/scg/edg/ Star Elite: Citizen Dangerous General #192

ED info:

Open Beta for 2.4 is up soon, you should be able to access it through launcher if you're a PC player.

Announcement vid /w contribution from our lord braben: youtube.com/watch?v=PX49v8zYutI

>Frontier Official YT

Star Citizen Information:

It is the standing Recommendation of /scg/ that if your game package contains an Aurora MR, Aurora ES or Mustang Alpha you would be well served to upgrade it to an Aurora LN. It's only like ten bucks and provides a significant increase in firepower and survivability without any real downsides.
Be aware, this is the gateway drug to wasting your life savings on spaceship jpegs, keep your discipline and don't upgrade further unless you specifically want to buy Ben more eyeballs(and cheese), finance Sandi's dreams of being a C grade actor, fuel Chris's cocaine habit and send Erin and Brian into crippling inescapable depression.


>Star Citizen Official YT

>Other games:

Above is a pastebin of games you can play while waiting for SC and E:D to become playable.
However these games are not the topic of this thread.

Old and Busted:

Other urls found in this thread:


>>is there a /scg/ org?
fuck off plex

You're not going to win this, plexie-kun.

the rules are on my side shill and for the nth time I'm not that literal furfaggot. Make your own NMS general if there are so many of you that want to talk about it.

>postcount doesn't rise
at least change your IP, plex.

>it's a Vederation episode

No thank you. Ved is cancer.

No no man sky; no thread O7 sage too new friends O7

fuck you op stupid dog fucker

You're all so childish, make your own thread. It isn't hard. This isn't you schools where is you "protest" long enough you just get handed what you want.

Is there any more solid data on the Origin 600$ yet?

>shitposter is asking about buying a 600 dollar-doo jpeg
Welp, that explains a lot. It's not a dad; just a cultist.

/scg/ has existed since like Nov or Dec 2012, in some form or another. I have been here since then. I wasn't in the first threads but I was in the first couple weeks.

Why would that make me a hypocrite? I'm an SC poster not an /edg/elord.

>poster count doesn't rise
nice false flag dad

gee maybe thats because a couple faggots are spamming sages, throwing a tantrum because they're not getting their way.

>throwing a tantrum

You're not seeing the slightest bit of irony here, are you?

I'm not the one coming into an existing thread and making self serving demands. I am the one resisting unjustified demands. There is no tantrum being thrown on my part, I am simply not giving you what you are demanding without right.

You cant stand the fact that there's more than just a few who want NMS plax

Thank you for being the official spokesperson of /scg/, faggot.

then make you own thread, nothing stops you. Why are you obsessed with hijack this thread for your game.
This is /scg/edg/ a snarrow focus, specific thread for two extremely similar games, which has existed for years. This is not NMSG, go make nmsg.

>plaxinov in full autistic fury over inane shit

everything is per usual

Thanks for bumping my thread but I'm still not plaxinov.

Don't give him reasons to bump his shit thread via autism. Just make a new general; there's literally 6 fucking people in this one and it's slow as fuck due to fear of autistic screaming.

I like posting this image.

Reminds me how big elite ships are and how they don't feel big since you're staring out of the cockpit all the time. Why even bother making them so big in the first place then?

No man's sky general!

They seem about the same size to me.

What do the four galaxy choices in the NMS ending do? If it's a reset, do I get to keep my shit like a new game plus? Or is everything wiped?

I don't even care about planets and shit. I just want to be a space trucker with some fps here and there. MAKE IT HAPPEN WOBBETS

improved thread 100% less furfags

That will hopefully be playable in sc fairly soon. Mechanics of space truckery are mostly sreaightforward, though I'm sure CIG will find some way to delay it and concept out three more spacetruck jpegs during the process.

E:D OP still needs an Update, please reply to OP with E:D related information the belongs there so It can be included in the next OP, I've been copy pasting the same E:D information for like six months.

There's a point where you have to stop, plex.

And you have long passed it.

Hopefully there will be something worth getting hype over on friday, I want to be hype for SC again but it's been so long since anything worth it was delivered.



Yes, CIG are incompetent kikes who both cant set or hit realistic release targets and also muddle those targets further by letting marketing dept fucking with dates too. We know.

Blame Chris.

Im beginning to.
At first I blamed sandi and ben entirely, but he keeps tolerating it when its become very clear the damage their ideas have caused.

I have a feel that the GaymesCON presentation on Friday is gonna be lackluster and half of it is gonna be their austimo spectrum shit... AGAIN.

Lackluster and full of tall tales about Capital ship battles before the end of 2017.

If they don't fuck it up with hardware/access issues and don't agressively sanitize private channels, I think spectrum actually has the potential to be very cool/useful software. It has the Cross platform connectivity of Battle.net, which as much as the rest of blizz is going down the toilet, the ability to always get in contact with someone via B.net is great, better even than steam for contacts, spectrum looks to be even better in that regard than B.net with web integration on top of game and mobile, Like EVE, in SC being able to always get in contact with org members will be highly important, and unlike EVE we won't need to share cell numbers with people to do it becasue everyone can just have something logged in on the spectrum chat app. Combine that with the multumedia functionality of Discord, which spectrum will have, and you have the recipe for an actually good integrated game comms platform.

While most of spectrum's content is unregulated autism, the underlying software itself does look promising to the point where I don't dread them talking about it. It has potential.

So can someone summarise what in the actual fuck we got out gamescom?

It ain't over yet bud.
The real stuff comes outta the presentation of Croberts taking stage on Friday.

Nothing at all yet.
Stuff we already knew about. The new stuff will be friday.

Thanks. Would explain why I cannot find anything on plebbit and I dont want to visit the spectrum.

Why wouldn't you want to officially put yourself on the spectrum, user?

Maybe we'll get to so some of the new infantry weapons on friday, supposedly F42 has been churning em out.

No one gives a shit about the fucking guns, motherfuckers here and there want motherfucking 3.0 but we ain't gonna get it until we reach 200 million are we??

I give a shit about the guns....One of the key things that separates SC from E:D is infantry combatand space legs eheheh. And the promise of seamless space to atmo to ground travel and combat is one of SC's biggest selling points.

star marine is shit. they don't have the mechanics to make it fun to do boarding action. they have a mediocre call of duty game where you die in ~5 hits

Pretty Jpeg guns are shit if there's no fucking gayme god fucking dammit.

You're not wrong, but the ground game will get boring realy fast if theres only like 6 jpeg guns in it. Imagine if in 3.0 there was only AR, Laser AR, Laser Marksmans rifle, Plasma shotgun and two pistols, like in SM right now. It would suck balls,and one of the(several) reasons SM sucks balls is because of that very same lack of loadout variation.

Trust me, anyone with a fucking brainstem could live with the old shitty lookin' guns if the rest of 3.0 is there and actually fucking works.
But fuck it, none of the shit matters until we actually get to sit down with the shit.

>Why wouldn't you want to officially put yourself on the spectrum, user?
The same reason I dont fill my foreskin with broken glass then then hit my dick with a hammer.
>Maybe we'll get to so some of the new infantry weapons
>That pic
>angled magazine
>that close to ejector port
What in the absolute fuck?!? Who would be that fucking retarded to design that?
Oh... nevermind

theres not just reworked old guns coming though, theres actual new guns too. the gemini manufacturer is supposedly being fast tracked with like 5 different guns, the P8 series I think will be in 3.0 and the Kastak guns are either done or near done. Stuff like Pic related gives my inner /k/ommando a massive hardon.

So we'll have a huge range of shittily designed but cool looking guns and no game to fire them in...


>The same reason I don't fill my foreskin with broken glass then then hit my dick with a hammer.
I guess sarcasm doesn't translate well in text. I'm an org leader with like 40 actual non spam invited active members and I never EVER post on spectrum. We do have our own forums and TS though since we existed in other games prior to SC.

Just to play devil advocate here, it could be a caseless gun, making the ammo smaller, with rounds stacked parallel to the barrel ina staggered readward column like steps. Its would be over complicated and violate a lot of engineering principles, but it could work. I'm sure someones made mag that way not that it would ever be an actual good idea.

There will be planetside, 0g and ship to ship things to do in 3.0, and we wont have any of this shit till 3.0 at the earliest anyway.

I'm just trying to find something to be mildly excited about man, it's hard right now.


Then your gun melts.

The 'blackpill' here is that we'll have to wait for 3.1 before we can actually play with friends without it being a goddam cluster fuck and lawd only knows when 3.1 will rear it's fucking head 18 months MINIMUM after 3.0's release.

nonsense. this is the future

Thermodynamics just up and decides to fuck off in the future?

I'm at the booth.

All that exposed metal and weird circle shit on gemini guns are a MUH FUTUR cooling system, to deal with exactly that(heat dissipation in SPESS) issue.

I hope that all these tiny ass buttons they're putting into cockpits can be hotkeyed so I don't have to try to find them with a mouse every time.

>two barreled gun
>heat from bullets charges maser

no but the unobtanium we found on planet magicmetalistan is a thermal superconductor and when combined with the rare high density supercapacitor handwavium of the FREEDOM GROUP asteroid belt lets us create a compact heat capture and ejection system which allows us to fire near indefinitely in vacuum while also [s]double[/s] tripling the price.

Hurl some mashed potatoes at Homeless Santa!

this idea is good too.

>Stuff like Pic related gives my inner /k/ommando a massive hardon.
and by that you mean you're a no-guns shit that posts on /k/, and think that design is good

>1 vagina in entire picture
looks legit

I literally have like 30 rifles in my house.
Who wouldnt want a hand held drum fed minigun?
Who care if it magdumps in 2 seconds or barely aimed ineffective fire, those two seconds would be AWESOME.

I see at least two.

Must be the same shit that lets ED ships fly right into the atmosphere of a fucking star.

>Who wouldnt want a hand held drum fed minigun?
That design?
Anyone that knows how miniguns work
Anyone that knows how sight radius works
Anyone that knows how weight works
>>>>>>>thumbhole stock

I really wish the heat of stars would be more pronounced in elite. you have to be right up in their ass for it to matter.

that longhair at the back could just be a hippy midget guy. though in saying that the one sitting at a pc wearing female clothes could also be a guy it is in germany after all.


its year 2948 dude it just works

right is clearly a guy. I think the "pink" shirt is just a white or beige one discoloured by the shitty phone camera.

i think the middle is a guy
a guy with a ponytail would be not at all out of place at a german gaming convention

You're not wrong. I'm just giving SCs guns a little bit of a tech pass becasue they're clearly at least trying to stay plausible with the ballistics mechanical function.

The better question is when are we going to get high power semi-automatics, either ballistic or laser. I want a las rifle with power packs that recharge in the sun dammit.

Jaw shape is feminine, or just like the most unfortunate guy ever. One of my sisters has a fairly similar face shape.

Getting closer

is it just going to be the same deathmatch map again?


yesterday it was just random deathmatch on an empty bit of desert

Its the surface and orbit Daymar, do whatever the fuck you want "mode"

>do whatever you want
the only thing you can do is deathmatch and find physics bugs

Gemini is expensive AF.

>thats what they told

Can star marine be used to farm uAC and REC or whatever currencies you guys have? Or is that just a thing of races?

>oh look, this crap again

M8. Interference will be minimum and you will only see it for the following 4 - 5 threads tops. It quickly fades away after patches. That game begins to suck after some hours due to the grind. People get tired easily.

(Wake me up inside)

>Can star marine be used to farm uAC and REC or whatever currencies you guys have? Or is that just a thing of races?

aUEC is used for the PU only, repairs and re-buying destroyed ships and such.

REC is for renting equipment and ships, can earn that in any multiplayer ship mode like VS/PS/BR/SB combat or racing

You don't earn anything in Star Marine.

>+1 for best farmer

How do you figure? that cant hardly kill anything. Hows that better at farming than a Superhornet or sabre, which can just quickly and reliably murder whatevers in front of it.

SC looks pretty fun with planets and other players desu. I can only hope they have some decent missions, anti air units and stuff so you can do milsim stuff

>milsim stuff
actually end yourself, user.

uhhhhhh literally the whole SQ42 and most of SC lore is military shit

M50 is the best REC farmer in racing, by a lot. The 350r is almost as fast, but a lot larger and harder to fly.
You can make your re-rental in around a hour and stack ridiculous REC in a week long rental.

Thats not milsim though you dope

>they literally patched it overnight (78 GB) to show off re entry effects

Is that from the stream?

They desperately need to figure out how to patch the game without requiring a re-download.