/EFTg/ Escape From Tarkov General

Dead Thread, Dead General Edition

This general is for the discussion of Escape from Tarkov, a Russian-made first person survival shooter and gun porn simulator currently in closed beta.

>Official website

>Control List

>Maps With Callouts

>Gun modding (incomplete)

>Ammunition info

>/eftg/ Discord

Previous Thread

My hideout


Thanks for the persistence, OP. Wish we had more people to keep the thread alive.

I feel like everyone migrated to discord and just have discussions in there.

That'd make sense. I've been debating joining just for text chat discussions since I'm too much of an autist to group and use voice.

New interview incoming I guess? Might just be the same stuff as yesterday; I don't know.
Find GameStarDE on Twitch

>all these hackers since the beta release
WEW. Nice anticheat. oh wait.

Looks like underbarrel grenade launchers might be coming back in next patch.




they switched to a different question. Desync confirmed to be a feature. It's just a wandering temporal time bubble CONFIRMED lul.

3-4 weeks after Gamescom to expect the next content patch

I guess if there was any kind of purpose to it, I wouldn't already be burnt out playing 4 disjointed maps all day long.

WEW second question whens hideout. These guys ask the real questions.

Hideouts probably not until end of this year/early next, but POSSIBLY with this update.

>tfw helmet insurance

>make two unappealing panels
>no new players because they fucked up
>show something that won't even go live for another month
>open beta maybe december but the devs don't even understand what alpha or betas even mean so we don't know if open beta means f2p or what
>hideouts not until open beta patch or possibly after that patch
>didn't mention arena again
>didn't mention clothes option which they talked about before gamescon but didn't show anything

tarkov confirmed ded af my guys

i refuse to believe, tarkov is too good to die.

>153 is so long that if someone walks up to you they can clip through the barrel and they are invincible

Post your decked out AKs/M4s or any other gun for that matter.


Decent gameplay will always outshine the lack of PR desu.
This game doesn't really need a huge player base to thrive anyway desu , the less cancerous casual whiner fags the better the game will get.
gotta have dat eyecup m8

That was me this morning. Feels fucking good man

I keep killing dudes with silenced pistols in Factory and when I try to look it, it doesn't appear in his inventory. Why's this happen?

because you can still glitch your pistol into your secured case. They fixed the easy exploit but there is another that people are using to still abuse case glitching.

just gotta deal with it for now

So now I got 2 keys that are called "key" both looking exactly the same. They have the black handle and look kinda like a bycicle key. One of them opens the room in the gas station in customs, but what about the other? Ik know they are different Keys because they have different prices.