/wtg/ - War Thunder General

BMP edition

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>Official Site:

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>Wiki with Release Trees and General Tactics:

>Fan created skins, missions, locations, fictions etc...
live.warthunder.com/ (Warning! Pure weeaboo and horsefucker autism abound)

>Ammunition Types

>All the Air RB/SB maneuvers you would want to know + Engine thingamabobs:

>Every Airplane Instrument Panel translated

>Youtube Channel with Tutorials and Gameplay Videos

>Steam community:

>vg chatroom:
Type " /join vg " into chatbox.
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>Joystick Comparisons:

>DIY Headtracking

>Chart displaying weapon effectiveness against ground units

>Sound Mods:

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first for anime



I don't think DM23 was DU, I know that for the 120mm the Germans use Tungsten APFSDS



guess I'm ready for the inevitable T6 jet grind


being forced to play 5.3 slavs to grind out a mark for a friend is the worst suffering I've ever had to endure in this game
>6.3 every time
>teammates are actual fucking retards
>never ever bounce shots
>non pens and bullshit constantly
I hope the fucker is happy, why would you ever fucking play slavs after they've been nerfed into the dirt holy shit

I've been playing 5.3 Slavs for a week and it's the easiest time I've ever had playing tanks, and I'm tier V in UK and US, how shit are you?
>everything has great maneuverability or bouncy castle armor
>nuke launching guns that one shot on every. Single. Penetration.
>meme slopes that bounce shit it shouldn't constantly

saw it

Is there anyway i can preview vehicles hidden from the trees like E-100?

There's a user mission with some rare or event vehicles in it, that's the best you'll be able to do

I really hope the new Cold War/Vietnam war/ww3 rank doesn't use the ww2 matchmaker. (Axis vs allies) if much rather have the United States, UK, Germany, and Japan all classified as NATO and the Soviet Union as Warsaw Pact. Germany can be split, but I think it would be too hard for Slav programmers to make west German vehicles queue for NATO and East German vehicles to queue for WP.

I agree, but I don't have any expectations desu.
There's always SB for that, I suppose.

They could have given Germany West tanks and East Planes for the matchmaker.

But they gave both saber and mig and now they fucked themselves in the corner, which is why they completely skipped the iron curtain tanks and just gave Germany leopards.

>Major armored car update has been asked for for at least a year now
>We just get more power creep and post ww2 garbage
>More grind cuz ))))


The only armored cars I want in the game are German ones. Allies shits Get fucked

Will Warthunder ever get into the modern era or is that stuff still classified?

fuck off nazishart
only subhumans play one nation

Like the puma?


Come on shittron, I'm a wehraboo to the max but I want every faction to get theirs. Why so rude user? The M8 is cool as hell and the Brits had some pretty sweet cars.

I'm more worried about how populated games will be at that high tier. Matches are already small. They only get big when they drag 7.3 and 7.0 in to the Match.

Let's say the T-64 is 9.0, that will mean they'll have to rely on dragging the small population of players that's 8.0 to 9.0.

I hope Gaijin seriously lowers the amount of RP for 8.0, 8.3 Tanks to something like 200k RP because and lowers RP Costs across the board at least from Tier 3 onwards.

It was fine when there were only about 1 or 2 Tanks per Tank Line but now that the Tree is filled with variants to hell and back it needs to be adjusted or else 9.0 Matches will be scarce and the whales will get tired of killing each other.

>driving my T-54-47
>come across an enemy 76mm Jumbo
>one shot him through the UFP while he plinks off my turret face
I'm sorry
No clue why he was driving that overtiered POS, instead of whatever he had that caused him to get uptiered to 7.7 unless it was the T26E1-1, then I understand, but I still feel bad

>yfw HESH at 5.0 with 80mm of pen

>HESH at 5.0
For when the T-34's absolutely, positively have to die, even if it smacks the drivers hatch?

i assume that tier 4 vehicles will have 50% RP penalty for grinding tier 6
thanks gaijin

yes, the puma was added and I was content. Pakwagen was icing on the cake

we did it reddit

>Being content with just the Puma
>When there were so many interesting German armored cars

nazishitter mad an armored car killed the mighty tiger tank.

>mfw taking A6M3 into GF RB
>mfw swatting CASniggers left and right

Good, CASniggers deserve nothing but repair costs.

I don't expect gaijin to add any more, so I am glad they at least threw me a bone with the Puma and Pakwagen.
>sdkfz 222 never

Honestly a lust for armored cars are the only thing that's gotten me close to trying out the forums and making a big deal out of it until we get actual dev interest.

>taking the Yak-3P into GF RB
>getting to outskill and obliterate both fascisti AND capitalist scum

I'd rather not have any armored cars. The T17, and the Puma handle like shit. Unless they fix how you drive where you aren't wobbling like a motherfucker starting at medium speeds I want none of it.

why does barely anyone play the Cent 1
all those I see who play it dunk on the enemy team, and I do as well from my experience in it

>said no ivan ever as he instantly got nuked by a spitfire

they're fine just learn to drive.

Taking the Reppu. Outskilling Bearcats, Spitfires and any CAS. Using the 84kg Rockets it has to get a freebie tank kill is great too.

>implying you won't get deleted by spits and weebs
only thing worth taking out at that BR is the IL-10 1946

Dam cant chose if i should go for the mbt/german tank or the t-64

why not both
it's what I'm doing

If it wasn't for the reload, the Vickers MBT would be a fucking SHIT tank.

Holy fuck this shit is frustrating.

The spits are pretty bad, and I usually have to rely on friendly SPAAG's to fuck with them so I can get my shots in, but all the Wyvern pilots I've come across are hilariously bad
haven't gone up against a weeb yet, the matchmaking doesn't seem to like putting me against them for whatever reason

I don't have it or anything higher than 3.7 desu, I just forgot to switch it back to the hayabusa and the result was glorious.

Too busy using the black prince

because i have things in my life other than grinding 24/7 for russian jew semen

There's a reason the plane was only in service for 5 years, it was a unreliable piece of shit.
Also CAS niggers are too busy popping tanks to learn how to dogfight with it.

I hope the ru251 gets moved up to tier V after tier VI is added. Then I'd finally have at least one tier V tank

no excuse now


the only other nation I play doesn't have tanks yet.

>P-80 and Mig-9 chasing eachothers tails on the deck at 400 km/h for like 5 minutes

So much to grind

buy goldy birds you fuck

>tfw no Arab-Israeli war maps
>tfw no Indo-Pakistan war maps
>tfw no Yugoslavian civil war maps

As you wish mein führer

doesnt change much

>tfw the april fools map will not return for tier VI


>Your information has been forwarded to the developers

>tfw fell for the solid shot is buffed meme

why would it
I doubt modern vehicles will be in tier VI and that is a modern map

The new map looks promising, but Gaijin couldn't resist putting a fucking castle in the middle of it, so I'm withholding judgement until I play it.

Pic unrelated.

cute girl

>it's a 'join 5 minutes after the match starts and get spawncamped by T54s' episode

>shitters be excited about new power creep vehicles when niggers can still see through trees and bushes
>"there no hacks in game)))))))))))))))))))"

You think that's bad?
pic related is the long 88 versus a Super Hellcat

me with the dp-28

why would you ever. remember what chucklefucks are behind this meme of a game.

F-84 a fun. I kinda want to grab the Italian one just so I can take off the ugly fuel pods. Some other variants of it would be cool too.


>not turning off join in progress
>not aiming for the transmission or engine where you're basically guaranteed a hull break
you both deserved it

>we will never get separated matchmaking for WW2 and post-war vehicles
>we will never get reduced grinds and folders where there should be for GF
>Canadairs and G.91s will never have to fight MiGs
>we will only get unwanted power creep and "completely balanced" 40$ premiums

Attack the D point!


seriously, 20 fucking 17 and we still have bix nood announcer

>After windows 10 forcibly runs half a dozen tests on my C drive it kills it.
>Windows is on there so I have to jury rig google chrome just to be able to use a browser

No War Thunder for you for awhile )))))))))))

Exactly how fucking bad are you

Is this normal, or is the right aileron of the A7M2 bugged?

why have separated matchmaking when they could literally just move the post war shit into a new game

i like playing planes better

>Tfw just discovered you can enable the SB gun camera in RB

Holy shit why isn't this always on I love it

Can the IT-1 still cancerously fire from behind cover or it is just the raketenjagdCancer only now

Because it screws up your aiming because everything is off center

have fun getting wrecked by tryharding cheating russians because you dont have pinpoint accuracy

>doing anything other than the bare minimum of work required
remember, small family company tovarisch))))
though I gotta hand it to the folks making the models of the vehicles, they do some top-notch work

>germ markings on a jap plane
off yourself
also im not quite sure if it is a bug or not

Doesn't seem to though. Its quite natural for me actually.

I think it's still both
but I don't own either so I couldn't completely know

Hey, whatever works for you, but it's definitely off center. With the Jagdpanzer IV you have to aim way to the left of the target to get a hit, and it's easy to hit objects right in front of you like if you're trying to crest a hill.

Honestly I think I just enjoy it because I adore SB and sims in general, played a lot of Ro2 tank crewing some time ago and this is an outlet for it without playing a ded game against AI. If it gets to be that bad in some vehicles I guess I'll just be playing with weighted armor.

Get it user

>7k to Cent Mk 10

Is it worth it?

kind of but I think the Vickers is better

I have a ton of hours in RO2 but never tried the tanks except when I first started, on that all tank map that nobody ever plays anymore.

I did a lot of tanking in RO:Ostfront though. Good times.