>Heroes FAQ and links
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>Links and Resources
>Heroes FAQ and links
>SoV Links
>Links and Resources
>6 five stars I need to level
What a pain
I-I'll do my best!
Faye is cute!
I wanna fuck Eirika.
Dori is a-dori-ble!
Post cuties!
I wanna fuck you.
Red wyvern when?
You'd better be Eirika.
What the actual fuck
I have been getting nothing but 3 stars on Celica banner
Fuck this game
>Ashnard's Axe +
Post pity rate.
>Narcian didn't get his sword
>he thinks anyone else will get a sword
Cormag soon lads
Do we know if the Narcian rerun will have a Lunatic and/or Infernal difficulty?
Sayri's Chinese legs.
I love Jakob!
What is a good A and C skill for Xander? Budget options too.
Threaten Atk
I spent over 30 orbs trying to get Celica.
I got a lot of shit. Complete shit.
So demoralized.
I love Lady Corrin.
Defiant def on mine works wonders
Fuck this game this is the third time hunting for Celica with nothing to show for
Now I am out of orbs
Do you normally get the 5* focus unit you want within that number of orbs?
Out of fury sadly and no one who has threaten anything.
Does his HP get low enough to make use of that? Will it help in Infernal Valter?
>over 30 orbs
Is this supposed to be impressive?
Should I spend 20k feathers to +1 imouto slayer?
Gacha memes have made anons really overestimate how high of a number 3% really is.
Not even kidding, I have never felt the need to put anything else on him. I've used him to beat valter infernal, get top scores in TT, etc. Def+3 is fine for xander.
Yes his HP can get that low. It's only 50% so have him go after heavy hitters first. It's good when paired with ignis or the other one
People with anything under 5% pity rate need to shut the fuck up
Xander is literally only worth using at 5*, so yes.
Only if you run him in Arena frequently. It's actually kind of a waste otherwise since he's limited to only two merges.
i lvu bby
Does Joker marring Flora fix the problem with you being unable to obtain all the children in Fates if the MC marries a first generation non-corrinsexual woman? I forget how the whole process works
Wait, I read this wrong. Don't do it.
you can give away his Siegfried in a future update.
Distant Defense if you have it
Def +3
Armored Blow is okay too, honestly.
Fury is popular but not great imo. 3 atk doesn't help him much, and he doesn't need spd or res. The only thing he really gets out of it is the def boost, which you can get with Def +3 and not take 6 damage for it.
Sounds good, I'll try that out too once I get some fodder for it.
Bonfire? I have that on him and have a Beruka so I can try that out.
I love say'ri and want to cum inside her
they can't get married, flora's stuck with mamui
She's boring.
Stop drunkposting, Ephraim.
Wish I had distant defense, that sounds like his best one. I'll try defiant defense in the mean time. Atk+3 is not worth it over def+3?
>you can give away his Siegfried in a future update
Best route split in the FE franchise? I'm really partial to SS honestly, love how each one gives a lot of insight on the fate of various characters. It also allowed them to worldbuild nicely (Jehanna for Eirika, Grado for Ephraim).
Apparently they can't even support I'm the fool. Why'd do they unbalance the units so you're fucked unless you marry a Corrin-only support unit? Didn't Awakening do the same thing?
>just need a red attacker for my flier team
>all my pallas are either -atk or -spd
SS is a bad game.
Baited nerd
>falling for Askr trio bait
you brought this upon yourself
>mommy's bouncing titties in FEW
urges are awakening
Honestly, not really. I tried Atk +3 on mine for a while and it didn't seem to make a significant difference.
t. Leo
How to beat Valter Infernal without a Brave Bow+? I onöy have a 4 star Klein and not sure if it is going to help making him a 5 star.
>actually took the time to give her some breast physics
>but not hair physics
Honestly I'd have preferred the latter.
The more things change the more it stays the same
What's the best difficulty to play each FE game that has the option of higher difficulties?
>t. Intelegent Systems
How is getting all the kids good for balance? Statistically speaking you would rather get the best kids and split the best possible parents among them, which wouldnt work if you tried getting them all as some kids would be left with scraps and be dead weight.
Because the retards at IS think it's a good idea to let all the characters have a million different supports except for a select few, who can only support the MC and maybe one other same-sex unit.
I like the ways Gaiden/Echoes and SS handled them. I think alternating between protagonists and the opportunities to cross over is satisfying but the way SS does it and how it handles things differently (like the approach to Lyon in either route) is interesting.
It's the most filler entry in the series and by far the easiest, but there's something really charming about its simplicity. I think it did a lot of things surprisingly right (promotion chains), and the relatively small cast let them focus on making the characters feel alive.
It kind of feels like a proto-Echoes, except Echoes second half is legitimately pretty bad and probably has the worst replay value in the entire FE franchise.
what's the point of minmaxing in fates when everything besides CQ is easy as shit. I just want the units, there's no reason to minmax for post game content like Fates, I just want the units.
Can someone explain this shit to me?
>August 2017.
>Not having a Tiny Hands counter.
Literally plop any green with decent res like Sheena or Julia and watch them all commit suicide.
Reddit is retarded
If this is news to you maybe you should join them
That's completionist autism, good thing My Castle recruitment exists.
Reddit makes this list? That actually explains a lot
Your fault for playing a shit game like Fates then.
Why does anyone needs orbs when you already get best girl for free?
>Takumi was threatening once
Looks pretty solid desu. What's the problem? Your waifu not high enough or something? LOL.
I want to give my opinion on FE Warriors without beating a dead horse. Is complaining a dead horse yet, /feg/?
It's pretty satisfying. He'll usually proc on second round of combat and almost always have defiant running
Sticking my dick between Palla's thighs!
preskill inheritance and mass feather distribution was a scary time user.
Lady Corrin is my wife though, and I'll kill you if you disagree.
am i the only who likes training up a new 5*? seeing them get stronger is half the fun
Has anyone tried putting Iote's Shield on Tana?
I disagree and think SS's cast is pretty boring (like the game in general) but you do you.
>same artist
>together in map
what did IS mean by this?
I want to grab Anna's orbs!
Fates biggest problem is _______.
That Kagero isn't the Hoshidan big sister instead of that disgusting tranny Hinoka