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/sthg/ #890 - Buddy wants to give you the tickles edition.
>Sonic News
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/sthg/ #890 - Buddy wants to give you the tickles edition.
>Sonic News
Red buddy better keep his paws to himself
Are you trying to trick me into getting you to post it? Because I'm gonna need a raincheck on that.
Please don't tickle me Buddy.
I don't want your gay to rub off on me.
Buddy's so gay he turned Sonic gay.
sonic is scary
Sonic is evil
You mean the opposite
just 75 days left until Sonic Forces
Asking this again: What kind of metal would Scratch and Grounder be into?
Sonic sucks
And less than a week for Mania, oh joy.
How do we make Sonic FASTER?
Make him not chuckle, flex his muscles and be hard as nails
>Amy not playable
>OC gets a hammer
make him vulnerable and give him a backpack
I'm going to make my OC in forces just like Buddy but a girl
Check em. Will she be waifuable? Can I draw porn of her? Like now?
>Not just Tails, EVERYONE will get jealous of Buddy stealing their spotlight with Sonic. This will all be gone by the end of the game when Buddy dies
Based on what we've seen, the main difference between the boys and the girls are eyelashes. So have at it.
Wasn't his name Gadget?
What is this move supposed to be? I don't understand what's going on.
A Mario jump
Shadow should honestly stay a villain or at least side with them more often since it gives him a real reason to exist outside of being jealous of Sonic's everything
Gadget was a name all of one person was trying to force. Custom, Avatar, and Buddy are all acceptable.
Shadow is a brave and heroic hedgehog
Since when the hell was he ever jealous of Sonic?
I liked Shadow being in GUN in 2006, because it gave him a perfectly reasonable excuse to be adventuring and get in Sonic's way without having to become a villain and lose all of his development AGAIN.
He always was because he's weaker and not the ultimate life form.
No, it wasn't. Shadow have always respected Sonic and seen him as a worthy opponent
>it gives him a real reason to exist outside of being jealous of Sonic's everything
>Shadow have always respected Sonic
Gun was always pretty dumb especially since they couldn't get shit done without Shadow.
Thank God they are moving away from humans in Sonic.
>Thank God they are moving away from humans in Sonic.
You could still have GUN, or something like it, without Humans. I doubt we'll ever see GUN though, it's extremely outdated in terms of Sonic concepts.
Sonic Underground replay on now at cytu,be/r/sthg
They managed to kill an innocent girl
I'm surprised that thread on /v/ is still up.
GUN is the Red Ribbon Army of Sonic
I think humans should be used more sparingly. I can't see these furry assholes in suits holding 9 to 5 jobs at the myriad amount of cities in Sonic's world, but they shouldn't ever be the focus unless they have a damn good story to tell
GUN was always a self-contradictory set of antagonists for Sonic to overcome to begin with, not enough thought went into them when you realize they really had no real reason to raid the Ark in the first place
>50 years later
I wonder who the fuck was snitching. That's what Shadow should look up
Literally blamed for being born. What retarded logic from commander Chris-chan
Love it, hate it, or you're just kinda indifferent to it, this fight between the two sides ain't gonna end until Forces is released, ain't it?
He gave his life to save the unamed planet that's as cool and blue as Sonic
And all because some heterochromia little fuck saw Gerald collaborating with a giant alien and yet had no real idea what was going on before he told the government. The commander was basically the cause of the entire plotline of Adventure 2 and Shadow's own game, but not once does either blame GUN for it.
I hate the Gun Commander so much. They were so lazy to attempt to pull a fucking heroic antagonist out of their ass to contrast Eggman and Black Doom. He's easily the worst part of that whole game
It's never going to end. Forces is the most divisive Sonic game in years and has elements that can make it one of the best and/or one of the worst
>yfw based on the controls drifting might be a buddy only move that is done automatically
Every 3D Sonic game is divisive, how is this one any different?
Yup. And it's not gonna stop when Forces comes out either. 10 years can pass & autists will still continue to argue over Forces.
>this fight between the two sides ain't gonna end until Forces is released
I think it's gonna get much, much worse once it releases, and I don't think it's gonna end well for us Modern fans.
I think majority of the hate comes from people who aren't Sonic fans but latched on to Mania as "the only good Sonic" meme, while there is probably another group who hate it for "lore" reasons or some stupid shit like that.
NO ONE blames those incompetent fuckbois. In fact think of this
>be white boi scientist on ark
>stumble across secret meeting with head researcher and tall black man named "doom".
>only black doom you know is Latoya Jackson
>Call GUN contact and friend commander Zimmerman
"Help! There's an imposing black man here!"
>"is he holding any weapons? What about clothes?"
"A hoodie and skittles and Arizona iced tea I think..."
Do you think future games will be more lore focused like Unleashed, Black Knight or the Adventure games?
This so much. Fuck the Gun Commander
I'm very curious as to if Tag Team is only for Modern and OC or if we might get other Tag Team pair ups.
>the idea of Black Doom eating skittles in a hoodie
Why don't video games come out with demos more often anymore? I just want to try Sonic Forces before I buy it. How many days before the release of Generations did it's demo come out?
Drawfags please
The fact that they're putting so much focus on M. Sonic and Buddy makes me wonder why C. Sonic is even there.
it gets funnier to me for some reason when I remember he had Goku's english voice actor
Sean shitmeal? I don't know how to spell his last name
They may be putting the Forces focus on Modern and OC for the time being because they might be trying to put all the Classic focus on Mania (which hasn't even released in one platform yet) right now.
Because they want you to be blindly loyal and get the game because you love Sonic and not because you love the game.
Last time they did a demo, someone leaked the whole fucking thing, iirc
That's exactly what happened, it was fuckin funny
Even if it's bad, like 06 it has to be played anyway just for the experience
The whole game? The demo shouldn't be the whole game. It's just a part of it.
>that tag team music
It's so corny yet delightful
They leaked all the levels which were left in the files of the demo
Pokemon did it 3 times I think lately.
The way they stay glued to their formation looks fucking awful
Well user, Sonic Team are not very smart people.
So who has the better Hammer Game? Amy or Blue Pupper?
I don't know why but to me it feels like that's not where the Tag Team stage is supposed to end, like the ending was put right there for the Demo.
Amy's hammer doesn't cause everything within a mile's radius to freeze to death in one swing.
Doubt it. There's probably like a Metal Sonic boss fight there or something, but all the stages so far have been painfully short.
I wanna make my OC into Amy. I hope that is possible.
eggman's model looks really good there
Rank the voice casts (Adventure, 4Kids, and Current)
Due to how recently Mania was released, a lot of people are looking at Mania as a wasted opportunity for Sega to make more classic style content.
So it's probably like what they did with the Mania Demos and cut out most of the bosses?
At they're best they're all good, at they're worst they're unbearable
Judging by how the Egg Dragoon is separate on the selection screen, it's more like you just.. complete the stage, get a cutscene, and then go back to the selection screen to pick the boss. If there is one. Alternatively it just ties straight into more stages.
It's Thursday night, you rude rat
It happened with Pokemon Sun and Moon too. I was watching the dump happen live on /vp/. It was hilarious. The devs went through the trouble of dummying out all of the Pokemon models but they left all of the Pokedex sprites in (I I think, it was some kind of static model). People kept digging even further and we got new attacks, names, stats, etc. We basically got the entire Pokedex just a few days after the demo came out. I'd be surprised if Nintendo ever does a core series Pokemon demo again.
Oh wait it's Thursday ive been smoking too much.
>they are
Come on user don't be the G.U.N Commander with your grammar.
look at all those eggman's robots