LEAVE edition
LEAVE edition
First for the first time ever :D
xth for aggressive interspecies impregnation.
I made it to Gold 5 today, I'm top Elo now right??
You can also factor in her ultimate through Burrowed Q + Ult + Unburrowed Q on low health targets.
At least her damage doesn't fall off anymore so this could give Late-game Rek'sai more option besides tank into bruiser.
>top elo
lo looooo loves veigar and veigar loves loloos purple dick!
xth for Syndra
xth for best couple
General consensus on Ornn?
xth for Riot NEVER EVER making a cute dog girl.
Jinx is cuddly and cute
daily reminder that climbposter is just another shitty avatarfag alongside lulu, ez and heim.
> Mad silverbab
wew I can be one of those now
Corrupt your local Demacian
>playing some top camille against nasus
>bum him
>my team is warwick and yasuo
>they go a combined 3/25
>my bot a combined 5/17
at-at least i won lane.
Good stats, kinda fun, not amazing.
Needs to be Nami'd.
delete this
I'm legit starting to think that Maokai support is better than Leona
Quarter-birb babies with the edgy Vastayan teenager!
gold and silver are no different from one another.
th-thanks, guys...
>I'm legit
almost any support/tank is better than leona right now if you're in an elo where the meta exists. her only use is a hehexd sona counter pick.
rework when
Who is the Optimus Prime of league?
>3 hearts
Who did you suck off
Does the carpet match the drapes for Lulu?
>people complain about not getting honor keys
>second time this week i've gotten two fragments as soon as I log in
>still Honor 2
I don't get it.
people complain about not getting capsules, everyone at honor 3+ has keys coming out their asses you stupidposter.
gangbang SLUT.
Why are literally all easy to play and strong champions ugly and or male?
the armpit and the inner thigh need to have a battle to the death
who, (You)? I agree.
>play camille top
>kill the enemy garen 8 times before 10 minutes
>he's building static shiv for his first item
>says he doesn't care because someone on his team banned away yasuo
>he ends the game 1/13/4
>report him for trolling in a ranked game
>receive notification that player was banned while waiting for que to pop
Are all Yasuo players really this autistic?
>playing thots
try harder
delete this
>and or
(response echoing the beyond widely known disdain for yasuo players and also giving this desperate soul a (you)
speaking of autism I have to blast like why the fuck even wear a top if you're going to be that revealing like boo you're wearing a fucking belt as a shirt
xth for CLIMBing!
no mod can take away your drive to CLIMB!
Should I buy Arcade Ahri or wait for Star Guardian or are they both terrible skins and should I get neither?
Twitch is a fucking Skaven.
arcade is comfy and everyone and their autistic neet basement dwelling son will have SG ahri.
topless female hero when
Lulu probably has 3 tiny hairs down there.
If that were the case I'd like to harvest some for safekeeping.
>hurr look at me I don't think Skavens are hot
>Not anime enough for me bro
>I have normie standards
No but seriously you're right. Skaven women are much worse
Popstar, all Arcade skins are cringy lolusgamersXD garbage.
Except for Corki's, which is the surest sign you are about to get fucked up the butt.
I don't know. I'd probably facefuck it
The only sexy nonhumans in either WH are the Daemonettes.
weird, I usually ban Kayn
>tfw friend bought me Project Leona and then she got nerfed
Well, maybe I can go back to the sunlight lass at last, at long last.
I want to hug sona and let her know she is the most beautiful and cutest woman in runeterra!
your friend got you the "I'm really bad at leona and picking good skins" skin
Popstar bugs me because they changed her original dance which was already an iconic pop dance to some
You're probably right about the latter but they both seem so comfy
Signs that your fucked
>bot lane have matching names
>they both lock in xayah and rakan
Best girl.
Best smile.
Best wife.
It her wear for when her armour goes on and she came from a time when people in general weren't so weak to perverted mental states.
I've been bronze since season 1 AMA
I'm assuming you're replying to the wrong post but nevertheless I'm accepting the idea of Kayn wanting to fuck anything into canon
The enemy Zed is shockblade
Yours is PROJECT
>pick ezreal
>by the time my core items are completed so are tristanas
>mfw outscaled before I hit my powerspike
>mfw lane was horrible
>mfw there was not a single point in the game where I wouldnt have done better with literally any other ADC
I finally get all the ezreal hate
I used to be decent at this champion and didnt play him for like 6 months, hes hot garbage now
If they want to buff him they got to do something about his build. Theres just no way he can ever compete with crit ADCs when they spike harder and at the same time as he does, while having a better lane.
>Lying to her
any premade bot lane means you're fucked
Every single time since like season 2 someone's done something innovative that made Ezreal competetive they nerfed the fuck out of all the items involved
Its so frustrating because he's probably in my top 3 favorite champions.
>tfw bronze since Lulu's release
>That was in 2012
>toplane locks in teemo as anything but a counter pick
>toplane locks in an adc/non tank
>midlane plays ad
>midlane plays support #2
>midlane goes ignite when they should have taken cleanse/barrier/tp
>jungle locks in teemo/kindred/nasus/riven
>jungle locks in basically anything but the half dozen acceptable current meta junglers
>you have a lane kayne and he goes shadow assassin at 20min
>Ezreal q can now crit
Did I fix him?
Apparently when you reach honor 4 the drop rate in keys is lower than 2 and 3.
when my adc locks in ezreal I cry a little and just go make myself a drink during loading screen so I'm not so upset by what a fucking sandbag that human being is going to be.
Teemo is psychological warfare.
Like Blitzcrank and Shaco.
>Ezrael Q does 3/4's of your HP
I was pretty good with her, doubt I still am. It's definitely a skin with missed opportunity, especially in regards to the lack of skirt-like elements.
off yourself delusional brainlet. hover your champion with an early pick order and I'll waste my ban on him.
This guy solo queues and not by choice.
>ezreal finishes triforce
>suddenly his Q has a chance to nearly oneshot you
>and a 30% chance to slow you to a crawl so he can just EW you and slow your attack speed by 40% as well, ensuring a guaranteed kill
No thank you.
And Bard.
Sorry user but it's true
forgot he existed desu. might just go play a normal game with him.
Hey. Anyone remember that whole... Frozen Watchers and Lissandra's evil, vague plot?
I mean, we just got another Freljordian, but we haven't heard anything about the actual backstory of what was such a big deal a few years ago...
Did the lore team just completely forget about this or something?
>midlane plays support #2
Perform fiery oppression with your DFT crows and follow your midlaner around and Middlesticks becomes a great second, offensive support.
Noone, I just carried hard.
It's the Miss Fortune Skin though...
you guys are going down.
I will take my revenge.
>tfw bounce between silver and gold since s4
Not much better.
>shits the bed in his own lane
>"wtf is this teemo? haha right guys?"
>mid sona goes 24/4
guess the elo
Yeah, I misquoted. A rare occurrence, but every time as unfortunate as the last.
keep trying cuck boy.
>had 5 exams recently
>didnt go to a single one of them
feels weird man, video game addiction is a powerful thing
a-user i think you might have amnesia
>there's a duo on your team.
>there's a one trick on your team.
Does Elo really matter? I take it back, it does. She can more or less stand her ground unless you're are the elo where people make competent efforts to dive and work together, not just doing their own thing. I'd say it's more about the champions considering Fizz can avoid her ult more easily than other divers.