her trials as a child
>good person deep down
>wants my children
>best character in the game

she competes easily

So, lolg I just played my first Ornn game, it was kinda fun, the champ is not busted like everyone tought, I didn't got feed but got a lot of assists, like a tank.
He's pretty much what I was expectim him to be, a tank who tanks and has CC, nothing else.
Ult is kinda easy to hit at first but not that easy to recast (hit back the ram).
In lane I was against an Urgot and he outCSed me but didn't kill me a single time.
It's interesting and he can stay on lane for a long time.
But his passive isn't as busted as you may think it is, you have to back for heal, mana and stuff.
So, yeah, that's all I guess.
He's fun and that's my last word.
I got Beathunter Tryndamere skin from my Ornn chest btw.

>this is what MF fags actually believe

>kassadin vs malzahar
>rush QSS
>proceed to lol

The reason they go 0/5 is because they try to make plays. They try to do what literally any other lane can do instead of farming minions like a happy cuckold. ADC is ranged Nasus except minus the cool lategame where you feel all powerful and shit.

Because I'm a masochist and refuse to play anything that isn't challenging. If I'm not struggling every single game then I'm not having fun.

League is dead. Almost half of the fan base quit.

Best girl.
Best smile.
Best wife.

wouldnt surprise me, its a very violent stressful game

I want to go swimming in Lulu.

No. Riot fucked the game so hard.
You know is shit when we have a whale octopus lady and that ugly bitch Taliyah

something tells me this guy isn't masters lmao

t. top lane main that feeds every game and blames his bot lane

How's silver?

Why is it ALWAYS bot lane

>The day Sonafags got completely exposed

Go back to supporting me, healslut.

>someone on my team picks jinx
>0/3 by 6 minutes

>makes pointless post with no support
>then complains about Illaoi and Taliyah

Keep your /pol/ opinions on /pol/

If you're 0/9 in a 20m game you need to uninstall

I don't want to see your face ever again

>People think ADC is as easy as people meme it is and get d/stroyed by someone who actually mains it
>Support is autofill and is actively trying to end the game faster
>ADC thinks they're bot lane Faker and refuse to believe otherwise after feeding 3 deaths
>Support thinks they're Madlife and refuses to believe otherwise after landing 1 in 5 hooks and going straight in to their deaths

Pick one

Post QT star guardians!

just got to d5 promos what am I in for

>last game of promos
>autofilled support doesn't buy wards for 25 minutes
>adc locks Lucian, then tells us that he's never played him before

What does it mean to get Jinxed?

>autofilled support doesn't buy wards for 25 minutes

Getting hit in the head so hard you turn retarded

It's basically jinx's origin story

No one plays league anymore. Check the stats. Player base in down 50%
It's true, sweetie

Check what stats, where?


Use Google, sweetie

>projecting your opinions of Sona onto Sonafags
>then saying they got exposed


>Use Google
>Player base is actually on the rise

I'm too lazy. The burden of proof is on you, and if you don't do the work for me then I'd rather just assume you're making it up for (you)'s.

Whoops I meant sightstone, but still

General Grievous champ when?


Best Girl coming through

itachi champ when?
saint seya champs when?

>Pick my boy Brand for support
>Looking to ignite some fools
>Their support has N O mr runes

Who even is that?

>Saint Seya


xth for Syndra
Fuck off

>I had a Xerath do this to me
>He had Ignite too

>I was Fizz and he picked into me

I don't think I've ever been disrespected that hard before.

why the fuck do artists put Sona's body on champions that don't look like that at all?

Syndra already looks great as it is, why ruin it with your shitty fetish?

Why user? I just wanted to post some Syndra since I am home from Uni. Hope your day has gone better

You're definitely a redditor for sure. Kys
Riot killed the game 2 seasons ago.
LCS is dead. There's one source

Why is the hitbox for Kled's Q so unbearably tiny? It destroys any chance of Keld being viable.


Dunno user. Just posting what images I have. Sorry you don't care for it. I agree with you though. That's why I don't post that image that often.

>LCS is dead. There's one source
Then post it

Also LCS may be dying but the game itself is doing fine.


Can you just stop and back the fuck off for good

>LCS is dead
>franchising coming for NA
>EULCS is getting fucking nothing
well you're half right i guess

How soft are Syndra's feet?

Can you just stop and fuck off for good

Okay user. I won't post in reply to you again. I may occassionally post Syndra though. Good bye. Regardless hope you have a good one

Shit that pisses you off when other people play your main

>Irelia's that don't build attack speed

LCS being dead means less players, hun
Blame the whale

>enemy draven is a duo with ori
>she constantly roams bot and feeds him free kills
>sees we have a malzahar
>uses his entire lead on mercurial
>ends the game with the most deaths on his team

Like, I get if you like thicc girls, people can like what they want. But there's plenty of champions that are actuall thicc, let those of us who like slender women enjoy it.

it just annoys me how so many artists substitute an actual quality drawing for throwing giant tits and ass to appease the shallow 15 year olds.

She is so beautiful, but I'm a shitter and I'm afraid she'll be hard to use. I'm most comfortable using Shyvana, how is she to best waifu?

Just stop

what does /lolg/ thinks about the neckbeard master imqtpie?

I agree. It's a shame the artists don't seem to however.

Is Q>E>W the best max order for Ornn support?

that just gave me an idea

what if we had a champion who gained bonuses based on the class of champion he killed? like killing tanks gave him bonus armor/mr. killing assassins made his mobility spell increase in range/give him bonus MS. killing marksmen gave him bonus AD/more range his abilities/+50 bonus auto range.

obviously they would only get one of the bonuses, the slashes are just more ideas and possibilities. they would ideally be a jungler and would function like kindred. Mark your main target and you steal something from their class. To not make it a one time thing he could kill other champions and would gain a lesser buff

like, he tags their ADC and gains bonus range on his spells. If he kills an assassin, instead of getting extra range on his dash or whatever he'd just get some extra MS.

Not sure what the fuck I'm smoking but this idea just popped into my head

pic not related.

>old urgot
>people that take deathfire
>people that do the static manamune > cleaver > frozen heart build even when ahead or against full mage teams

>LCS being dead means less players, hun
>Blame the whale
I'm going to ask you one more time

Post your source to back up your claim.

She's already stupidly strong by just getting Trinity Force and building tank.

>people pick tank supports after banning janna to fuck over me

>I just pick Vel'koz and fry them dead

PFFFFFFFFFFTha good try retard

>jungler picks kayn
>has mastery 5
>has skin
>doesn't ganks or gets out of jungle until minute 13
>all lanes were pushed to our towers during all this time
>mid and top enemy laner didn't had flash
I'm so fucking frustrated by this
How's there so many fucking retards that don't know how their champion works.

>Mundo doesn't rush HP

>miss E stun
>ruin whole play
I had to quit using her
Liss is just as cute