/mbgg/ - Mobage General #755

This general is for discussing the less popular mobage (Mobile Games). Games whose Veeky Forums generals wouldn't last a day or two on their own and games that are not popular enough for their own general. Typically these are Japanese only games.

>Current English Games
Potion Maker, Terra Battle, Panzer Waltz, Valkyrie Connect, Astral Stairways, King's Raid

>Current Foreign games
Battle Girl High School, Shironeko Project & Tennis, Warship girls, Shoumetsu Toshi, Girls Frontline, Alternative Girls, Destiny Child, #Compass, Tagatame, Houkai Impact, Tenka Hyakken, Azur Lane, Tales of Rays.

>For a complete list of games played in the thread and more information about them, please read this:

If looking for game recommendations or suggestions on what to play, please check the above docs. This docs is regularly updated with games and has all the games discussed on the thread.

>Help! The game I want to play is not available for download on the store:
Read this for information on how to find APKs or getting around region locks.

>Upcoming mobage doc

>Previous thread:
Remember to REPORT and IGNORE shitposters. Replying to them only helps them shit up the thread and makes you as bad as them

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Don't eat your sister's pudding!

>Shoes that let you shove your heel into G11's face with every step

Is that image with the evening dress event the one that turned WA2000 and Springfield into a ship or did it come after?

>singlememe turned into Napoleon
For once the scratch ticket didn't disappoint.

What game is that from?

>We want you to join kusoge(sinoalice) guild

nvm, found it. Can't way to start rerolling for that unit in Uchihime

>inb4 finds out it's a limited unit

tenka apk update is out

>rerolling in Uchihime

Well, if I'm not wrong Uchi Hime allows you to re-roll without having to delete any files or anything.

Good luck user, the game is not worth it.

oh no... what's wrong with the game?

It came before. The White Album 2 meme came from the Christmas costumes.

I remember an edit of this with Springfield as Setsuna, WA2k as Touma and Commander as MC.

>Going through houkai story to get to arc 5
>Bronya betrays the team not once but twice
>They still let her come back like nothing happened

This bitch should stay bad forever and give 1.7 to someone better

I for one, can't wait for 1.7 and get that delicious plump S costume.

She's going to shoot you in the back when you're not looking

We both know that the power of friendship is going to win the day, even if this is only imitation Jap shit instead of real Jap shit.

So is she going to be free from the weird nurse that's brainwashing her with that mind prison at the end of 1.7?

No clue but from what I could understand from not being able to decipher these runes, it goes like this

>Hey there's this girl that could betray us all at any second
>Lets include her in all our teams and make her part of our groups!

I don't think even friendship shows are dumb enough to trust someone who fooled them twice already but maybe it'd be less dumb if I could actually read it.

Can't find the specific edit but I did find this.

How much longer do I have to wait for part 2 EO in Tagatame?

Not quite whats happening yeah

September 1 so 7.5 days.


>People getting shit rolls using IAP currency.

I wonder what does it feels like to get shit rolls using real money.


Does this mean we're getting the fundoshi, the meme ticket and the nigger frags?

This one is different from that one.



No princess no roll

Am I supposed to take advantage of this somehow despite being f2p?

I'd suggest saving your cubes to 5-step princess if you want her or roll step 1 only unless you really really want someone in this batch and dont care about 2nd

Fuck. No custom equip for me. Guess I needed more echelons.

My phone is downloading the game right now, otherwise I'd attempt to use google translate on that picture.

What are these steps?

tenka event is up, let the despair begin

Its a step up gacha, you see this in several mobages

The more you invest in it, the better the guaranteed rewards. Its a fun trick to make people roll/buy more

Of course, in DMM games for example, they are generally paid only unlike tagatame here

Both 2m celebration banners are still up but will they still be up when princess appears?

It is a mystery

Oh, yes I understand that.

I'm just a little confused about why the fifth step is so important. It can't be because "it has a rainbow ticket" because the third and fourth steps have tickets on them.

Though, looking again, those first two tickets don't have a tree upon them.

The tree means EO pick ticket

Not the same as the Veda rate up right?

I thought i heard those banners close at start of EO collab though?

Can I pick from another pool of 5* units with the first two?

Shop banners, not gacha banners

First two tickets are to pick the elemental fragments to essentially LB a unit. Second is the actual character ticket, but probably only has the current characters out, so no point rolling all you can for it since no princess.
At least roll the two 500s, you fuck.

1000 gems gone, but I'd say worth it. Or would be if I didn't have a general to work on first.

Alright, time to get to work then.

The EOV units are out right now, right? I think I'll try to get the Fencer and then use the story gems or whatever to get the Princess.

>Frags quest for Balt and Mierikki is out
They should make them and DG frags quest permanent.

Pretty sure Fencer is free, so you don't have to spend yet.

>user wants Gunner and Fencer
>They're both free

Better get grinding son

Dia Horizon server is supposedly up now if anyone want to try it.

So did they pick a good BGM track for the collab?

Is there a requirement im missing? Is it an easy requirement?

Just grind their fragments and 3 jobs for both. Stages are so easy you'll probably just auto them.

It's been a while since I've played most EO games so I can't recognize all the tracks off the top of my head, but the second stage of Gunner's event using The First Campaign really makes me happy, so I guess they are using good tracks.

Not him, but if Gunner and Fencer are going to be available for the duration of the collab, about 20 days, I think, then why don't I just wait for the Princess to come along, get her and then start playing?

You'll have less time to do everything but if you have lots of free time then I don't see why not.

If it's so easy I can just auto through them I don't think time will be an issue. Could just leave my phone on while I do other things.

Bless autobattle.

Momiji is great again for this boss, no damage clear is easy when you can stunlock the boss and prevent adds from spawning more than once.

>Fifth stage of the Gunner Event is against the Alraune
>Scatter About plays
Stop, I can only get so fucking erect.

So i get really bored of games that just auto battle and all you do is activate abilities. But i also want auto battle for grinding. Is there a game for me?

Bless the horse artifact.

GF, kinda. You need map movement and battle movements to be done just right, but farming can be done on auto.

Now that she got buffed, Chloe is a very elite and strong unit! Go chloe!

I wonder how Shaman is doing now that she's been buffed, she's the only EO unit I pulled in the 500 gems I was willing to spend before Princess.

Got a few questions about the new houkai update

What are those green cubes we get from completing missions now and what do I do with them?
Did they make story easier? I'm noticing I only have to clear 3 stages to advance now as opposed to 6. Hope they got rid of those annoying level cockblocks too.
And any translations or guidance of the summer event with the 3 girls swimsuits? Like what to do and shit.

Skills doing reduced damage sucks but it's one of the easiest bosses yet.

This new skin is great

>it's Digitaljew get their monthly kusoge bucks episode
Probably second worst point quest reward after that Sten skin.

>Stupid owl keeps on jumping

What stage is that owl in? Is it in EOV have Extra stages and the Gunner event just doesn't?

Gunner event will get EX stages later on, most likely with princess like every other collab.

Ah, alright. I wasn't aware that collabs got them during the second set of gachas. Guess I'll finish off Gunner's stuff and then get to work on the EOV stuff if there's EX stages waiting for me.

The 4th of Fencer one and its lv 1-4 Hard quests. Killing him is necessary to get the mastery for frags and some event missions.

Made a summary of Honkers main storyline up to Chapter 4 and included line per line of relevant conversations. This should help people understand the story better.

Chapter 1 pastebin.com/gU9YCHdF
Chapter 2 pastebin.com/czUxTHCH
Chapter 3 pastebin.com/07L30uKx
Chapter 4 pastebin.com/SzHE9xMd

reward from ranking?

That's helpful, thanks


Yeah, event just ended. Not a total loss, since the fairy looks better than the scope, but missing exclusives in a colle game needles my autism.

they buff mortar robot after update rip 4-3E.

>roll ticket in honkers
>rare character
>it's a dupe A Mei

Is /padg/ dead?

Yes so is /ssg/ it's time to come home.

The cubes are just another item to level up gear. They give neutral exp to both weapons and stigmatas.
They reordered the story a bit, yeah. I like it better this way.
There will be one when the event starts. You can always count on gamewith for that kind of stuff.

Tfw not whale enough for this ranking dungeon


You're fantastic user thanks a whole bunch.

This download is slow as fuck for some reason despite it says only 334 MB.

2butt event in sinoalice is live.

Managed to roll A2 and emil with all the gems i had horded since day 1.

>Want to pick up some games
>Need to save up space fro Senran and Makai Wars
I really need to switch phones.

>roll everything i have
>get 1 A2
>redeem emil with the tokens
>complete the 2butt character collection
So what do i do in this game now...

So I was just checking on the skill training screen and my PKP was shooting at an SKS instead of the usual target drone. I think I've seen something similar once but refreshed before I could check. Does this happen often?

>redeem emil with the tokens
You can redeem them?????

Mercy token from gacha yes? If you spent 4.5k gem on gacha you will get 1.5k token that can redeem the SS weapon or jobs for that particular gacha.

So, how shit is Gunner in Tagatame?

So if i want the characters i exchange the 500 medals arcana or the 1500 medals weapon?

Neither, 1.5k for JOB only. 1.5k can also get weapon but you don't get the job along with it.

Statwise: Top bullied.

>Can get 5* from tutorial roll
>It took 10 minutes maximum for each reroll if you don't download all data
>The menus are sometimes laggy as fuck even compared to something like Star Ocean which makes me wonder if this is actually browser game in disguise

Poor Gunner. Her skills don't look like they make up for those stats at all either.
I wonder if the slut cosplaying as a Dancer will be a better Gunner than Gunner herself.

the knight girl in taga from 500 roll, is she any good post buffs?

Oh I suppose there is a character job selection for 1.5k medals as well. I couldn't see it because i already have both.

So 2b and 9s will be included later and would require the same type of medals as well?