>Earn money
>Don't spend money
Is there literally anything else to add?
>Earn money
>Don't spend money
Is there literally anything else to add?
>make your money work for you
>don't spend money
then how do I eat?
what's the point of earning it if you're not going to spend it?
>don't spend money
>nowhere for me to live
>nothing for me to eat
>no transportation
>no computer
>no internet
>no electricity
>no dating
>no clothing
>no furniture
>no insurance
>no medicine
>no doctor's visits
>no dentist
>Is there literally anything else to add?
>You have to spend money to earn money
>The more money you earn the more you spend
>Your average millionaire spends more in a year than most people make in ten
ok, I think we're good now.
>then how do I eat?
Farm duh
>Don't work
>Don't spend money
Same result.
You don't need half of that
You don't need any of it besides eating and living. Which you can live in a van and eat pasta and canned soups.
maybe when I recreate this thread I'll make it "earn as much as possible, spend as little as possible" etc
What's the point of earning as much as possible then? what are you trying to earn it for?
Just to amass money?
try it
I've lived like this before
babby's first budget
>earn as much as possible, spend as little as possible
you got the first half right anyways.
if you have to worry about your spending you're not making enough.
Wouldn't you want to put money in an ira before 4-5% as those amounts are restricted to a set amount each year and you lose the ability to deposit them
>you got the first half right anyways.
>if you have to worry about your spending you're not making enough.
more autism
obviously I meant "earn as much as possible while spending as little as possible"
Is this place normally full of autists?
What's the point of doing that?
Why earn money if you don't spend it.
>babby's first budget
Budgeting is for fucking retards
If you have an IQ over 100 you'll be aware of when and where you're spending your money. There is no need to track and list it all in a spreadsheet.
What is the point of earning money if you don't spend it?
5th time I'm asking now
The thread is about how to get rich
I gave you a formula for getting rich
What do I care what you do when you get rich
Wow genius plan
>Live like a fucking bum during your best years
>When you're 40-50 maybe you'll have a million!
Thanks for the breakthrough
>obviously I meant "earn as much as possible while spending as little as possible"
yep, the first half is right.
being rich isn't how much you HAVE, it's how much you SPEND.
Which is why it's so difficult to calculate how much a rich person has, and why most rich people don't try.
It's extremely unlikely that living like a bum will be beneficial to earning money
Rather it would be likely that good food, health, exercise, social life etc will enable you to earn money
Being rich is about having a lot of money, you have a retarded pedantic definition
When people say they want to be rich they mean spending a lot of money. Not maxing out their Roth IRA and pennypinching like a Jew.
what you are proposing is a very vague and poorly defined budget. I am assuming you have never lived on your own / had money or held a job.
This has literally never been suggested in this thread
You have some serious reading problems
I have lived on my own and it takes literally 2 minutes to figure out your income vs rent and food etc. After you do it once it takes 10 seconds
a budget is designed to optimize income and reduce spending
>Being rich is about having a lot of money
I don't think anyone would agree with that except poor people.
if you HAVE a lot of money and live poor you're just poor.
Don't focus on the money, focus on time. When you start looking at your activities from a time cost basis, answers quickly jump out at you for what you should be doing. If you're browsing around all day? That's not time spent making enough and then some. Once you've worked toward that you can fuck around for a little while to not go insane from overwork.
You start to see money input and output, safety ness and riskiness, and determine how worthy an idea is for you that you're comfortable risking for. You want to maximize the differential while not breaking down. You also have also effort required on time.
Everybody wants to do something that takes almost 0 time, to maximize their return, and takes no money input, for no risk.
The only place you'll find all that is in the bridge I have to sell you.
>That's not time spent making enough and then some.
Once you've built systems that make money on their own you find yourself with free time.
free time is actually the goal of rich people. Freedom we call it.
You can often spot the extremely rich and the extremely poor by how much time they have to do stuff you consider a waste.
Yes, but I have a lot of free time. Unemployed and doing nothing. Free time costs nothing to accomplish. I'm laying down the ground work, you find it valuable because of the money output, right?
>optimize income
This is just your job. There is nothing else significant for 99% of people. Except for investments, but those are basically a 2nd job.
>reduce spending
It's always obvious how to reduce spending. There is literally nothing to think about just spend less and do different things.
>the extremely rich and the extremely poor
>and the extremely poor
>I'm laying down the ground work
just consider the possibility that others aren't where you're at in the process is all. Actually wealthy people on average do about as much works as broke people. Often much less.
>Once you've built systems that make money on their own you find yourself with free time.
There's literally no such thing
I have this theory that White people are far too optimistic to be realistic about life, thats how they fall for Jewish self-help books like it seems you have
>you find it valuable because of the money output, right?
freedom? no.
Freedom is valuable because people in general want it.
you can have freedom when broke but you have much broader freedom with money. A poor person is very limited in what they can actually afford to do.
And like you said >>once they spend the time
>There's literally no such thing
I've read your theories on the subject.
and you're right, long-term.
but over a period of a few decades or even centuries it's easy enough to build a system that grows itself. It usually just requires a set of assets and the greed of others in exploiting them for you.
Rent taking. A subject I know you're familiar with but don't actually seem to understand. If you have something of value others will happily make money off it for you in exchange for a cut.
>99% of people will never decide on going toward this goal
about 60% of people will actively pursue this goal.
about 30% will succeed.
about 10% will succeed for life.
So there it is, you're considering it freedom+value. You can possess the freedom to do something with possessing the power to do it short of theft, wage, slavery, dealmaking, whatever. This is my point is that you've got to consider all the points I listed together. If you want to just be free from your deskjob, you have to offset somehow until it's possible along some other axis. The people who tell you you can do it now with no offset on the other axes are selling you a fantasy.
>The people who tell you you can do it now with no offset on the other axes are selling you a fantasy.
I think most people understand that. Thus the existence of this thread and this board.
People don't wonder what they want, they wonder how to get it. And OP offers the most reliable method. However it's not the most common method nor is it the method OP himself used. Because it works, but it takes 50 years or so.
Let me put this in a way you will understand
>over a period of a few decades or even centuries
u wot m8?
Let's say you're a multimillionaire lawyer from a certain state in the US.
Let's call you Matt for fun.
Matt esquire the 3rd inherits $4,000,000 worth of residential properties from Matt II. Now Matt doesn't like collecting rent, interviewing renters, and maintaining apartment buildings. So he hands off the whole mess to a property management company. This company handles all the work and pays Matt a couple hundred thousand dollars in rents (minus their fees and expenses). What has Matt done? Nothing. He cashes a check every month and signs a contract every 6 years and THAT'S IT.
Matt makes money doing nothing aside from owning rental properties.
But let's go deeper:
what about the owner(s) of the management company? Do they physically collect rent or maintain buildings or interview renters? Hell no, they're shitposting on Veeky Forums all day while hiring others to do the work. The actual work is done by people that own neither rental properties or management companies. Hell, there's probably another layer of contractors working above them, the contractors that are hired by the management company. Those contractors themselves also don't do work, they just hire managers to see to it that work gets done.
so we have at least 3 layers of useless middlemen between the asset and the renting of the asset. And none of them work.
And if the asset is large enough it can go on making money for Matt and Matt's kids and Matt's property management company and Matt's property management company's contractors for well over 100 years. Because that's how the rich stay rich.
Retire early and live on the interest.
That stuff is all obvious though. The most important thing you need to figure out is how to increase your income. Thats usually your "job" whatever form that takes.
>The most important thing you need to figure out is how to increase your income
and there it is.
you can only work so many hours in a day and make so many dollars per hour.
so eventually you must figure out how to take part of other people's hours and dollars.
and that's where people get rich.
so educate us.
You get rich by earning more money, not by squirreling away money into your mattress.
Of course you need to watch your expenses, but 80% of you energy needs to be focused on how to make more money, not spend less.
To reinvest and make more money.
When you inevitably ask the question a 6th time just read this post again.
it isn't obvious you fuck
What if you suddenly develop disease
your car is stolen
your landlord c u c c s you
God you people make me angry
>What if you suddenly develop disease
>your car is stolen
>your landlord c u c c s you
I agree though, if you're a really poor bastard you've got bigger worries than how to get rich. People who get rich can usually afford things like houses and insurance before they make it big.
you forgot
>invest in MiloCoin
>interest close to 0
>To reinvest and make more money.
>When you inevitably ask the question a 6th time just read this post again.
And then what?
Then you'll reinvest to make more money and do it again and again and never spend any. What's the point of that?
This mentality is what held me back for years ,only poor fags say that.
At what point is it okay to spend money though?
Or are you just going to get buried with millions of dollars?
>are you just going to get buried with millions of dollars?
The average American would need to work 30 years to make 1 million. They won't live long enough to make 2.
that's assuming you don't spend any money on anything, you'll be a millionaire by 50. In real life it doesn't work like that because people won't pay you an average wage when you live in a box, dress in rags, and eat out of dumpsters.