/mbg/ - Mount & Blade General

Clibanarii edition.



Weekly ''Blogs'' announced:

Revealed at Gamescom 2017:

Last blog:

OLDER BANNERLORD INFO/VIDEOS: See Pastebin/the info archive thread in the Bannerlord section on the forums

PASTEBIN: pastebin.com/ZesXLTP3

M&B Wiki: mountandblade.wikia.com/wiki/Mount_and_Blade_Wiki

NOOB GUIDE: imgur.com/a/FMAqV

>user's mods and upstab guide:

>/mbg/ Steamgroup

New Modules :
>Modded Hispania 1200
>Custom Troop Trees
>CTT for Dickplomacy+Polygamy Bugfix

Other urls found in this thread:


Reminder to report and ignore shitposting

Before I forget :
updated the pastebin to include recent videos (including the ones from insider user) and the new mods

Reminder not to save other peoples dank memes because it devaluates the memeconomy




thanks for advice, user I (You)'d you in the old thread (with my concern)

>jun 03, 2016

I hope my grandchildren live long enough to play on launch day

I've been gone since the 19th and just came back from holiday, what'd I miss

some bonerlord fight videos
nothing spectactular

Am I the only one disappointed they kept the exactly same combat system? I can dig that for pve, but despite being thankfully slowed down a bit, I believe it will still be a cancer in pvp. Good thing 95% of my playtime is sp campaign

>t. shitter

So does this mod have Diplomacy fixes from Dickplomacy?

are you retarded?

where did the feints hurt you user?

shock infantry is hype

>the same combat system

have there been any remotely new nuggets of info picked from the videos


Just don't bother with higher difficulty for Xp, or only do so if you're having a cakewalk. Can't really give any advice on the story mode since I have yet to play it.
The option for xp should be in the in-game menu somewhere. I'll try to look into it

For a long time I did start characters in VC before dropping it, several time.

Now I play with.
Skill malus from heavy armor since it also applies to ennemies and that prevents sanic fast vikings made of murder
wounds because why not, its not that bad.
no stamina
rest improve morale because why not and its not that much of a handicap

>shock infantry is hype
i mean i use them in Floris

lots of small combat details

>not playing MP
Lmaoing at ur life rn

New MP mode for Bannerlord in which you can play 5v5 and each of the players has the control of a small group of units. They must capture objectives or eliminate the other team.
They showed some troop yet unseen before that, pic related.
Armagan got rudely cut on screen, cockblocked from showing 10 minutes more of gameplay.
Clibanarii are OP for the Empire
Battanians a shit

>playing Mount & Blade instead of Tiger Knight™: Empire War® in 2017

>Armagan got rudely cut on screen, cockblocked from showing 10 minutes more of gameplay.
I'm mad

>Battanians a shit
Battanians and Khuzait had the best showings in the last streams though

>Multi-player only.
Yeah, no.

I'm moving foward so far, atm I'm looking for some skyscrapper which supposed to be at wharf appareantly. I don't wanna spoil the story (I barely started anyway).

I like what I see there (kinda), but to some point, this mod is really retarded. Like size of the every fuckin open locatian,,,wtf?
I haven't taken single athletics point for me nor companions for years, I did so for the first time in polygamy dickplo, but honestly , I had no other option to do.
Here I've opened char. tab after I leveled for first time, checked that I have 4 points in athletics already and put all new points from lvlup.. I didn't think for a second about it

If you missed the first live that had single player gameplay its here from 1:28:20

>Like size of the every fuckin open locatian,,,wtf?
mods that go for realism have an odd tendency to put extreme detail into towns and furthermore expand them... Without adding meaningful content to the towns and despite the fact that one of the most popular mods being the ability to access guild masters via menus.

Its definitely useful but try to get a horse quickly, it helps

I don't get what this entire integrate as a vassal thing is supposed to accomplish. Giving you control of faction troops?

By the time you have 50 renown you should have a modest little band anyways. Why would a King vassalize some loser who can't contribute a warband for his cause? Or attempt to defend the very shitty village that kings are obligated to force on you as a starting vassal?

wew lad

I followed the advice of , it works

Today's blog, Q&A with the man himself

I fucking new I forgot to put something in the OP
Link for the next one making the OP

i should have added, its fucking nothing


redpill me on vlandia

this is all you need to know

there is nothing to say of blandia

they never show aserai

Is there besides boring content like Battle and many Faction also something valuable added in Bannerlords like a real economy that makes trading worth it and real production chains. A real diplomacy and Nation managment?
Or anything else that could be actual fun?

Seems that it's true, but everything looks pretty cozy, so I guess I could stand this stuff for liitle bit more. I'n not /ha/fag at all, but guts tell me that this is some real shit out there. Like these funny weapons of these "looters" (cones and shit). Music is also pretty cool. And my toaster handles all this better than native, with better settings for some reason.
Btw. there is implemented possibility to poke your eye off with own slingshot, isn't it? I'm pretty sure there is.

Actually I dropped that bow idea and wanted to go all out with "horse in a viking mod? NEVER"
After three battles or so, I've got my pointing finger tired from pressing "W". I'm getting some horse asap.
ps. how tall could be "talll building" according to frisian standards X c.? Like big dog? Slightly smaller? I'm sure I've checked every building in wharfs (and few bigger crates) already, no result..

>its fucking nothing
Not exactly true.

>“Today I worked on the design of how army coherence will be affected as an army stays in the field for a long time, and how a player can keep it together longer by arranging its composition and spending influence.”
This is probably a new feature to be implemented into morale system that didn't exist in Warband.

It would be nice if they would just show us the present equipment loadouts in captain mode. This way we could discern the general equipment loadouts of the factions as they are presently.


Oh fuck off, it's basically a harmful bump.


sweet baby jesus, the battles and player destroying his enemies if his most favourite manner with his own hands is the most unique and fun part of warband (hopefully also bannerlord which hopefully be relased ealier than never)
There are great games for economy, strategy, town construction and so on, but they are not warband
just my, objectively correct, 3 cents,

>tfw all the empire factions are central

Is there any mod that use With Fire and Swords assets in Warband?

It's one central country splits in 3.

"Favourite part" doesn't mean that it's ok to be as simple as its prequel, M&B is first of all a sandbox, more well made parts and options can only makes it much better.
>just my, objectively correct, 3 cents
Nah, your 3 cents are defective and faggy.

does anons upstab mod work for perisno 0.8.14?

They're different factions, though. I fully expect them to be warring among themselves like any other factions, thus my lamentation. Put more broadly:
>tfw no geographic defenses
Fucking Rhodok shits.

>claiming that bashing skulls with an axe is minor addition to whatever he wanna there
>because it's faggy...

or mayby you just got bored/never really liked the game and instead to play something else you want it to be different for some weird reason
Anyway I know great, althought old, mod for warband, that you should dig, check "Sim City 3000" :^)

They haven't showed that aspect of the game in details yet

Yeah I noticed that too but there we have no confirmation it will be in the game in the end

this game is never coming out
developers wont even give a projected release date or beta dates or even closed alpha information

because it's never coming out. it'll get scrapped like that one xbox game, scalebound

We have no confirmation that the game will be released in the first place, so why not dream?

This can only mean bad things.

Yeah its an interesting idea.
And that's all we can say

>claiming that bashing skulls with an axe is minor addition to whatever he wanna there
Putting words inside someone's else mouth isn't nice, and it reeks of desperation, you know.
>because it's faggy...
Oh, wow.
>or mayby you just got bored/never really liked the game
Yeah, I'm not a true fanboy such as yourself that wants everything as simple or badly made as it was for not a single valid reason, my bad.
>check "Sim City 3000" :^)
No, thanks mr. shitposter, but I'll wait for a game with the ideas of its predecessor finally decently executed.

ignore the pooling

MP looks like a lot of fun.
Like NW's commander battles, except not shit.

>play VC for the first time after playing 1k hours of everything else
>it's fucking great

I just appareantly dig eintirely different side of the game. so instead of fixing some stuff that is irrelevant for me, I'd like them to fix that one which I like (and there sure is lot to fix about bashing skulls with an axe in m&b too). So do you btw. Nothing really new here.I'm not suprised that someone likes some complex shit that sweats your brain, not fingers and eyeballs, I'm suprised that someone is looking for that in m&b series since these parts were pretty fuckin basic and bad, even for my limited knowledge about them.
And since Talewords has issues with relase at all, it's sure their resources are limited, so better management means worse skullbashing.
Pretty obvious I'd post my meaningless and not changing shit opinion against your meaningless and not changing shit opinion.

Anyone know how to enable the Adult Content for Dickplomacy. I tried googling the answer and looking at the archives but the closest answer i got was.
>module folder, diplomacy install, content options, do the enable adult content stuff
ingame go to camp menu and enable what you want.
I installed diplomacy but there is no content options folder

>there is no content options folder
There is.

did you try reading the fucking readme

For Dickplomacy there is but not for Diplomacy

yes i did
>paste this to diplomacy module folder
Which i cannot find

first this, then "Camp menu"->""Game content (or something like that, iirc it's not "diplomacy mod content"-> clict top option until it's "consensulal (and non consensual" sex options enabled"
to see it in details, copy shit from "galous faces and naked body" to mod folder.
Details aren't that hot 2bh, pic related. Every model w/o armor is naked after that, and to make it more clear all males have quite big erection.
50% wear no armor
when you're sneaking into fief to see a lady, you wear no armor
peasants whom you train wear no armor

>Armor penalty
Is that really realistic?

kek, why don't they make an MMO too then? Mount and Blade: Online for this type of fanbase. Inb4 cRPG.

Right, was confused since he talked about installing dickplomacy in his first line and then didn't notice that he started talking about diplomacy out of no where.

If you download the files from the link in the op you can find dickplomacy with content folders and all, no idea why you keep talking about diplomacy.

50% of looters
also, 50% of times when you click "looter" unit at party screen, it wears no armor

500vs500 battles max
300vs300 runs at 15fps on a shitty laptop cpu

shieet, I was sure it's censored pic
I guess I've just earnead another ban for dickplo
at least this faggot is gonna be happy

too bad that they made the cities a lot larger in relation to the map, so in essence the map is smaller than the one in warband

Isn't that just how it looks when you zoom out.

can't wait to TURK the empire in bannerlord

oh my god im retarded all i had to do was paste the Menus.txt. The instructions kept saying to paste the folder into the "diplomacy module" and i thought i had to get the diplomacy mod. ima try it out now.
I appreciate you anons for educating a retard

>people actually have problems with copypasting and reading a readme for instructions

To be fair that read me could be written better.

So who are the rhodoks of bannerlord, and no I don't mean le faction becomes the rhodoks 400 years later I mean whose soil am i going to spend thousands of hours protecting

look at how massive the player on the map is compared to a river and a village

>Armor penalty
>Is that really realistic?
Not unless it's some poorly made armor or the suit is made for a man twice your size (or half your size).

Chainmail and scale armors are especially suited to this, because if your shirt is too big or too small, you can just add more links or scales to fit or remove them. It's time
consuming, but easily done


No. Despite that it is the "realistic" mods that insist on draconic armor penalties. "Realistic" as for as Warband mods has become code the go-to rationale for dumb design decisions that have no rational basis.

>What I like most is seeing how, as the campaign progresses, you as a player write your own story.

This is both the strongest and weakest point of mb. On one hand, you're able to unleash your creativity and roleplay desires, which are what keep the game alive. The problem is that once the self immersion is gone, it's a somewhat shallow game. Then again warband is pretty fucking old, I just hope bannerlord just give us more tools to keep the fun going on for longer, wb survived on mods.

>I am also looking forward to finishing the game and seeing what kinds of mods will come out.


But the rivers and trees look so much nicer. But now that you mention it thats all i can focus on.

This is pretty cool. Surprised it looks nice considering how Warband map has terrain that is empathetic to the original faction holders.

Like what?

What I've seen so far:
- Upstab with spears (thank god finally)
- Directional shield blocking
- Multi-hit swings
- Pseudo-combos where hits chain together
- Shield bash

We know kicks are back and I assume feints and chamber blocks (but everyone I've seen play so far is so shit they can't do either).

I'm still waiting on confirmation of crouching (though there was one early video it was possibly in) and bracing for spears / pikes etc. Also I've seen what looks suspiciously like a sprint (at least on horseback) a couple of times.

Did I miss anything?

another picture, showing sargoth

it beautiful

Nice looking castle town
Fetch quests are gonna be a real bitch

what kind of monster would support Vlandia after seeing this massive regression


>He's not Vlandian through and through

i mean they did for viking conquest. But developers tend to go two steps foward then two steps back where expansions are considered.