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>Patch 4.06 Notes
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Meme c@
dont meme
The faire is almost over! Get out there and have fun
That messes with the UI as well and I'd rather not have the environment distract me while playing the game. It looks nice for screenshots but I think it looks awful while playing.
Yes hello, this is a Scathach thread. Make way
how puggable is o3s
Is it too late in ff14 life cycle for someone to get into it?
but there is literally no one there
FFXI had updates for over a decade.
Best race for a chance at pale moonie gf?
Those presets don't mess with the UI and they're great for standard play. Here's an example of just color filters and a bit of extra brightness/warmth.
There are some things that don't mess with ui like vibrance but I can see why people wouldn't use it in normal gameplay.
fem moonie
Can you be lewd with someone without engaging in erp?
And here's the same shot without reshade.
Those colors seem a little too saturated imo.
even ultima online still out there
I still playing lineage 2 free servers
and there are official version out there too
Stormblood was 20 july
how the fuck you think LATE FOR XIV I don't even
Good to know, thanks. I still prefer the vanilla version for playing, though I can't really say why.
The game is still successful and therefore continues to receive patch updates.
>Oversaturated garbage
>weathered and beaten village
Absolutely refuse to play a female character.
I'm gonna forget to get moonfaire stuff on my alts and be really sad
Does the Master and Commander hair shit look good on girls
It can look nice on Midlanders and Elezens, looks gross on catgirls, haven't seen it on the other races yet.
it looks like a butch dyke haircut
suncat or Elezen then
I'm also colorblind and use another program on top of reshade to help guide color saturation levels during extra customization, so the naked screenshot is going to be all TASTE THE RAINBOW and shit, but it's just an example of what you can do; the program itself is wildly customizable to fit anyone's personal taste.
Ain't nothing wrong with that
there's no real content to do if you just want to heal stuff. it's all about dps. in non-savage content you hardly even need heals, and in savage it's just tankbuster + occasional AoE and that's it.
Why is summoner still one of the few if not only the only class in the game that needs a 50 sec prepull
So male xaela 0 chance?
Anyone know of some artists that will draw my OCs but won't rape my wallet? Tired of paying 200 USD per commission image.
New player here. I have a question. This eternal bonding thing, do both players get the chocobo seater mount or just the person paying the money for the pack?
Both parties.
That's not an okay reshade. You turned the saturation and contrast all the fuckin way up.
This armor is TIGHT
tight like cool or tight like your balls have no room?
are you taking a shit in that pic
Do they keep it after they split?
with fantasia being half the price, i might carry out a social experiment
i will fanta into fem character and change name, befriend koishi, then fanta back into male, and see if he's still my friend, all incognito of course
i think paks did something like this with shana and the results were ridiculous
Cool, anyone want to EB with me?
you have issues
true end game, I wish you the best
>tfw Shana disappeared from the thread after this happened
>Shana jerked off on Discord the person he hates the most
you're as dumb as you look
"I am bisexual, but I don't really like male characters"
I will never forget that line from him lmao
i know this game is on a new xpac so i dont expect to see too many other new people but dang i havent seen another player all day. i feel like maybe my server was a mistake.
Your lodestone stays the same regardless of name change or transfer, that's why everyone knows who Paks and Tofu are all the time.
go play some guild wars 2 and shitposting with moving water in their general, i heard it got a new expansion
im afraid of final fantasy
Thats one of the uglier highlanders I have seen.
Someone please post wife able cats instead of these trannylanders. Thanks
Can you explain what "moving water" is? I've seen this posted a lot here before.
no post more trannylanders
what filter is this everyone is using?
>he never heard of valsis meltdown
Hey xivg, berate my cat?
Wow who is this cutie and what server are you on?
Am I wife able?
Valsi and Awena were massive gw2g shitposters, something like an equivalent of liora or puttel. Valsi was avatarfagging with gifs of his aboriginal.
Not worth the effort.
The lightning hair makes your forehead look huge
>getting married
>not EBing the wealthy for the sole purpose of procuring partial ownership of whatever successful business they run and eventually having them killed while hiding all available phoenix downs in the area
For a second there I seriously thought there was a FFXIV - Coors Light tie-in campaign going on
Are their any skin tones/dyes that match? Thinking about going for a full length pair of tights for a bare leg look.
>tfw your friends stop inviting you
It was bound to happen eventually
i made new friends
kokonoe is in need of monies
who's that lizard on the right
Yes are you single?
What's the history here? Did shana do something beforehand to make this important or did he just lewd a fat guy and get exposed? I remember being here when it happened and paks saying there would be others but I was fairly new and don't remember much. I haven't met either of them since moving to balmung.
At least it's not the Hair from the last Saucer event? It'll end up changed sooner or later anyway.
don't insult kokonoe by comparing her to a face 2 cat
>tfw this highlander will never choke on your cock
I feel as if the moment I fell asleep around you I wouldn't wake up 'cause you'd eat my brains.
Depends on how cute you are
>expert roulette
>draw balance twice in a row
>refuse to give it to braindead sam
fuck every single ken-sama in this game
Ok but that doesn't tell me what moving water means but thanks I guess?
its a sand mouse thing
that garbage hairstyle just screams neckbeard
Depends if you find male xaelas cute or not.
Finally! Someone throwing actual beratements. Got anything that isn't "Lol Lightning Hair"?
Soo cuteee
just means you have to push deeper
At least they'd be going to a good cause
not really, the rest looks pretty good
>its a sand mouse thing
>It's a summoner in O3s episode
We're going to hit enrage