/fgoalter/ - Fate/Grand Order NA General

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>"Moon Goddess Event Pickup Summon Period"
Period: August 17, 2017 (Thu) 8:00 ~ August 31, 2017 (Thu) 3:59 UTC
5* Orion
4*s Stheno and Marie Antoinette
3*s Ushiwakamaru and Jing Ke

fgosimulator.webcrow.jp/ - Mats, EXP & AP sims for game-planning
- Chaldea Gate: Daily Quests - fate-go.cirnopedia.org/quest_daily_us.php
- Drop rates (click on the NA tab): docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1_SlTjrVRTgHgfS7sRqx4CeJMqlz687HdSlYqiW-JvQA
- Check the schedule and drops before asking in the thread
- If cirnopedia is down, use other alternatives like the fgowikia, kazemai or the in-game announcements

>[Miscellaneous stuff]
- Master Mission - Complete Mission objectives each week to gain Saint Quartz fragments
- Rate ups in JP FGO: img.fireden.net/vg/image/1499/27/1499273270406.jpg
- Friendlist: docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1M8_ZNP-WinrDQvwckh6Q7DMK5Z8RSx7ZshXTLCaI4zo
- Add yourself to the list: docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSctk0n_OdMusCdkzQPQu8AHD-3Drc0kXqHOmKWJDpY-VkHVEg/viewform

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Ded gaem

dumb lizard

Liz is too fucking cute.


Can Liz beat Gilgamesh?

What would Liz's breath smell like?


I want to roll

When are we getting a not shit banner

Remember, only 123 days until Christmas!

whos the biggest hack: Higashide, Sakurai or Nasu?


my cum


So Saturday probably California time

>Aniplex of America Industry Panel – 1:45 PM – CRX Stage
Join the Aniplex of America marketing team as they bring you the latest news from AOA headquarters! Watch the coolest trailers, hear about new releases, ask questions, and win some awesome prizes. Find out why it’s only the best with Aniplex!

>Fate/Grand Order – 5:45 PM – Hime Stage
Want to learn more about the hit mobile game Fate/Grand Order? Aniplex of America’s Localization Producer will be present to talk about what it’s like working on the localization for Fate/Grand Order! There will be a Q&A session and some prizes will be given away as well. Don’t miss it!

I'm guessing they'll save anything for the actual FGO panel. Dead for 2 more days before we can say how dead we are.

Fluffy Servant

The hunt begins


Why was Marisbilly such a shitty dad?

Liz is so cute it makes my heart hurt.

Got her.

But I ended up with only 60 quartz

Rotting meat and semen.

I think that's a stroke

>When are we getting a not shit banner
Hope you aren't a waifufag after kintoki

Pics or it didn't happen

>tfw only 5* I have ever gotten is Waver and the second time I got a 5* it was him too
Is there a worst feeling in the world? Please don't tell me I'll have a NP5 Waver


I, for one, cannot wait to get NP2 Jannu from the guaranteed gacha

Shit, I thought I uploaded it

Got spooked by pirate tits

At least you've gotten another *5
I've gotten only 1 *4 from rolls and I've used everything given so far.

Fluffy servants

Don't worry you won't

I plan to buy quartz for this, but i only intend to roll 3 times max and the buying is mainly to have paid quartz ready for new years.
Need to save for summer, Ishtar, and Prisma.



Since I already got Mama should I roll for Fluffly Slut or for Maid Alter?

Liar, you are the Aniplex worker

Fuck off attention whore

Rude, Edison is not a slut
Roll the limiteds

>run Gaul 10 times today
>get the last 3 Octuplet Crystals I need
Arash, now is the time for nuking the plebeians.

>people are actually saving quartz and not money
Lmao at you faggies right now, have fun reeeeing at your shit luck while my np5 okita wraps her tuberculosis infected lips around my throbbing cock

I just bought some quartz so I have 600 right now. Hopefully I'll get another 150 or so by Christmas. That will give me 250+ rolls for Jack and Nursery Rhyme. I just hope I don't have terrible luck.

Cute male master

>Not doing both

Last time I spent money on a mob age I blew $140 on feh for Faye and got nothing.
Lesson learned.

That sounds nasty man

I'm saving for two years for a 4*. The idea of not getting her is beyond logic.

I will start saving after GOLD.

>NP5 overcharged is a 2000% damage Stella
What the fuck I'm reading

Ho ho

why is Dantes such a good boy?


You doubted the fucking Lone Meteor?

I want to play as shota Gudao, get bullied about my height and have Dantes read me stories

It's supposed to be balanced because he dies.

It still isn't because dying isn't a real drawback. If anything dying is a plus. My new grind strategy is Berserker with Kaleido/Arash with Kaleido/Waver/support Berserker with Kaleido

Arash uses skill3 to get 100% charge, STELLA, he dies, Supportserker comes in, Waver gets both to 100% charge and they nuke the last two waves.

>Sakura clone
>saving for a servant
Fuck you, you just made me drop my drink because I was laughing so hard. I just got this case of busch today too, what a waste
That's what's so hot about it. I want her to cough blood in my mouth so I can swish it around swallow it

He has always been a good boy deep down.

I wish Passion could get proper arms so she can finally be able to touch people without destroying them. Between all those geniuses at Chaldea someone should be able to build her prosthetics or something.

There was no waste, Busch tastes like shit.

You sir, have no taste. Everyone here in Alabama drinks Busch. My grandfather drinks it, my father drinks it, I drink it, and the family is going to end with me but if I had a son he'd drink it and his son would drink it, it's a fucking tradition

Anyone else having problems connecting to the server?

All the fucking time, every damn day.

The vast majority of servants are warriors and combatants. Perhaps Da Vinci could devise some sort of artificial hands, but most are simply useless at creation (when it's not related to war) and aid to others. To be a hero is almost exclusively to fight.
But at least she's learning to be careful.

Pick 1

>Can't use a grail to fix her arms

jack every thread until she can be adopted

>but most are simply useless at creation (when it's not related to war) and aid to others.
Between Edison, Tesla, Blavatsky, Sherlock, Paracelsus, Moriarty and even Merlin I find it hard to believe they wouldn't be able to find a solution either magical or scientific.

>but most are simply useless at creation (when it's not related to war) and aid to others.

>we are all hicks with no tastebuds and proud of it
Try some IPA you clown, anything bellow a 7% has no purpose being drank.


Stop making me like Medb.

Do you all think the next event we're getting is the Halloween one? (following the JP event timeline) Or are they going to mix things up to avoid stagnation, Okeanos maybe?

Saber became Rin's servant in UBW, so why didn't they just do this?

>get 2 masters working together
>use all command spells for huge power and slaughter enemies
>form a new contract with the other master's servant
>3 new command spells to waste

why did I get 40 day bonus quartz on day 60 login

>avoid stagnation
You must be new.

> new command spells to waste
That's not how it works lad.

Fuck you update the OP.

None of them have shown anything like human augmentation. Can you even alter a servant with surgery or would magic reform their body the way it was?
She'd just suggest amputation and be done with it.

Nice comment!

What do you think the next event will be?

>None of them have shown anything like human augmentation
They all are well versed on magic and science and have enough autism to research something until they find the solution just because the question was presented to them.

>She'd just suggest amputation and be done with it.
Honestly, That'd be an improvement considering her situation.

I wouldn't tempt fate if I were you

Whores not allowed

>Get Stella to max ascension
Well, I hope he enjoys fighting hands because he is going to be fighting a shit ton of them to make up for all the cards he ate.


>ywn have okita spit up blood on your dick to use as lubrication for her to titfuck you as she softly sucks the tip of your penis until you achieve release, and then go show her mobile suit gundam when you're finished

Fair, but that'd be something for after the wars of Chaldea are concluded, as I think she'd prefer having hands and at least being good at combat (which aids her Master) rather than being armless and harmless.


Grinding is a core part of the game and Arash's STELLAAAA makes it a bit more bearable. If I could have my team just be 3 max ascended Arash I would.

>Not both
Starting now I'm saving at least 20 a month and I only intend to do 2-3 singles on most banners with 1-2 boosters on banners with something i wouldn't mind, with the heavy pulling like I did on Dangos for my big three/four.

It took me well over 420 quartz for Marie on rate up (and only got two Stheno in the process) so you'd better be prepared.

Blood is not good lube.

Is Arash worth grailing? Does he bring in a lot of FP, or is it likely that most people on the American servers wouldn't understand how to use him?

Don't care because its pretty hot

Thats fucked up


Hope you have fun when your dick catches tuberculous and rots off, and then your waifu dies from tuberculous and then you have no waifu and no dick.

Go away Dracula!

They better do to enjoy raid boss rape

Servant Bazett when? and who would possess her body to be a pseudo servant

Don't sick people usually have a higher body temperature? Imagine how piping hot it would be inside Okita's soft pussy.

I want to pat Santa Lily Jannu.