Another two months edition
Previous thread
>Download the basic game here. Current version is Dwarf Fortress 0.43.05
>Official forums:
>Find a bug? Don't tell us! Tell Toady! Complaining in the thread will accomplish nothing.
>Have a question? Check the wiki first:
>Fireden archived threads:
>Dwarf Therapist (Standalone is out of date, use Starter Pack for 43.05):
>Starter Pack:
>More DF stuff:
Modanon's Mods:
>Dwarf Fortress General IRC chat:
(to connect yourself: #dwarffortress)
>A bunch of guides to various parts of fort-based living:
>Video tutorials:
>Text tutorials:
>This pasta:
Strike the earth!
/dfg/ - Dwarf Fortress General
first for BDC
Can't wait till Christmas for the update to arrive!
>I'll post the final fight tomorrow
8 days, 15 hours ago
I just started this fort
Too deep
>Too deep
fucking elves
hot necromancer on kobold action
Kill Six Billion Demons
I wonder if they'll make a sticky on /v/ when 1.0 comes out.
they won't even need a /v/ when 1.0 comes out, only /df/
Has Toady explained how the raids will be calculated? Is it some form of autocalc?
Explain what you mean by "autocalc" and I'll tell you whether it's that.
Autocalc would just calculate skills, equipment and numbers with a numerical value and do a math equation to come to a result. It's not a simulation.
How is that not a simulation? Or rather, what do you imagine the simulation is doing if not plugging numbers into formulae?
A simulation would run the entire thing, an autocalc is much simpler. Like Mount and Blade's autocalc vs running the battle.
Can you make trading agreements with dwarven civ if you're playing another civ? Played a few time as human but never had the chance to see a dwarven caravan.
He means arena style "drop a bunch of dwarves into a virtual pit filled with enemies and advance time until one side is all dead or flees".
More simple, he's asking whther we'll just get a "you won!" announcemen, or whether dwarves will come back missing toes, covered in scars, with increased misc object user skills from beating a man to death with a hat, and covered in weird blood.
That, and making sure that a multi-legendary dwarf in full steel plate will kick as much ass on a raid as he would back home, so you don't send 20 of them and half of them die to 80 goblins.
even though the off-site and world gen combat is abstracted, characters do lose bodyparts and get scars in them. I can't see why this wouldn't be the case with your squads.
Well, they'll be simulated the way other worldgen/background combats are simulated, but I think that doesn't amount to what you're calling an autocalc. But I'm not sure, as I'm unclear as to what differentiation you're drawing with that term. At all levels of abstraction the simulation is handled by calculations that are done automatically.
Just so i'm clear, is autocalc a word you made up and are now defining as meaning that?
Nope, it's a commonly used word in, for instance, strategy games.
He explained his source, Mount and Blade. It's a common theme in total War esque games where the outcomes of playing out a battle and clicking the "autoresolve" button are WILDLY different. Like you can win without losses if you play it out, but the autoresolve is a total rout on your side.
So you think he was asking if he would have the option to directly control his dwarves? Because I don't. In the medium you're referring to the other option is to control your armies/units, which obviously doesn't apply here. Every combat in df that happens away from the player could be described as an autocalc, but the original question appears to be drawing another differentiation by using that term that is still unclear.
You're right, the other option won't be controlling the dwarves.
The two otpions would be:
1. A full simulation
2. An abstraction
Then the question in 2 becomes how accurate the abstraction is, or whether a monstrously powerful multi-legendary dwarf in full steel will die to 5 goblins or so.
Im the guy who asked, and fuck me, that's a pretty obscure reference if I know one
I actually have read all there is to read about KSBD, but that didn't ring a bell
I actually havenĀ“t read everything.I find the lore cool because Im a budistaboo, but it's simply way too much
I wanna bite into this
I wanna bite into you
I wanna take a bite outta crime.
Why did they remove "dwarfs stay inside"?
They added burrows and civilian alerts which are a million times better.
Hmm, strand extracting gold works
It's weird to get only one thread when you could have one gold bar, Ill probably make a custom reaction instead
I want my king to have cool clothing
>embark with standard 2x proficient sworddorf/dodger
>instant yeti next to where I'm trying to dig
>make two copper swords, no time for bronze
>assign each dorf a specific copper sword, tell them to kill the yeti
>the two retards ignore the swords, sprint straight up to the yeti and kick him to death over 28 pages
>neither took any damage
Did I luck out or is dodging really that OP?
Nice _rock_
It's strong, but the real benefit here is that random wildlife (even intelligent creatures like yeti) have 0 combat skills, so rank 5 in dodging gives you a pretty big advantage. Although rng is rng, so yeah you lucked out too.
Yes, dodging is pretty OP. Swords are also pretty OP. And swords + dodging are hilariously OP.
harlequin opal
I can't generate a good world with a desert...
I want to die.
Well this thread is depressing.
>/dfg/ doesn't really care about anything anymore
Are you using adv worldgen? If so, try using a mostly default preset, except lower rainfall drastically (try using a 4x4 grid of like 10, 4, 2, 1, 1) and reduce the maximum number of subregions if you're genning a medium or bigger world. If you're smaller than that you'll get a lot of rejection spam. If you want specifically sand deserts then lower drainage as well, try using the same grid settings. If you want to try and get those variable to "band" with each other, using the x and y variances can help a lot. Give either x or y a much higher variance for rainfall, and then give the exact same variance to drainage so they tend to overlap each other. The larger your world the higher you can make the variance without either having to increase the subregions or getting rejection spam.
Good luck.
Do you guys even play the game anymore or do you all just study the worldgen?
I just shitpost on /dfg/
I mod stuff and fuck around with dfhack
Rock mineral
What game?
Amored Core: Nexus
Not gonna lie, user, I really enjoy mecha combat games, the more tactical the better. I hope that when both procedural magic and multitile creatures become a thing I can pilot a giant golem in adv mode. Or even better, assemble a band of mercenaries who will each pilot one of 5 giant lion-shaped golems that can join together to form Dwarftron, Golem Swordmaster.
Remember what I said about weapons page on wiki being outdated in the last thread? Well, the ammo section into the trash should go as well. What bolts are made of now matters a lot - unless they are made of better material than the armor, they will simply bounce off, giving the target a slow death by a thousand bruises. Candy bolts are now definitely the best ammo in the game, completely shredding even full steel plates.
Anyway, candy > steel > iron >= bronze > copper > silver > rubber dildos > wood.
>I really enjoy mecha combat games
Me too, user, me too.
While I disagree to an extent with your other post, you're absolutely right about this. Toady fixed ammo properties back in .40.01 and it just got lost in the buzz with all the other flashy new features that version brought.
This is mostly true, but the is one situation where adamantine bolts are worse than bolts made from other metals, and that is when you are fighting an enemy that is wearing adamantine armor. You see, nothing can pierce adamantine armor, not even adamantine bolts, but that doesn't mean that the force of the blow won't bend or twist limbs, and here is why adamantine bolts are worse than other bolts in this situations, adamantine bolts can bend or twist limbs, but never with enough strength to actually cause damage, meanwhile bolts made of other materials, such as steel, can twist limbs with enough strength to actually cause damage, sometimes even managing to tear apart muscles, rendering that limb unusable. I don't exactly know why, but I assume that the superior weight of steel bolts means they will hit harder.
So, if you had to fight an enemy with full suit of adamantine armor, it would be better to pick up steel bolts rather than adamantine bolts.
I don't have any screenshots but I have tested this in the arena, and you can do the same if you want to see it for yourself.
Update the wiki then
>Kobold hillocks
How do you fuck up so badly
when will you ever be fighting an enemy in candy armor?
Well if you mod the game...
Kobolds bandits can squat in any site with no civilized population.
As I said before, I'll do it once I have some solid data, not just observations from several fights on the arena.
Cheating is supposed to give you an advantage
>Candy bolts
How long have I been gone...?
You've never been here in the first place if you don't know what candy is
Candy is what you go through to get clowns
actually, "candy" and "clowns" is a stupid meme used on bay12 to avoid spoiling hell to newfags. on /dfg/, people say adamantine and demons outright most of the time.
Clowns isn't used much here, but I've seen people use candy here several times.
Ok, autist.
>$ ssh [email protected]
>$ ./vidya\ gaymens/rick\ and\ dorty/df_linux/dfhack
The way it was meant to be played.
I hope you get run over by a truck.
It's happened to me before. Adamantine-clad former soldier turned into a zombie by evil mist.
Basically invincible btw.
t ahmad m*hammad
ssh df is best df but dfhack is for worthless cheaters
I hope you get run over by a boat
Is there a trick to generating one shapely landmass instead of some weird noodle shit with dozens of islands around?
I recall Toady saying that he is ensuring the abstracted combat will be rebalanced to make sure your legendary soldiers are as unstoppable as in regular combat instead of just shitty dicerolls deciding whether they survive a fight with a naked skilless goblin.
It's quality of life desu, digvx.
Is /dfg/ the new islamic caliphate or sumthin'.
I've never heard clown used as a spoiler free reference. I just know it as spoilers. I don't think adamantine itself should really be considered "secret." Name a fantasy game without it. What happens when you bore through a vein of it is the surprise.
About 90% of the time I pick up my guitar nowadays this is all I play.
Any trick to using PerfecWorld without thousands of rejections?
What do you people DO with these all these worlds you so painstakingly create?
Point and laugh because they will never know the silky smooth pleasure of your mom's throat.
Joke's on you I facefucked my mother when I was 16.
greentext it in the style of a df combat log
>Only tileset I've used was Taffer
>Decide to try out spacefox and several other graphical tilesets
>They all look weird as shit
What are the go to ASCII tilesets?
>Still no update or tourney finale
if you like non-square: vanilla
if you like square: not sure, but probably myne
Now we only have to wait for Zach to announce that Toady died from a heart attack and then can finally declare that this is the worst timeline.
That would be a great news desu
Just play text-mode with a nice terminal font.
ikr!? toady has been ruining DF for TOO LONG. I can't wait for the COMMUNITY to step in and save it. just give the community a week, and we'll finally have the rape feature that toady has been too much of an SJW KEK to implement.