/sc2/scr/ starcrafts general
Good OP, appreciated.
nth for JD wins ASL 4
we're in here
remember that broodwar remake mod in the sc2 arcade? it had options to turn on the sc2 style mechanics like binding multiple buildings, more units in a ctrl group, rally workers straight to mine
that mod was better than scr...
>this casual
sc2 has no depth because of how simple its mechanics are
i said it let you choose...
whats the point of playing sc2 with brood war units?
I'm restarting, why sc treads are purged into oblivion?
Anyway, I'm reading some stuff from liquidpedia, and seeing the olds d9 noob tuesday. So far, so good. Any of you are laddering?
wish things would change
>GSL Code S 1d 7h
newfig doesnt know this is a janny hideout
i can feel my eyes turn into sharingan
janny is a bully
StarCraftVerified account @StarCraft 55s56 seconds ago
New Skins arriving w/ Patch 3.17!
if things keep going the way they are pretty soon zg is going to have to prostitute herself for food in order to maintain her perfect figure
as a growing streamer
i really want zombiechub to sit on my face...
how large do you think her turds are
So we all agree Rogue is taking GSL this season rite
someone buy me video game
who is this mersh merchant
alright he released them again
who wants to watch all of them together?
gonna start in 2 minutes