I played WoW Freakz for a Day edition
>All /wpsg/ guilds (past month → now):
> - Warmane/Medihv (H) *low energy/inactive
> - Gamer District (A)
> - Atlantiss (A)
> - Tauri/1x PVP (H)
>>Where can I get game clients?
>>How do I connect to [server]?
>1. Register on a private server that hosts the same game client you have.
>2. Copy their realmlist URL. This can usually be found on the main page of the website or on their registration page.
>3. Look for a realmlist.wtf file in your WoW folder. This may either be in the root folder, or inside Wow/Data/enUS/
>4. Open the realmlist.wtf file in a text editor such as Notepad and paste in the realmlist settings of the server. Make sure it starts with 'set realmlist' followed by the realmlist URL.
>>I have set the realmlist correctly but it still connects me to XYZ server/says invalid login info.
>You will need a clean wow.exe and dll files if you downloaded your WoW client from XYZ server. Check the clients section above.
>>How do I stop my client from auto-updating?
>• Start the game with wow.exe - not launcher.exe
>• Don't use your email for logging in, use your account name.
>• Find the patchlist file in your installation and remove it.
>Previous Thread:
Wpsg: WoW private server general
Eh, i think ill make this whole thing a paste bin next time to make it a little cleaner.
Also WoWfreakz is one of the worst servers ive ever played on, not unplayable I guess since every quest is completable, but its bugged to shit everywhere and I needed to restart the entire game a few times. Im level 92 in the WoD zones so the leveling rate was turned down from x15 to x5(and eventually x1 once I reach broken shore), but the random objectives(???) in the garrison area give me a whole levels worth of exp anyway, so it really doesnt matter anyway. I read up on artifact quests, and these fucking slavs are so lazy that they made ONE artifact quest for each class, and they just send you the other ones by mail, so thats fucking fun
i think the question is why the FUCK would you play on a private legion server when it is the current retail expansion and why the FUCK would you play the shittiest expansion ever in wod
does anyone play on warmane icecrown server? horde side of course
>absolutly horrible op
>normie tauri guild in the OP
its all downhill from here....
Idk, I wanted to try out legion without comitting to it with real life money.
I already pirate shit to try it out anyway, whats the difference here
yknow everyone says the OP sucks but no one ever gets off their ass and makes one.
so Boo fucking hoo better luck next time
you tried out a piece of fucken shit that doesnt work you fucken retard. When you pirate a regular game it works like if you paid for it.
Your clearly a Europoor
The classes and PvP worked, thats all I really give a fuck about, and I found out it wasnt for me.
Im not going to commit months to a fucking artifact grind when itll all be lost like 2 months from now wtf are you insane
there were two examples of better OPs in the last thread.
this one is formated like shit and has 2 dead guilds and a non-wpsg guild in it
>2 dead guilds and a non wpsg guild
Blame Senna and Felmyst
hearthstone, you piece of shit
How would you guys rate Excalibur?
sorry its true
Isn't every server dead though, aside from the ones swamped with the Chinese?
The best you'll get are servers where you can understand the primary language, because in most english areas blizzard will shut your shit down cuz its easy to do unless you live in fucking russia
If Elysium for example made a server specifically for the Chinese, the population would drop by more than 50%.
The shitty discord killed this thread. Fucking page 10. And it's a circlejerk, too.
>waaahh wahhh people are having fun and being social
how do I log in to GD
I can access the site but not the game
it's apparently 1 hour ban
Murder ituh
>Try WoWfreakz
>Pick Demon Hunter
>Level to 100 in 3 minutes
>My basic fury generating ability is just gone, disappeared
>Im stuck in the fucking ground
Wow great server you got there OP
So I guess this is the end for the Veeky Forums threads.
Discord Circlejerking is considered preferential yet again.
sigh.... im just gonna reroll into a femrouge on alliance side in elysium...
Warmane anyone?
every time
is the nc guild ded yet?
already on medivh
>remember why the game is shit
so i've got a hal geared naxx hunter from like 3 years ago on GD if ya'll need a hunter
Truly epic.
List the worst cicrclejerking faggots from the Discord and we will get rid of them, Go!
>tfw will never get that comfy feeling of playing at the zenith of WoW
I remember cursing the "wasted time" but honestly they were the best years, fuk bros
NC itself is dead.
Life is pain
im just gonna crawl back to icecrown where I belong..
wpsg is dead and senna should stop trying to resurrect it. Slav core sucks btw
What happened?
What did we do wrong???
they admitted today that ulduar is totally stock sunwell and the retards playing there want them to release it like that
>If Elysium for example made a server specifically for the Chinese, the quality would increase by more than 50%
go alliance side, Its full of english speakers.
Only The Horde has a problem with Fade Knights, if you know what i mean