Touhou General /2hug/ #37


>So what is this game?
Cute girls shooting cute girls.

>Why isn't this in /jp/
/jp/ is full of crossies.

>Where do I start?
the games until 5 were designed for the PC-98 platform, which would require an emulator. It's recommended you start either with the sixth (first Windows game) or the second game (as the first one isn't a bullet hell) and work your way up from there
some games aren't your usual bullet hells but should be played anyway
1: Arkanoid
7.5, 10.5, 12.3, 13.5, 14.5: Fighting games
The others follow the basics of the bullet hell genre but usually add a game play twist.

>Where can I get the games?

>Touhou for bakas

>West Replays

>Please git gud!

>eraTohoK (plus other era games): (embed)

>Touhou fangames (unfinished) (embed)


Other urls found in this thread:!ZYIgTQgA!kEIWmtXyxBHmpG8hhWynreKZzMroaQdtuWFpLilvpeU

1st for inb4 this one gets deleted by mods

That would be pretty stupid considering that the other thread was obviously made by a blatant shitposter and is violating global rule 3.



And this doesn't?

Save the thread?


>real thread is dying

Shou ga nai.

>Thread wars


Dude, shrooms!

wouldn't it be funny if marisa ate some mushrooms but instead of getting bigger she got high?

wouldn't it be funny if marisa wasn't shit?

Yuugi would wear spats, i think.

Her outfit looks weird enough without them.

Can I impregnate the Yuugi?

I mean, i'd prefer it if you didn't, but yeah, half-oni would work. Especially if you can keep up with her drinking.

Do you like her kimono better?

>keeping up with an Oni's drinking

Only the Tengu have a chance at that.

>Do you like her kimono better?
She is 10/10 with a kimono.

Better to pass out trying to, though, than to just back off. You're not going to get her with an attitude like that.

I dunno, Yuugi doesn't seem like the kind of person who'd want people to deal serious harm to themselves trying to impress her. She'd probably let you keep trying up until it becomes clear that your liver is failing you, then keep you from going overboard.

For sure. As long as you're giving it (whatever it is) your honest best, she'd appreciate it. She'd probably start getting serious if you ever tried to push beyond your limits, too, and shut that down real quick.

Do you think Yuugi would be a good mother?

Yuugi isn't a good anything

rude desu

She's very big-sister-like in most of the depictions i've seen, so i can see it translating pretty well. You'd have to make sure she isn't the type to spank kids or anything, though. That'd break their ass.


I can see her breaking the shit out of the first kid but learning after the second or third one.

Bloomers are the miracle of the universe.

I mean, half-oni or full-oni kids would be pretty durable, so they might be fine. I think they'd end up better off than most touhous' kids.

Keine would probably be best mom, all things considered. Not sure who'd be worst.

Can a Hourai get pregnant? Which Hourai would you try to impregnate?

I don't know user. Yuugi would be the type of mother who would raise her children in a rough way so that they grow up big and strong. Not out of hate but out of love.

more like the murder of the universe

Nah, i agree completely. I'm just thinking that she might not immediately realize how squishy human/half-oni babies might be, compared to the onibabs she'd be more accustomed with, living with all the other oni like she does.

I think she'd be a great mom, but i'd be a shit waifufag if i just saw her as perfect all the time, no matter what.

Which 2hus would make the best moms?


Your 2hu, if you were a good father and helped her raise them properly.

What if I hypothetically die after the baby is born?

I mean, it'd be tragic as hell to make Keine be a single mother teacher, but i still think she'd be the best by far.

Is Sagume autistic?

Sakuya would make a great mother, she'd probably consider her child a higher priority than Remi

If she is, just have her say she is.

Uh, why is the Alice growing so big all of a sudden? I got her after the baby patchouli and Sakuya and she;s growing even faster than they are.

What the fuck, I payed like 2k for that Alice and it just fucking exploded into hundreds of koalices randomly. Only 1 survived though. The bottom left Reimu is growing bigger too, is she going to explode as well?

Fuck off with your yukkuri cancer

This seems like a different yukkuri, I tried playing the other one user posted las thread but it being untranslated doesnt help too much.
You got the link?
She is just sad that she is so retarded

Fuck me, I have no idea what happened but now the Reimu exploded with babies as well.
I got it from a OYP thread when I searched Simyukurri,!ZYIgTQgA!kEIWmtXyxBHmpG8hhWynreKZzMroaQdtuWFpLilvpeU

you got a download link?

On a second tought I dont want to know anything about that game. You should really stop blogposting it.

Oh fuck, I'm stupid

Discord when


I managed to pause and save 3 of them in the air by healing them with orange juice, but all 3 are super shitheads and 1 is a rapist. I'm going to try raising a Meiling or Remilia next and hope it worksout better

fug, forgot pic

>Yukkurifag won't fuck off and stop wasting imageslots on his sad blogging

>implying he isn't trying to kill the general

Is he MaZe?

I tought MaZe only was a dick about the gameplay, not about random 2hu trivia.

I figured out what the problem was. I put a breeding pit in the section and I guess it keeps filling them up with babies until they explode if you don't shut if off or move them. Now that I know how to use it, I can make lots of babies to feed a Remilia.
no, I've only gotten 1CC on hard and none on lunatic, and it was on PCB.

Remember to join the official /2hug/ discord!

He's just a dick in general

Thanks, you ruined my fun.

Rember to rep discord cancer

>UFO is a nice game
I wonder who could it be?

Fucking kill yourself

The Breeding Pit is pretty cool, I've got loads of Yukurris now and even some rare variations of Marisa have popped out.

A reminder that this general is cancer and that the discord has actual moderation.

quality shitpost

user, theres a yukkuri thread rn on /jaypeepee/. Why not go there?

But everything in that post is true.

Its really not

Meaningful discussion better than /jp/ and /2hug/ and /og/ going on the discord.
I want all the unironical posters that wanted a discord to leave

Restarted with a new save, Reimu is such a shitty parent. She gives no rare koyukurris, about half her children die at birth, and she did not grow into a dosu like Marisa did. She should just go die easy, which she will when I introduce a Remilia.

>mfw when someone says that /jp/ is better

They banned me twice for calling them faggots
Felt like I was posting on reddit

You werent placing any effort on your shitposts anymore though, but you are still doing gods work user.

Why do you fucking faggot want to unironically kill this general?
It always starts as a joke until someone actually does the thing and starts gathering a different crowd that doesn't really belong here

I don't though...

There is literally no reason for this general to fucking exist. /jp/ has gameplay and various dicussion threads already and /v/ has the ocassional 2hu thrad, this general is not needed.

>I dont have fun here so no one is allowed to do so
Enjoy your shitty discord user.

Fuck off, you are the one who's not needed
We've had some great discussion here and no yukkuriposting/discordcancer/crossboardspam/ will ever change that dude
No matter how butthurt you are, we'll still be here

What a shitty mother. She gave birth to accessory-less babies.

>my shitposting caused actual "discord" within the general
I-im sorry

This is an undead monster.

This is my wife

Me on the right whenever you post
Me on the right of for fucking up so big you stupid tenshifag

I was going to insult you and your family but you posted the cute eldest daughter so you're forgiven


Well, that's not unlike the majority of this general. People shit post about waifus all the time.

Now look at this shit , look at this fucking bullshit and tell me it isnt shit. He could post literal shit on a toilet but I shouldnt tell him to stop because ""I just dont like it""? Im not the only one that has wanted this yukkuri madness to stop either so fuck you.
You really should stay on that discord

Don't use reemoo to shitpost


>it's touhou related
>it's a touhou related video-game
>it's a touhou related video-game being posted in the touhou thread on the board about video games.
why not rename the general to /2hug/- official touhou games only general?

But you let the thread that actually had vidya related posts die.

You mean the one you made in order to post your shitty 1 dimensional shallow corporate boat waifu?

how was that my fault? anyways.

Has anyone made progress on their runs lately??

Nobody here plays.