/ss13g/ - spessmen on a spess station

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Last time on /ss13g/ - spessmen on a spess station:
> Birds
> Vampires
> Autism x 2

>What is Space Station 13?

>New player guide

>BYOND client

>Pomf Serbian, main Veeky Forumsstation server

>Test server

>Public server list

>How do I connect to the servers?
Hit the cogwheel in the upper right corner of the BYOND hub and pick "Open Location"

>Veeky Forumsstation forum and logs + Discord circlejerk

>Map renders collection: updated sometimes

>Coderbus, here!
@rizon #coderbus @rizon #vgstation

>Cryo Autism

>Round Stats

>SS13 booru for all your SS13 images!

>How To Install BYOND: The Video Tutorial: The Movie


>OP Pastebin

Other urls found in this thread:


guess whos back

>he appealed
>tfw borer girl did not


Threadly repost, let's get 1000 views for an unban boys!

Fuck you Johnny, why does everyone like you?

>kidnap borer girl a few days before she becomes borer girl
>bring her to torture dungeon
>she ghosts as soon as she wakes up
>a few days later see the pastebin
>she chose a literal slug over you

>let's get 1000 views for an unban boys!
let's not

You know what to do next time, make a borer farm and fill her with them

kys zak

when i was playing clown two days ago and lubed the station he arrested me, then he gave me 10 minutes, a warning and pizza.
After that he gave me his own Oxigen canister because he had emptied mine.
I got off with some sec bully, some IAA's pottery and went back on lubing some grounds... until i found the cook commiting suicide.

kys Zak1946 the shitmin, shitplayer, shit fucker fuck shit.

Calling all VAMPIRES

I need your tips on how to succeed in the mode

what admin should kys?


Birdjews of the thread, rate trader stations

Deff > Meta > Bagel > Box


1. Deff because of its maintenance tunnels and the retarded security layout
2. Box because I know it by heart
I don't have any preference over meta and bagel.

Post your static's theme song with an anime music video!

vgstation sexcode when

>Meme 2 guys or kill 4 with by critting but NOT killing with burns
>Succ for upgraded hypno
>Glare hypno meme people
>Start socking away outfits and ids in storage spots
>Eventually meme a sci shitter
>Assume his identity and either blow or subvert the memecons. Sock away a comms.
>(Optional) setup a quick mix bomb kit
>Throw on some dipshit useless identity and go meme a head. Murder him if you can't get a clean grab. You can now recall until
the end of man
>Lube memer the ERT
>Keep memeing until station pop hits:1
>When the squids and nukies come, throw your bombs on the valves and set them for prox
>Laugh when the admins just BSA you or force a cascade


Learn door hacking quick, rush to the spare, you won't be killed if caugh it if you don't use your vamp powers.
Target the miners or xenoarcs, if possible get your hands on Soporofic or anything to make them sleep. Cuff them, Take out their headsets, and for the love of jesus, turn off the victims sensors.
And most of all, don't be afraid of dying.

I just try to be nice to people even if they have wronged me

Can someone post the logs of the whole DON'T TELL CHASE thing?

sec here, biggest mistakes I see:
using vamp powers when arrested for a petty crime
leaving reviveable bodies in lockers anyone with maint access can find, put em in external airlocks
running away like a guilty person when questioned instead of acting innocent/false flagging someone else (only if you have nothing overly suspicious on you)
killing sec before you get fully powered up, those SPS pings flick the switch from arghhpee to valids mode

Communicating with sec will remove lots of suspicion
If you are going purely to win, attempt to thrall security/command, never seen a vamp fail when doing that (loyalty implants do nothing to prevent thralling)

Don't you need a bit more total blood to override a loyalty implant? Not that it's a big obstacle.

Bugged so you actually don't. Dunno if it's fixed yet

checked the code, it's a flat 150 cost, implants not even mentioned under thralling

another thing, if you thrall even 1 officer they can get you 150 chloral easy as pie from execution

It is, just in a different function.

if you want hyper powergamer camp/ling
>be mechanic
>scan chem machines
>scan autolathe
>scan cloner
>steal 5u liquid plasma or a full sheet of plasma
>steal monkeyman or scan gibber
>build chem lab, cloner, autolathe in a secret maintenance lair (make sure its hidden)
>using monkey man and plasma in your chem lab make a meat factory for your cloner
>make a chloral auto injector and hand cuffs
>kidnap goy
>scan in cloner
>clone from backup
>if using gibber feed the dead body to the gibber for cloner biomass
>rinse repeat in that order
>if vamp when cloned feed them dex, dex+ and iron so they last longer
>1000 blood, 15 genome
be aware ever one will call you a fag if you do this

Borers allowed to OD their host if they harm a borer when?

>ywn make a girl's dreams come true as she's surrounded by five borers prodding her all over her body before they all crawl inside of her at once

The only blood cost under thralling is
I personally don't want it fixed because muh antag chance

One time my host burned all my eggs through sheer dumbness. I should have prayed for retribution then. You can try that, maybe.

If you look at can_enthrall it requires VAMP_CHARISMA to return a 1 for implanted people. Charisma is supposed to require 500 total blood but it's probably bugged.

thanks senpai

tfw can't ask how to improve my play without coming of as an attention whore

How do I git gud?

How do I get vox gf?

how do i stop being a greytider?

How do I ERP?

create a maintenance nest full of shiny baubles and items useful to their department, then successfully kidnap them
they will be impressed with your resourcefulness and ingenuity and instantly fall in love

Cease the performance of erotic roleplay within servers hosting space station 13.

I think i'm actually gonna try this and see what happens. Wish me luck.

Get a prenup or she'll take your nest when she leaves you

Dangle the worm, squat and squawk.
Works every time.

Real question, how do I get a vox bf?

I thought we fixed this like last month.


Oh, apparently we just discussed it but nothing happened?

>they got baby's day out before Veeky Forums

it is terrifying

Felicity (Ling)
Kaylie (Vampire)

Any antagbandos?

Veeky Forums station is better than the other major stations. This is fact and everyone who disagrees is an angry redditor.

Felicity (waifu)
Kaylie (super waifu!)

What is this unholy penis creature.

Just because of you I'm gonna invite redditors and converting this into a reddit station.

Welcome to Veeky Forumsstation, where your waifu is made up and the github issues don't matter!

Was CisRox a shitter?

reply to this post with a static you want falseflagged and get them rated!

but that'd reverse falseflagging
i could post my own static



So we're gonna start adding Goof thing sto the station.




bee lore please

it was inevitable

Kaylie Hunter

wEw LaDiO

fuck the pain away

attention newfags:
this is the happening of the week

I hurt myself today

Any role with the icon in your upper right is a team, That's why lings don't have said icon but revs, nuke, wizards and cult all do.



>just want to clean
>get penned, decapitated, and given a law that rivals most novels in length

Learn to condense your laws!

Adminhelp if you have to follow it or not, a law that takes the place of 5 different other laws will usually end up being a stack overflow or some shit so you can ignore part of it.

Learn to read if you're going to play borg.

>tfw you finally get mechanic traitor but nobody knows their code words so you can't get a full printables kit
>tfw nobody changing their headset freq to become part of the gang

Gotta be specific or silicons will weasel their way out of doing shit.

Yclat is such an insufferable cunt

Use more than one law. Using one law to take the place of several other laws is just asking for badmins to fuck you over.

wow its almost as if you can be specific with one sentence and not a full fucking paragraph as one law
silicons weaseling their way out of custom laws and orders are part of the game and a meme paragraph length law is not the fucking answer

>oh NO why can't I have a safe hugbox where I can be a tranny in the Veeky Forums community in peace?!?

Paragraph length laws will just make me ruleslawyer that shit harder. A short simple law leaves no wiggle room, a massive one leaves tons of ways out

Stop giving the tranny fucks attention

let's get everybody up to speed, why don't we

Was wizard antag and killed for valid reasons. Next round over, threw a tantrum and threatened to metagrief and kill the people who killed him if they weren't reprimanded. by Ys (Trial Admin) on Sun, April 20th of 2014

During the same round as the metagrief threats, he was the HoS and seemed to heavily abuse his power against specific persons, as far as killing someone by harmbatoning after a borgs stunned and is in the process of cuffing them. Need another admin to look through the logs to give a second opinion, doesn't feel right accusing and banning someone of something so serious as a trialmin. by Ys (Trial Admin) on Sun, April 20th of 2014

Not robust enough to be HoS on Veeky Forumsstation by dekret (Based Chickenmin) on Sun, April 20th of 2014

Player seems to have a short temper, gets incredibly pissed when he dies, doesn't consider the fact that maybe an antag actually killed him.. by Rei1226 (Game Admin) on Tue, May 6th of 2014

Extremely prone to whining in Adminhelp/Spamming Adminhelp about the lack of RP. Believe's he's being Metagrudged. by MrFoster (shitmin) on Fri, May 9th of 2014

Will literally whine in adminhelp about anything. Literally adminhelped today because two people were yelling at him to pay them money in-game. The two people did not harm him at all, or even touch him, yet he still felt the need to adminhelp about it... by Rei1226 (Game Admin) on Fri, May 9th of 2014

Stated ONLY law 0 as borg during malf round. Seemed unintentional, but who knows. by BurnZeZ (CoderOgre) on Fri, May 30th of 2014

Autism by Konater (Eternal Admin) on Fri, May 30th of 2014

daily reminder angelite led a mentally ill child on for months, and then turned around and beat him down just to get (You)'s from psychopaths on Veeky Forums

Starting clopping his hooves together when he had an ID with the name of Rainbow Dash...yeah... by Rei1226 (bullshit) on Fri, June 6th of 2014

Nearly killed me with a welderbomb :(. Swore it was accidental and I guess it could have been so I gave him a warning. by MidnightGlow (Trial Badmin Extroardinaire) on Mon, June 9th of 2014

Started adminhelping, asking for "dispenser glitches". Looks like he's trying to learn how to be a haxxer. :V by N3X15 (Nexis) on Tue, June 10th of 2014

Adminhelped after being lynched post-game (antag results posted). When I told him the rules next round, he spammed ahelp telling me to fuck off and that I was "embarrising" [SIC] him. Lied to Jj about the events after Jj inquired. by MrFoster (uncapitalized shitmin) on Wed, June 18th of 2014

Please mute + warn this player when they spam Adminhelp. /*DO NOT RESPOND TO HIS RAMBLINS*\ by MrFoster (uncapitalized shitmin) on Thu, June 19th of 2014

I've come to a decision that the player is either 13 years of age or has a severe case of downsyndrome by Rei1226 (bullshit) on Thu, June 19th of 2014

See above note, it wasn't the downsyndrome unfortunately - PM: Omega949->Jjenjr: on second thought, ya i'd like to become an admin. im a mature 14 year old and ive been moderator on 4 different minecraft servers by Rei1226 (bullshit) on Sat, June 21st of 2014

Banned from pAI, AI, Cyborg, Mobile MMI - Got borged by a roboticist who found their dead body. Proceeded to arrest the roboticist twice, spout such wonderful comments as "law 2 doesn't apply to sec borgs", and generally a shining example of how NOT to secborg as well as lie and claim the roboticist killed them. by Adminbot (Friendly Robot) on Wed, June 25th of 2014

angelite is based

***WARNED*** During a ling round PDA messaged Angelite asking what they do at the start of every round when they're atmos techs (apparently they wave and smile at eachother) to determine if she was a ling or not. Pretty much metafriending/metagaming by Rei1226 (Game Master) on Thu, July 3rd of 2014

Rei that is disrepectful to people with down syndrome. I am offend. by Jjenjr (Barney the 420smokeweedeveryshif) on Thu, July 3rd of 2014

Am legit concerned he will harm himself if taken away from Angelite. Furthermore, watch him near Angelite. He will take her side no matter what. Tired to kill AI after he (me) read their PDA messages in a Ling round. (See Rei's note 7/3/14) by MrFoster (uncapitalized shitmin) on Thu, July 3rd of 2014

His waifu a slut by Trifle (Bestmin) on Mon, July 7th of 2014

From Steamgroup: 6:31 PM - Omega949: im cmo tell me where you die. // I made a joke about ":g dorms" and he rushed to help me. Watch him for meta. by MrFoster (uncapitalized shitmin) on Mon, July 7th of 2014

you're not gonna get unbanned

it's not very hard to outsmart an underage autist, doesnt make you based

This is deeply uncomfortable to read.


Jesus and I thought plap and leonid were spergs

*posts images and logs from THREE(3) years ago of an underage sperg*
obviously he's still underage and spergy! gotta keep him banned! nobody ever changes! dont unban anyone!

>be a "waifu fag" mostly because shitposting is fun and some people are just enjoyable to play with and be around
>this faggot

Is this how deep the rabbit hole goes naturally, or did he start digging once he hit rock bottom?

kill yourself you fucking homosexual, circlejerking, community-ruining piece of shit

he was like 14 and obviously not right in the head, this isn't normal or funny it's just sad.

he's not like shiggy who is a grown man, he was some dumb kid in a bad place mentally, I hope for his sake he got better.
