/gbfg/ Granblue Fantasy General #2031

>Recent News
Xeno Conviction Flashspear (gbf.wiki/Xeno_Conviction_Flashspear)
True Conviction Flashspear (gbf.wiki/True_Conviction_Flashspear)
JK Casino Skin
Some UI tweaks

>READ THE FAQ before posting! - it will answer most of your questions if you are new or learning

>Schedule for August:
7/31 - 8/8 - Poacher's Day
8/9 - 8/15 - Five Flowers of Fate
8/16 - 8/23 - Guild War (Earth favored)
8/24 - 8/30 - Xeno Sagittarius Clash
8/31 - ??? - Manaria Scenario Event (SR Grea)

>How to Start
Go to game.granbluefantasy.jp in Chrome. Set language to English.

>Mega Pastebin - This pastebin has lots of useful things like important guides and other stuff so don't be a shitter and read these before asking something.

>Crew Pastebin

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Best mama.


Layer Rise leechlist when?

My treewife's plantwife is my wife!

What is she so smug about?


Foxhound is recruiting! We aim for Tier A every GW. We're looking for two people to join us.

- Must use Discord
- Minimum rank 120
- Be active every GW

Our strike times are 7am and 11pm JST. If interested, contact 10398742 or just apply.


I'm tired of these HL players joining ygg raids and ground zero mvp away from me!



Charlotta is the cutest-de arimasu!

>Wake up
>Leech raid
>Get bow flip


>Only SSR JK is Xmas version
>Permenant backline

Still better than io and eugen. I'll put you two with the outfit in a party one day.

>0-5 hound

>tfw no SSR Mankei
>tfw only poverty Mankei

>- Minimum rank 120
I'm rank 80 and I bet I can outrace anyone of you

this minimum rank shit needs to stop you fucking dirty slimeblasters

Which nightmare should I be doing if i can kill them all super fast?

I bet you're a windfag

My wife

The highest level, duh

My daughter

How the fuck does anyone still not HL yet? Do you not play this game at all during magfest or something?

I am going to roll all three zodiacs when they come back! Not the next one because I would be pushing my luck.

Thats a kid

So how's your Xeno Sagi grind going /gbfg/.

>13.25 ft storm surge
at least I'll only be missing this shitty spear event

I will post this every thread until Lucifer's Cute Son (SSR) is released!

Got enough for one FLB spear, the second one can come after the re-runs

The break for the rest of the event will be nice will be nice

Sauce me up senpai, I wanna know this artist.

Better than my first Xeno ever (Vohu) for sure.
I can beat extreme and the first 2 NM without elexirs this time. Maniac is still tricky tho.

Grinding this is so fucking boring.

I never thought I would ran out of R fodder before SR and SSR fodder.

Why is my MLB Xeno Axe rarely procs the burn?

It doesnt proc a burn, you have to have burn on the enemy


Post your ID please.

I don't know either, sorry.

Why do people like Quatre again? There's so many better erune to choose from.



I told you already, its the leech knight.

What's the difference between standard and beta graphic settings?

>guild's biggest woofus left
Guess it's up to me now.

>Slight chance
Figures. Guess I'll get Percy's EMP.

Beta is faster


standard is 30fps, beta is 60fps, gamespeed is tied to fps

To be the biggest woofus?

Newish player here am i doing this wind grid right

Make it, and I'll consider joining.



Not quite. Ditch one gun and the fist. You should probably switch baka sword to baka dagger though that can wait. Get a Normal modifier

His quick temper and hot-blooded personality gets me goin. Plus he's cute as fuck and has his really soft moments with the children of stardust town and in birthday line.

I'm a retarded woofus that was the old picture
Is this grid okay for wind

Quatre is a nice boy.

Come on man, don't leave a guy hanging, I can't find it on sadpanda.

>luckshitted 2 spears
kill yourself

Can I make it to a spark for the end of the year?

>implying you can luckshit them when leeching

Get baha dagger it's 21% atk for humans instead of 10.5 atk/hp (or use both and drop that fist); get the xeno sp ear that's going on now for your ex in place of that fist

Unless you buy all new years skins probably not

>4 months
lol no

Will KMR give us something on his birthday?

Probably should try getting one true spear instead of two 0*, baha dagger instead of sword, get a gw mainhand, but the baseline is fine

Depends, how much money do you have?

I guess if you're gonna MH a spear for some reason?

I applied to a few crews. Guess I'll just see who replies first.

I really don't get it. Is it just because he looks like a trap?

Like his attitude goes from bitchy to homicidal. I don't see how it appeals to anyone.

Girls love mysterious and dangerous men
They also love men with mental problems that they can cure
quarte is both

He has bipolar disorder.

But everyone I know who likes Quatre is a man

Yeah but neither of the poles is "decent guy," they're "fuck you dad you can't tell me what to do" and "i'm going to murder everyone in this room, try to stop me"

did you just ignore the picture

But that's not decent guy, that's gay

Quatrehaters sure sound like secondaries who didn't read his or Esser's backstories at all.

bipolar isnt insane happy
Its no energy too much energy

Im considering to run pinya and spear with 5 guns because fuck enminity.

Vane is a good husband.

>tfw need to run Co-Op sagi for the only red chest chances I can get
>tfw I haven't cleared EX yet so I can't actually host a Sagi Room

xeno amazing is actually annoying as fuck if you're not strong enough to one turn him and you're not weak enough to draw out his insta fill ougi beads

result is he always does gilding into 20k damage astra horizons at 10% and blows up my frontline and i have to actually click skills for my two backliners to finish him off

Thanks tumblr!

I dont give a shit about his backstory, if a person comes up to me and tells me that they will slaughter my entire crew then they will find themselves buried on the same day

host room i'll help you clear

>Fuck enmity
>He says while running an enmity grid

>facts are now tumblr
What has the world come to?

ok, I will use my 5 tiamat fists instead

I would run fists if guns didnt get better than them at 95% hp



Why use quatre when water has much better boys?


Romeo never came home to me. Fuck him.

Poor Romeo, I feel bad for him every time I fuck his girl and he has to listen to the moans

Lancelot doesn't deserve him

I need him for a meme atma sword grid

arent they starting to be better at 91% with cosmo gun and at 87% wihout cosmo gun?

>a literal cuck

It's fine he doesnt live on the ship so he wont hear it

He can't be a cuck if he's my husband.