Heroes of the Storm General - /hotsg/

Minions, servants, soldiers of the cold dark Edition

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>Kel'thuzad; The Lich Lord of The Plaguelands, Commander of The Dread Necropolis, Master of the Cold Dark, Founder of the Cult of The Damned, Former Member of the Council of Six, Creator of the Abominations, Betrayer of Humanity, Summoner of Archimonde, Archlich of Naxxramas, Majordomo to The Lich King, and Hearthstone enthusiast announced!

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Maiev, where art thou

I want Dreadlord Jaina's big fat bumpy demonic D I C K !

>find Pajamathur
>expect him to run away immediately, making me weave through minions if I want to get him so I didn't feel like attacking
>he doesn't
>free dunk
Pajamathurs are dummies.

fuck off reddit


She is not even in the latest legion cinematic, you are in for a long wait

>M-muh ribbit
>D-d-do I fit in guise?

Doesnt matter

Kelthuzad hasnt been relevant for a decade and made it in because of fans, lore means nothing


>Anything I don't like is rebbit
>I-I'm cool rite?

I forgot how much stuns ruin this game


stuns and protected

I mean stuns are needed for obnoxious fast characters and shit, but yeah P R O T E C T E D can fuck off with how dumb it's getting.

its like they put in a special search algorithm to include nova into every single QM I play as falstad.

I'd be fine if the remove stuns in combination with dashes.

>level 15
>84 stacks
jesus christ just take sieging wrath, it is the equivalent of 200 tfb stacks and easy as pie to complete before 10

We're surprisingly dead for how good the game is right now. And how much we have to be excited about.

Since Kel flies, I don't need a mount for him, but what sprays and announcers work?

Anything skeleton/undead/Kel'thuzad related and Kel thuzad announcer

what the fuck is the point in having spray or announcer "match" your hero
mount makes sense, and banner at least shows up in the score screen now
but those two are stupid


>not roleplaying in a pvp moba game

I just had a retarded Chen throw a game that we could have won by 21m by dragging it to 35m.
I'm fucking mad.
We had an open core at 23%, their whole team wiped out but Valla, I ping core and no one fucking comes, then at the end we had a final tribute at 2/3 for each team and the Chen is jerking off top so we get wiped out 4v5 bot.

So you won... but not fast enough? Stop being a shit.

no, we lost at minute 35 despite being in a winning position since minute 21.

Why isnt anyone ever in RP or roleplaying chats?

That happens way too much
>12 minutes in enemy has two gotta left at less than a quarter health while we have all of ours up
>31 minute mark we lose

snowball comeback is a thing but my match was lost literally because the Chen refused to go core and later refused to come tribute

Alright gentlemen, time to brainstorm up the Real Tauren Chieftain's kit, Cairne Motherfuckin' Bloodhoof.

Give him Garrosh's kit, make garrosh more offensive like Sonya

would rather see him have Warstomp and some ancestral/spirit themed abilities, maybe tied to his totems he can drop (although this isn't part of his original kit, it's a cool concept to tie into him)

Wouldn't even be mad if he had his WC3 kit, change his aura to a talent then make his E some totem of protection.

Buffer that uses wardrums to increase attack speed, slams totem on ground to make mini thrall eathquake in a cone, baseline healing totem and passive could be a small aoe micro stun like the tauren passive from WoW.
One of his ults could be dropping his support skills and go full rip and tear for a short duration

>change his aura to a talent
how about his Endurance aura is his Heroic Trait and it gets amped up everytime he casts a spell?

You know, I kind of wonder if they'll do Cairne or Baine, one of them is coming at some point, but which one's more likely, Cairne for the OG tauren or Baine to make up for fucking him out of an entire zone in Legion thanks to allybabby crying.

Baine looks great in art so he would make a fine hero, the problem is his lore presence is weaksauce in the game.

Q- War stomp- low damage aoe silence
W- Earth mother's blessing- Heal over time that is cut off if damaged, like the talented for of Zul'jin
E- Targeted charge that stuns heroes between his target
Trait- Plains runner- instead of a mount if he is out of combat for ten seconds he starts to move at near mounted speed, Using War stomp from this state give him a target-able leap, using charge from it doubles the distance

R1- Totems of War and Peace- Throws the totems off his back giving an aoe armor and spell power buff
R2- Rune master-passive- Basic attacks now have one of four added attacks that rotate, burn dot, chain spark, block, and slow

Trait: Endurance aura increases % of (Insert stat here) for every 1000 damage taken without dying. So like Zagara's range buff talent but gives you a reason to take hits from minion waves or shots for a tower. Although I can see shitters going in claiming they're trying to buff the aura but going in to die.

>ten seconds
oh god that's bad

just make him ass shaker, i mean, garrosh is basically tiny.

why ass shaker over the real deal?
Earth Splitter was dope

He really is the most underdeveloped character, at least compared to kel thas and thrall, hell, even some of the alliance leaders, notorious for having shit for lore, are more fleshed out than Baine

shit the casuals who play this game complained about varian's 2.25s stun being OP, you really think they would accept a fucking earthshaker

unless blizz cut off his dick and replaced all his stuns with bullshit like "slow enemies by 10% for 1 second", which i wouldn't put past them actually

Literally the worst hero in this game. Stupid fucking gimmick and nothing else.

because the chieftain's ultimate was reincarnate, and shockwave and war stomp wouldn't be particularly interesting in hots

you could probably do something neat with endurance, though i dunno about that one user's idea of making it stack on taking damage

>t. misses all his Qs and only uses throw on creeps or the enemy muradin

lol, early game I destroy the enemy team with throws, but he has nothing going for him. His damage is crap. His health is crap. His passive is crap. He's not a brusier, and he's by far the worst tank.

I like what I've seen of him but I'm keeping my JEWels for based KT

You guys know this is basically a boomerang that can blend in with its surroundings, right?

well, given that kael's hilarious living bomb shenaniganery got nerfed, we most definitely wouldn't get echo stomp, but i could see some form of his wall happening

I'm talking about Tauren Chieftain aka Elder Titan.

aka Johnny Goodman of Goodman and Goodman, I knew I'd find his tracks here.

best part of his dota kit was controlling the ancestral spirit.

He's only as good as his team. There are infinitely better picks if you want to do what he tries to do (ie. tank).

Both his ults are forgettable. Varian does the same thing with taunt and he actually does damage and can avoid damage. Decimate is so fucking worthless, it should be a crime. Literally all he does successfully is -maybe- reposition a hero, but since throw doesn't prefer heroes (which is stupid), it's at risk of losing all its usefulness. After throw, he's just a limp auto attacker with arguably the worst damage out of all the tanks.

In fact, except for his first level talent quest, he has nothing to increase his damage potential, so he can't even build that way.

It's irritating, because he's actually kind of fun because of his gimmick, but he brings nothing else to the table, and a huge liability late game where his throw loses a lot of utility (throw behind a wall or whatever).

Fuck, man. He's just not worth playing.

oh, elder titan. ehhh. don't think we'd see anything like that, though a sleep would be nifty. the ultimate definitely wouldn't make it in, a spirit clone -might- depending on which tauren chieftain we get. more likely with cairne than with baine

>more likely with cairne than with baine
but what if Baine summons his dad's spirit? lol

sadder words were never left untranslated into japanese

>wonder how people die to butcher
>do 2 QMs

It makes sense now.

i mean wasn't baine's contribution to the story fucking up everything and dying? maybe he'd just commit sudoku for one of his abilities and summon his own spirit

Garrosh would be fine if they fixed the indicators/hitboxes to be accurate

youtube.com/watch?v=h8JKdvxuztw good li li music, make sure you pop ult at 38s

>listening to music while playing

Playing a new build. Body Check helps with his severe lack of damage, and there's a 20 talent for an extra charge. It's probably the most useful build so far.

Personally I'm not super interested in Garrosh being high tier since he's so annoying and attracts so many actual autists who feel entirely justified griefing their teammates for not playing "correctly."

Report for afk nothing happens, report for feed and nothing happens, allow silenced players to keep trolling.
I wonder why the game is dead.

The only thing I think he needs, and would make up for literally every one of his faults, is if there was a talent, or maybe just an addon to his passive, the helps mitigate spell damage. That's it. That's really all I want him to have, despite everything else.

I use the LiLi spray and announcer for everyone.

Except Varian never picks taunt because losing is more fun. Very nice of them to add troll ultimates to the game so your team can grief you without breaking any rules.

last time i checked Grubby said he gets spell armor, am i mistaken?

Apparently that's the case. Clearly not enough though, because he's still a shit tank.

Then what will become of Diablo shadow charge?

>Like D'va's design and gameplay
>Voice and personality is so obnoxious i can't force myself to play her
Why did they think gamer gurl is a good character archetype is beyond me.

>Like D'va's design and gameplay
neck yourself

She's Korean so hearing her speak in full sentences would be a mistake

How the fuck did that slug survive a nuke direct hit?

Nukes deal 2.7k damage + 50% in the center, but a max of 30% pf any hero's life. Aba takes like 200-400 damage tops from those.

>the problem is his lore presence is weaksauce in the game.
That's just Tauren in general.

>Decimate is so fucking worthless
>An AoE attack that slows and knocks 20% damage off everyone it hits if you're building right
>He can also do it constantly in fights and it comes back faster everyone he hits

How do you enjoy yourself in QM?


Pick Nova, Valeera, Illidan and similar heroes and rofl-stomp people that don't know how to group.


ALL the blizzard designers are currently in livestream chat at

twitch.tv slash twitch

talking about the games.

Handsome Medivh when?

But why


Guys, i want to impergnate Garosh.

I want to get Probius pregnant

why the FUCK is blackheart's bay allowed to stay in rotation if it's a thousand times worse than hanamura?

Well that has to be messing up the time stream

Because it isn't. PAY THE FUCK UP

I want to get Uther pregnant

So what's the point of Lucio? He's a piece of garbage unless the enemy forgets to draft some kind of engage and has 0 stuns on their team.

Can Malthael be a cute girl?

Same reason shit like towers of doom are allowed.

Lucio is a slippery fairly high sustain 'team' healer, that can either help peel and keep people out of the enemy team, or he can speed his team up and make some shit real scary (diablo walking at you at >mounted speed for flip+charge isolation, butcher running at you stupidly fast, arthas running at you stupid fast).

His two ultimates are primarily utility oriented, one being an increase to his healing with optional aoe damage and slow, and the other providing a big shield to shut down things like ring of frost + apoc wombo combo's.

He's honestly a lot better than people give him credit for, but his primary issue is fights where neither team moves (eg, braxis holdout).

Auriel - dumb shit bitch, voiced by nigger, refuses to help IMPERIVS
Brightwing - pretty nice helpful animal
Cassia - literally SJW
Chromie - cute but actually a dragon so disgusting
D.Va - gook bitch SJW superhero gamer girl fantasy
Jaina - piece of shit super traitor bitch, helps kill her own father, ignores Scourge in Stratholme, fucks with dragons
Johanna - extremely disgusting woman trying to be a man, SJW hairstyle
Kerrigan - piece of shit super traitor bitch who thinks her revenge should matter
Li Li - nice girl I would drink her tea and say thanks li li
Li-Ming - fucking disgusting gook shit bitch thinks too highly of herself + mega slut
Lt. Morales - nice woman I guess but seems like she is overweight on her portrait, should take care of her health
Lunara - disgusting shit bitch degenerate supertrash also thinks she is the best, cause she is the literal who daughter of Cenarius
Lucio - gay nigger tranny DJ
Nova - super disgusting race mixing piece of shit, all she does is fart and get fucked
Sgt. Hammer - same as Lt. Morales
Sonya - would suck her cock
Sylvanas - the worst bitch ever disgusting pile of shit thinks her unlife should matter
Tracer - most subhuman char ever, lesbian pile of shit, disgusting body, haircut and personality
Tyrande - down's syndrome piece of shit, 10k+ yrs old but is super fucking dumb bimbo, nigger accent
Valeera - super shit slut fucked by orcs, disgusting personality
Valla - ok I guess but shit voice, should talk less this fucking bitch
Zagara - nice pleasant mother but really disgusting alien freak
Zarya - same as Johanna

the problem is that damage values are calculated with a snapshot of his armor. so like, if you eat a dragon's eye W from chromie at 100% HP, you take full damage.

his armor trait is supposed to make up for his low ass HP but there's still heroes that burst hard enough that it's like he doesn't have armor at all

or just having a shit team that never commits to a fight. he's really not that far off from being a dive support, your team has to go hard for you to get the most of his kit.