/fhg/ - For Honor General


NO SURRENDER: >Season 3 Info:

>New players:

>Multiple hero video guides


>Character values

>Gear modifier values

>Gear appearances

>Friends list sign up Doc:

>For those that have signed up:

>War of Factions:

>PVP Stat Tracker:

>Story mode collectibles:

>fight a Nobushi
>firing off light attacks
>they don't even connect
>she fires off a light
>it hits me
>follows through and bleeds me
love this game

So why the goofy American accents?

t. Dumbass motherfucker


because its just stuff recorded by whoever was in the studio at the time, idk why they even bother making the intros so long when they just stand there

How is it fair that my lights literally don't reach this character, but her lights reach me?

fix highlander guard break after parry but not gladiator dodge

When are they bringing back timesnap
I hate dueling all these gladiators as LB

poge poge poge :DDD
De Best :DDD
Lucina Ickdus!

Who the fuck unironically thought Cent's 90 damage cutscene combo was a good design decision? This shit is grade A bullshit anyway you look at it. Like who actually signed off on this shit? I want him to justify it to my face.

I wonder how many reps i'll get over the weekend
hopefully a lot

>1.12 update comes in, tries to download
>cannot download, not enough space
>32GB free, but okay
>delete some shit, 42GB free
>not enough space
>delete more shit, now 59GB
>still not enough space
>fuck it, I'm not playing Bloodborne right now, guess I'll delete that
>95GB free finally enough space
But like what the fuck though. And I can't even work out whether it's Ubi or Sony's fault because they're both so fucking incompetent.

This, Christ. Anything that makes assassins a little more bearable on console.

Mad you can't turtle your way to win you shove nigger?

No one. His 80 damage combo is unintended: it's supposed to be 60, or 75 with Haymaker.

Haymaker was a mistake.

>95GB free after download
Alright, someone's offices are getting firebombed.

Sounds like you can't handle a simple 116MB update(was that size for me on the Xb1)

t. button masher mad that he can't win that way

>hard hitter
>weakest attacks in the game

Should've just deleted For Honor and redownloaded after not having enough space for 2 copies

Nigga, gimme some season pass tier tools and I promise I'll do more.

>Cent insta-drains stamina and spams attacks while you're blind and stam-drained
wow what a fun character to fight against

>Warlard, Pk and Conq balance never

That's the point

This shit happens to me too and its very annoying
Also why are simple patches so huge in size anyway? Does no company feel like compressing files anymore?

Gladiator is pay2win. You are literally paying for an overpowered character so you can win games with no skill.

>Their range is short

This shit is fucking retarded, one hit and that's it, I might as well alt-tab and do something else because I am never going to regain stamina and be able to fight back.

So what the fuck is the counter to the Raider's tackle? You can't dodge it, I tried and he just homed in on me and got me anyways. It can't be interrupted with a light attack either.

Just fucking dodge it lmao

Just dodge until he gets nerfed Next week. Suck it up.

You don't
In fact, a couple people have been able to roll away from it, so I'm thinking about making a post on Reddit so that bug can get fixed

sad kek


Why the fuck do teammates not know how to Group up!

>feinting ever as cent
>when you can just soft feint into a gb
am i missing something here or is this pointless
also the knockdown not applying in revenge is rough, considering he fuels revenge easily
are they applying the non parryable and non staggerable rule to revenge anytime soon from the pts?

I used it a bit as an opener. Well, I say 'opener' but more as just something to do in neutral.

Stand back a bit and keep charged heavy feinting. Sometimes people will react by doing some feinting of their own or something and you can just let a heavy rip on reaction and get a free pin.

Charged Heavy Feint>Charge Heavy has gotten me quite a few picks for no real reason. Mix it with Raw Charged Heavies into their guard, and whiffed Charged Heavies into the 500ms followup.

Are you on console? I find sometimes I end up with like, "ghost data" taking up space, so it doesn't register you as having enough space.

Goodbye fhg. I can't play this game anymore. Gladiator has broken the game and everyone I get matched with is a bandwagoner. It's over for this game.

See you tomorrow.

See ya tomorrow

whats wrong with glad?

Warlord is you.

Explain to me why attempting to guard break the almighty raider during a feint makes your guard break bounce off their attack, giving them a free guard break after feinting if guard breaks are supposed to beat the startup of attacks

How can people die by toe stabbing.

Because he's in underpowered user. Thanks for letting me know of this bug, you GB attempting him should win him a free on gb on fail attempt immediately. No delay straight up, your fuckiny hand touches his glistenting peck, and your already in his shoulders. I've told pope and he said "thanks, I'll be sure to pass this buff suggestion"


What's the farthest you've ever hit someone user?

Daily reminder that literally nothing but reactions and ability to parry matter in this game and that someone who can parry or dodge well literally cannot be touched

You can't block it or parry it and there's not enough time to react. It's an unfair move.



I think he means realistically, like how can repeatedly stabbing yourself in the foot with a knife kill you?

>Blood loss... after an amount of time
>Could pass out from pain... probably not though
>Critical existence failure
>Cardiac Arrest

I'm still salty they fucking annihilated her RAH spam.

it adds up, also if they're out of stamina its a free knockdown

>free easy damage is ok if it's only a little damage
Ok pls give Conq an attack that's unblockable undodgeable unparryable and unreactable but make it 5 damage that's ok right

>Bitching about glad at all

Only the toe stabbing and zone need a bit of tweaks.

I have more problems with centurion and his retarded uncharged heavies and wall splat cutscenes.

I would but, conq is a vanilla hero ;)

>ridiculously mobile hero with a slew of unblockables
He needs Shinobi-tier health to be balanced

>12 damage toe
>parry bait skewer
Only nerf he needs is his zone

You can feint to parry his side attacks and if you see him doing the shield bash you can dodge backwards.

What irks you /fhg/? For me it's assassins who do nothing but backdash and wait for you to fuck up. Hell any characters that do nothing but backdash are infuriating.

>law's Zone is now unblock-able like raiders only he still can't feint it.

i have an idea
let's make it so the "new" opponent option actually won't be able to match you up with the same person how about that
hire me now

>duel user wanting attention

Can you guys post your gladiators? I am looking for some inspiration on what to do with him now that I have him at rank 8, but I feel like every piece of equipment is fucking ugly. I hate his poofy shirts, I hate that he doesn't wear real armor, and I hate that he only wears fucking sandals.

Can I get some inspiration?

>laws zone is now parry bait
Don't really think that would work. Only time you use the zone is when after a parry anyway. Don't think it would add much.

Because characters are based around things like range, speed, damage, health, and other factors. Nobushi has long range, but her damage is mediocre and her ability to actually get people off of her is very difficult. She is very weak to classes with parry counters because her long range doesn't protect you from parry counters.

>playing anything but duels

what the fuck is wrong with you


Opinion is discarded then mr warlord

>glads heavy has no start up gb window and is impossible to gb if you feint, even as cent
Why is this ok? You'll have better luck trying to gb the start up of their lights.

Kys waifucuckold

>Centurion drains your stamina
>Dodge backwards
>Watch as he flails about and can't do anything

His kick tracking was NERFED so he doesn't follow you for years when you back dash. His attack range is the shortest in the game. He can only guard break a back dash if he is literally touching you.

After he does his RYSE SON OF ROME combo just fucking back dash.

>a deathball in Dominion going around emoting over your corpse after they kill you because your teammates don't know how to fucking group up and stop dying
>the extra 3 seconds execution respawn penalty that only serves to give an advantage to the enemy team to snowball a match
>any spammable emote that looks like teabagging
>stance dance
>stance dance
>turtling warlords
>the defensive meta
>temmates who don't save you from being executed
>teammates that don't know how to 2v1 properly
>teammates that don't know how dominion works
>in-game text chat

By all accounts I shouldn't keep playing this game, but I can't stop

Post your fucking femglad then, I don't give a crap.

>playing dead game mode
>thinking duels is in any way the preferred game mode

Dominion is by far the worst gamemode, these fucking retards have no clue how to play
>oh lets just turtle this one point and let the enemy outcap us, then wear us down and win because they're at 1200 while we're at 800

After he does his Rye combo you're literally dead. It takes like 4 bars of your HP, so if he taps you with a single one of his very quick heavies you're done.

*tips* close, i'm a cent soon to be glad

I've played with that ken before and he does that on literally every single kill, fucking autist

>playing the only mode that isn't fun at all
>choosing epeen over having fun
Detected the mega autismo Warlord main

Femgladfags are the worst scum to walk this earth

Waifucuckolds in general are the cancer of this general, and indeed Veeky Forums as a whole. I play For Honor to play as a badass manly warrior, not jerk off to a video game character

>turn off chat (probably to "combat toxicity")
>make it impossible to communicate with your braindead teammates

Want to know how I know you play roach or shinobi?

>bulge (masculine)
Yes, he.

now that you mention it i haven't seen a warlord in a pretty long time, they haven't gotten weaker, but somehow there's fewer of them
also fun is subjective

So warlords headbutt is ok?

Yes as stated by the devs. He's in his good place

Dominion is not the worst game mode, it is the one with the most potential, however it has the highest number of players who don't fucking know how to play it I'll give you that.
>group up
>cap home point AS GROUP
>move on zone B AS GROUP
>retreat to home point to heal if outnumbered
>WAIT for you allies to respawn and group up with them
>don't push when we have home and B already unless there's 3 or more of you
All of these concepts are alien to 90% of players, except grouping up, which my opponents normally are when I join a game in progress, which is probably why someone on my team quit and I ended up in their mess.

Post your fanfic KANGZ, /fhg/
or you mains, whichever

Get out there and kick them off the points yourself then, nigga.

Are you a console player? It's very easy to anticipate, and if you dodge it you get a FREE GUARDBREAK.

If his 10 damage move misses he eats a 30-60 damage punish.

This game mode is so fucking bad. My teammates are garbage and can't even win 1v1s, but what do they do? They stagger and go all over the map and end up in 1v2s where they get RAPED senseless. What the fuck is wrong with these people?

Literally the only people I've seen who play the female version of gender switch characters are weebs

Some maps don't have a "home point" though, as the points are placed vertically (i.e. Shard, Sentinel, River Fort).

Not that this means anything, just that you should have 1 point where a person stands guard.

I'm just a humble Roman, enjoying his olive oil and pork.

Is this games install size really 52gigs almost? I swear when i first downloaded it was only like 30gigs.

>fun is subjective
Yes, and people who have "fun" by waving around their epeen in ranked modes instead of playing the mode with feats, teamwork and funny environmental kills are probably autistic. It's like that guy in your group of friends who no one likes to watch the game with because he gets super salty when his team loses. Sure, he's having "fun" in his own way, but no one likes to be around him because his way of having fun is objectively shitty and autistic