> News - New Splatfest - Which superpower would you rather have: Flight or Invisibility? (September 1st/2nd) -Update tonight: en-americas-support.nintendo.com/app/answers/detail/a_id/27028/p/897 -New Salmon Run map, Lost Outpost will be added to the rotation -The map Manta Marina will be added Friday/Saturday -The Forge Splattershot Pro comes next week with the Bubble Blower Special
Sometimes I'll kill two people with one charger shot. Does it lose power with a pierce or can all your ducks line up in a row for that fateful day when you kill all four of them in one shot.
Jackson King
Tyler Torres
>gas mask
Brayden Butler
I don't care if you keep making the threads, just please just fix "Manta Marina".
Blake Brooks
To go along with this: Use recon mode to check out the current maps before you get into a game. If you aren't grabbing the rainmaker because you don't know where to go, this will help.
Joshua Miller
Why is special woomy not in my plaza I need to fresh it
Ryder Hughes
What do you think of the Manta Marina stage?
Zachary Barnes
Nah, the hitbox is just wide enough that if two woomies stand close enough, both get hit.
I don't think it has any penetration power whatsoever.
Dominic Lewis
1 sub to resist 2 inkjet indirect hits 1 main 2 subs to resist 2 direct burst bombs
This should be in the OP
Jaxson Scott
It certainly doesn't pierce or anything. It might have to do with hitscan or something since the hurtbox of it might not be as small as you think. You can test it in the training area that it's possible to get two-in-one if they're aligned closely.
Joseph Murphy
>doing it before reply limit >same webm >(embed) >still manta marina when the map's name is manta maria
are you fucking stupid OP?
Dominic Richardson
Who's the guy making the threads and where can I find him so I can punch his teeth in?
Caleb Jenkins
>people make a good push and clear a path >most enemies dead besides the one guy near their spawn >the one guy who stayed behind near the RM breaks the shield >everyone expects him to pick it up and make good use of the push >he doesn't pick it up and just leaves it there
Cooper Myers
Honestly we can just solve it by making the thread early consistently like maybe 20-30 posts earlier so dumb shit like this doesn't happen.
Michael Davis
Why they couldn't just keep the Splat 1 Haunt? It was already good. Splat2's Haunt is shit.
Jayden Barnes
>trannies still trying to stay relevant by posting this webm every thread
Michael Parker
There were probably afraid that it would be to prominent. Little reason not to use it if it had the sploon 1 functions.
Brayden Bell
Hey /ink/ here's a comic I've been working on, just finished If you hate head-cannon shit you'll probably hate it
Nicholas Jenkins
Reminder: Protect her smile
Gabriel Gutierrez
>hey big sis Into the damn trash it goes
Daniel Sanders
Shame about the octo tee having it. It was one of my favorites in the first game just based on how it looked.
Hudson Mitchell
It's really impossible to me to not dance (or rhythmically move my hips) while hearing "Even Further", no matter my performance during the shift. youtu.be/ORgWU6AdihU
Jayden Ross
>20-30 posts early Oh yeah, what a great idea! Even better, lets just make a new thread every time a thread reaches 1 reply!
Eli Bailey
oh this is lovely i can't hate this
Noah Gutierrez
Fuck me, I can't either. I literally started shaking my hips as son as the song started.
Ryan Reed
Well you're certainly not going to stop that faggot OP from creating new threads before 750 and certainly not before we even hit page 10 which is how it used to work.
Nathan Thomas
do you really want this idiot to keep doing it?
Joseph Wright
>Octo valley Not surprised you don't pay attention to the game. Get this shit outta here.
Juan Thomas
This may be as far as I go. I can't be expected to carry at these ranks and the kind of people we're playing against aren't the kind of teams I can hope to get repeated quads on
Grayson Powell
sorry i only got to one request
i was going to do a few quick sketches, but ended up spending a lot more time on this one because best girl deserves it
Josiah Cox
This is cute
Liam Perez
>not rejecting your freshness Shitter
Nathan Gray
The logical solution would be to just make a new thread right now and ignore any of this fag's threads, but I doubt we're coordinated enough to pull that off.
Nolan Hughes
agreed also nice triples
Lucas Sullivan
What's it supposed to be?
Sebastian Cooper
Christopher Watson
>tilting hard as fuck in Turf Wars >switch to rank and it's "How can I possibly hold all these free wins!" >this constantly happens
Splatoon 2 is weird
Cooper Bell
Michael Reed
>but I doubt we're coordinated enough to pull that off. Yes which is why it was suggested to just make it earlier because at least then we could not have shitty OPs.
Jaxon Hernandez
>lose on 3rd wave >get points >paygrade retained >this comes up not even mad *waving arms around to the goofy track*
Brandon Green
Do you even own the game?
Gavin Gomez
Love it, do more
Christopher Cox
Jordan Barnes
>all this bitching over an OP image Autists, the lot of you.
Cooper Davis
Please reconsider ever posting again lmao
Tyler Brown
Oh you motherfucker I'm gona go check my fucking switch right now
Sebastian Howard
>being a normalfag >>>/reddit/
Brayden Nelson
>Punk blacks on Splatnet for the second time >Stealth jump God fucking dammit, just give me Ink resist already
Joseph Nelson
>using special woomy to try and stir shit up
Over the line
Jack Williams
Do it right or don't do it at all.
Angel Jones
Stop posting
Alexander Murphy
So is what you would call right?
Jordan Thomas
No, it penetrates. Some clanfags did a test and posted it on youtube.
Adam Mitchell
Someone should draw pearl & marina as eminem and rihanna
Matthew Ward
So, how exactly do the ability drinks work, again? Does it boost the chance or override the normal brand chance?
They don't work anyway because I keep getting fucking quick respawn
Camden Ward
Landon Fisher
Well thanks for spotting an error and fuck you for not just telling me straight away :^]
Sebastian Perry
Proof that OP will always be a faggot, no exceptions.
Dominic Jenkins
[citation needed]
Brayden Russell
>can't take 1 minute to use google You're being a faggot right now.
Camden Kelly
>itt: design a new weapon type
Josiah Phillips
From what I understand the algorithm is encrypted, so it's all hearsay. But the rumors flying around now say that using a drink changes the gear's affinity to the drink's, as well as apply a 1.5 EXP gear modifier. Some clothes have the "isRandom" tag applied, which seems to prevent affinity from being changed, which includes the Splatfest Tee.
It's all confusing.
Carter Ramirez
>uses western names >Marie suddenly says Hime
Evan Walker
That is arbitrary and it sounds like it's infinitely more complex than it needs to be.
It's also stupid.
Jack Scott
Actually he's right it does pierce. You can even shoot through teammates now unlike in splatoon 1. Try it on the testing dummies or even in salmon run, the whole shot goes out now
Lucas Kelly
>implying Hime isn't her nickname
William Roberts
Yeah, I tried that in the test zone and it doesn't work.
Christopher Kelly
Bow and Arrow with a burst bomb on the end instead of an arrowhead Charges like a charge rifle, doesn't ink the flying trail/very thin strip of ink, large radius at the end. 2 shot kill, squiffer charge time. Alternate type (think the Dapple Dualies) has a Suction Bomb at the end and it sticks to walls, floors and inklings
Austin Morales
That won't help either because then he could just easily make a new thread faster too.
The only solution would be to ignore any threads made incorrectly.
Ethan Hughes
well fuck me for using the game to verify something, right?
Ayden Johnson
youtu.be/G98nqlu6GPs Here we go, I knew I saw a video about it a bit ago. In case you don't take my word for it
Kayden Adams
It took you 3 minutes to ask the question of what it's supposed to be when you could have either googled it in 1 or opened up the game in 2 minutes but then you waited to get sassed for 30 minutes before opening up the game.
/a/ was right.
Benjamin Parker
also I wanted to prove I owned the game, yah knob
Luke Mitchell
This is really bad, but I like it for some reason.
Justin Walker
>splatoon is /co/mblr why am i not surprised
Lincoln Ortiz
So be it.
Joshua Powell
Dual Sloshing Machine. If the streams meet it can one shot but it needs high accuracy on your part. Other wise it's a 2 shot kill
Hunter Adams
Real new thread:
Ayden Bell
I think you should just draw instead of making comics, got a cute art style going and the comic is bad
Gavin Reed
What single player gimmick would you like to see implemented in MP maps?
Robert Myers
which one of you did this
Benjamin Myers
Brandon did that's their name everywhere
Adam Lee
Brandon apparently
Josiah Peterson
This might be more suited for a special.
Elijah Reed
Crutchbucket with 4 holes instead of 3.
Christian Allen
This sounds fun
Owen Allen
not the rails they are way to risky you're an easy target when trying to get off them
maybe these things the accelerate you into the air or the flying things you can shoot to get to them
Blake Cruz
Now that's evil. I like it.
Austin Hernandez
Well this is the first splatoon comic I've made I guess I'm just bad at writing Thanks for the input user
Thomas Turner
To be fair I do hate head canon so there's that.
Lucas Edwards
next splatfest: antifa vs nazis
Christopher Young
how do you dress like a nazi in the game?
Asher James
Nazi gear is not yet in the game sadly
Carter Nguyen
Bretty gud, also I saw your SR drawing in my plaza.
Jayden Flores
Not sure how it would work as a main weapon though.