PC BETA starts on the 28th for those who pre-ordered, open PC BETA on the 29th ends on the 31st
/dg/ - Destiny General
Other urls found in this thread:
>clans for your designated consoles
also the links are fucked
clan links are dead until the 1st then we can update them
heads up for people buying 2 for PC: greenmangaming has pre-orders at 18% off for standard and deluxe edition.
Clan names up for grabs now?
One thing I didn't like about Destiny's weapon variety is that they all fall into some very strict fire rate categories instead of being spread out. I assume this has something to do with their strange inability to change some weapon characteristics individually, though if I read the previews right this isn't a problem anymore.
Hope that D2 will have a much wider range of fire rates. Not just "average", "painfully slow" and "really too fast".
I said fuck it and got Digital Deluxe. This is for not buying Halo since 3 and COD since MW2.
Well I was able to make a clan...
Alright /dg/, what banner are we going with?
it won't let me post the link because it thinks I'm spamming but literally just google greenmangaming destiny 2. pretty sure you have to be signed in to see the discount though
>fucks up all the info AGAIN
>not green and purple
Please do no make it green and purple.
Keep the memes at a minimum.
No you weren't. It'll keep getting deleted. Go check reddit if you don't believe it.
I think pure green doesn't fit well should probably have an outline. Should also include all the classes for the extra detail.
Is this the right shade of green I can't tell.
nth for there's nothing wrong with the ps4 clan name
nth for destiny 2 soon
who gives a shit about reset info in D1 anymore
das noice
That actually looks really good
Yeah good ideas, hopefully we can decide on a emblem in this thread. That's about as close to the green as we can get
This is what we have so far, any objections?
I do you lispy aspie
no It's really good.
which clan is this even for?
Sod off I didn't make the thread this time.
Tell me about Ghaul, why does he wear the mask?
Well the other two clans could do this one if they want, but right now I'm doing this for the PS4 clan.
looks good to me
design-wise it's fine but it seems like the clover is ever so slightly off-center to the right
Just like the edgy 4chummers
Well we can't do anything about that
this triggers my graphic designer autism
The emblem editor is pretty limited and only allows you to pick pre-made icons and edit the border and its color with pre-selected color coices. Basically it's a more limited version of Halo 3's creator
PS4 clan the other 2 can design there own
link to editor psl
Bungie.net>Clan>My Clan>Settings>Edit Banner
Anons, i'll be looking forward seeing any clans we make be in the top 10 of each platform.
I'm part of the PS4 clan and i'll do you guys proud by applying my autism.
Counting on you to put that autism to efficient use.
>2 weeks until the release
>still no alpha team
just a heads up, I sent all twenty-odd people who were kicked from PC clan invites/links over bungie.net PMs
they aren't coming back. they all moved on to warframe and overwatch.
They'll come back to reclaim the thrones dont you worry
same. this is where it will shine. and I suggest all anons channel their autsims to this clan.
PC people! Are we all gonna join the north america server to play together.
fuck off
The clan/clan rewards aren't tied down by region, but when it comes to actually playing the game with one another, most likely, sure.
I'm ready, I'm ready, I'm ready, I'm ready!
Looks like voidbow is returning.
welcome to 4 hours ago
>went to sleep right when shit got released
do we know what Mods are yet?
not yet. I would like to keep things a surprised. but we will eventually find out before the release.
We know that armor pieces have individual shaders that are presumably consumables like chroma.
>1080 TI
watering at your build honesltly
me 2
gee bill, your mom lets you have 2 1080ti's?
DUAL 1080s bud :)
is there honestly any game you cant run at 144hz?
I have one TI and I still can't run F4 with mods above 60fps
>EDZ gameplay on a Titan
>loot is non-decal DO armor
here come the ride again
its just like the armor for warlock in pic related, its the dead orbit armor with a different name and ne faction decals
oh yh, here's the new link for said PC clan: bungie.net
i'm fine with non-decals.
thanks bud
here's the dead orbit armor for reference
Hitch! What clan banner are you making?
I love 9pm launch times. Basically a whole day earlier!
I havent played Destiny since clearing the heroic Kings Fall raid and getting light level 318 on three characters.
Played the beta for D2 and it feels like a fresh experience because I havent touched the original in so long. I burnt out on it, I didnt go 2000+ hours like some of you mad cunts but I was getting there.
Will our characters carry over like the original 10 year Destiny plan or is it all a new beginning?
but gear and weapons wont
do we know if it's Sunday night or Monday?
They had to unfuck their bloated system and fix their horrible codes so the only thing that carries over is your guardian appearance. No gear or anything. You're good.
I dunno, I'll post several designs and see what anons like? I might just copy Bob's, tho
>play at 9 PM!
Fuck me I have to wait until midnight to go pick up my LE at Gamestop
I would guess it's 12 AM monday but I don't care either way because I work on mondays
>5AM UK time
you should know by know games run on US time
I do but it doesn't mean it's right
you guys are going to like this, from 1:40 onward's the warlock is using the vortex novabomb nd the devour effect. it looks to be pretty good along with it being faster than the novanuke from the beta.
Sounds good!
Thanks. If thats the case I'll probably just make new characters if they have updated the char creation.
they set it 9 because they know the kiddies will be done with dinner by then and ready to splerge on the game
>house of wolves was 30 months ago
I still think it was the best era of destiny, or at least /dg/.
D2 will be the best destiny
that's honestly what I was hoping for
So does Bungie only have a 3 games contract with Activision? Think they might extend that when D3 comes out?
considering the third game will come out in the final three years of the contract I heavily doubt it
What if Destiny becomes new CoD?
Will you play Destiny made by Infinity Ward?
I'm honestly worried about Bungie's future after/if the destiny franchise ends with the third game
Like will they keep doing destiny with Activision or whoever or want to move on to something new after ten years
why would another studio develop a new destiny title
Can you try something closer to futaba blue for background if its possible? the clover is fine, but it feels weird over cream white.
to be fair you shouldn't worry about Bungie's future unless you're a stockholer
On one hand I'm slight disappoint.
On the other hand it means you'll be able to get more choices even if you're not into the activity, like crucible armor shape without crucible.
True that, current Bungie is as much THAT OLD Bungie as current Bioware THAT OLD Bioware
Yotsuba, that is.
>Still too lazy to update the reset info
>Fucks up the spacing too
yeah honestly we'll all be playing destiny for the next 7 years I was just speculating
according to the bungie activision contract, bungie has a marathon reboot in the works. The more financially successful the destiny games are, the more resources they can put towards marathon while working on destiny