Best girl edition!
Best girl edition!
Other urls found in this thread:
Lulu is gross with purple goo
new ryze rework
>Is now melee
>all skills cost health, no mana bar
>secondary bar is a shield that increases through dealing damage with abilities
>q is an aa modifier that splashes his auto to three nearby units or deals a shitload of damage if the target is solo
>w places an ion shell on yourself or allies that deals damage around the target and increases resistances
>e deals damage in a cone
>r is a point and click ability that deals damage upfront and over time, heals mordekaiser and if the target dies while under the debuff you get to control an arcane ghost of the target
should fix all his problems honestly.
this drawing sucks because the face is gross. but where the FUCK is SG Syndra??
>ywn fertilize dracozyra
I love Camille
the reason his reworks dont work is because Riot want another Cassiopea but with more Mobility and a Insta-root on a point n click basic ability
No one cares about syndra
I love her coattails
No seriously, they're really cool.
Posts this twice but still didn't take modes name out
Here is your free (you) now fuck off
>ryze buffs
>all the meta midlaners looking good
>mid in general is in a good place gor power already
>I don't know what he said
*dabs on your team*
>one of my reddit thread hit r/league of legends front page
it was intentional
We've really failed as a general if you feel you can post shit like this.
I'd rather deal with Lucian anyday than another fucking Orianna
He better get Victorious
this general failed since 2014 desu
*dabs on your game*
Whoever wrote this needs to fuck off. You can barely make any of that shit out.
>honor capsule
>garne champion shard and 2 key frags
>open chest
>headless hecarim (which I already got) gemstone
>forge gemstone cause I have hextech annie already
>battlecast xerath
well, that was shit
Fuck you cunt
robots can't dab
we've failed since people preferred discussing waifus instead of league of fucking legends
hating on reddit in 2017 tho lul
Here's my Rengar "rework" concept
excuse me?
Pretty fucking shit
They remove laneswaps so that shouldn't happen
Just Orianna one-shotting everything
you on a 12' 1366 x 768 res monitor and have cataracts my man?
I thought Thunderlords was supposed to be shit on Rhaast since he doesn't really do burst like SA form.
What's your stance on trying to outsmite neutrals when your team is dead/can't follow up and you're almost sure to die afterwards? I think it's worth it on Infernals, Elder, Rift and Baron. It's not even really 50/50 if they already have the position and you need great timing not only on when to smite but when to go in or you can easily be CCd, I feel people over do it in general.
what if they just reverted rengar to his release state
desu he was pretty balanced compared to all the shit running wild nowadays
after quickly reading it and reaching the conclusion i realized he literally posted release and old rengar
>Q deals mediorces as fuck damage, only good for setting up E
>W is your main damage dealer, however niggas can literally dodge / walk out of it
>E will only matter if they are retarded enough to stand near your Q / wall
>R miss 80% of the time if they have half a brain
>tfw no ap rengo
xth for Syndra
Poppy all over again, in a week all you retards will scream how OP he is
i think he is pretty good after like 7 games of him
since he doesn't need to really go base your experience gain is nutty
But they need to tweak his Q so the pillar spawn where you want instead of behind an enemy, and his W bit where he is CC immune doesn't work 80% of the time
> hating on reddit in 2017 tho lul
Will never go out of style you people aren't even human.
renngar mains refuse to understand why being able to oneshot any squishy anywhere regardless of peel was not healthy for the game, I hope they rework him into a tank just so rengo mains can cry about it
I'd love it if they reworked him into a tank
t. tank main who thinks rengar is one of the coolest champions aesthetics-wise but hates playing assassin fucking shits
Ornn W late game is actually fucking insane, that shit deals the same damage as tahm bite in a 5 seconds cd
Half the trick to outsmiting an objective is knowing when you need to stealthsmite it or apply pressure before the smite.
There is very little reason to not always try for baron/elder, the rest are situational. You should usually try for fire and rock, but again situational.
>kled still disabled
oneshots only happened when he was very fed prior to rework, which should honestly happen because he had no escapes and was building full ad on a fighter kit (Riven, wukong, lee sin, j4, anyone?)
if your an ADC against a fed Rengar who hasn't built ninja tabi something is wrong with you.
Even having some bloke near you was more than enough because he could miss his ebola after they gutted it in 6.2
splitpushing tank rengar was the most fun playstyle imo, you could duopster in lane if you had the mechanics then with tiamat + sunfire you became a splitpush guy who occasionally ulted with empE for engage/pick
I'm glad they keep the symmetry
>bringing back Bonetooth necklace
already dont like it. You seem to not grasp why it was removed in the first place and why items like Victors Hexcore are cancerous. """optional""" is just another word for sub-optimal when you put a portion of a characters power budget in a item.
>losing stacks on death
okay you REALLY dont know what you are doing
>bringing back classic Q
>stealth with no indicators at all
>Bola is now a point in click
you completely fail to understand what makes Rengar problematic to play against and why he was changed in the first place. From reading this it sounds like you want Rengar to be strong and not necessarily fair or engaging to play against. bringing back old bonetooth means you are basing his strength around snowballing once more.
yeah this """""rework""" (or Un-rework) is will never fly. you cant have old Rengar back. stop trying to bring old Rengar back.
Xth for the 2x4
that was literally release rengar
concept 2 was old rengar from the looks of it, but he didn't have camo on ult
if i think im better than their jungler which is almost always i will attempt to steal anything of value if given the chance
dying 1v5 but stealing an objective they commit to is always worth.
its not too late to switch to lulu kledfag
Undisputed best couple
this. compared to every new overloaded champion release rengar is fine, maybe a tad strong if they don't fix that triple Q bug, the 100% AP ratio on W and W % heal
no, girls are gross.
i guess i'm just gonna play Ziggs.
>Lane against Heimer
>He builds a wall of turrets right outside your tower
>Every time you kill one he immediately replaces it
>Jungler never ganks despite the fact a caster with zero mobility is sitting inches from your tower
No, its just nearly unintelligible.
>lets just bring back cancer because there is other cancer running around
>why make efforts to remove or cure it ?
comon now....
He deserves a Galio/Sion tier rework his kit is cancer that doesn't fit in League and he's beyond unfun.
>implying new Rengar isn't even more cancerous
>squishy jungler ganks Heimer
>double kill
he's fucking trash lol wtf
Taric top is pretty good. I like having all of this extra gold. Then you grab a redemption anyway and you're good to go.
I've been honor 3 for two weeks and got 4 last week and still haven't gotten a single capsule lol
I'm sorta with you. Love the character, I hate the all-in style kit. If I want to play an assassin, I usually want a "get me out of here" button.
I remember he was built bruiser at one point and people were okay with that but Riot wasn't.
rengar revert would be a better change than everything riot has done to promote "healthiness"
Yeah because he was cancer
uh yeah no
hes actually pretty fine
the core reason he gets so much attention is that a lot of people currently view him to be too weak and unsatisfying to play as actually.
If nuRengar was even stronger than old you wouldnt have all the people bitching about "JUST BRING BACK OLD RENGAR"
nuRengar ult completely gives way his position usually and is incredibly easy to play around.
the new Q has a ton of room for misplay.
W does make trading cancer but only in top. outside of topgar W has its points of extreme strength and weakness especially once Grievous Wound is purchased
Bonetooth only gives like 30~40 extra AD in most games but Rengar is balanced around having the absurdly high AD so its fine
who are you trying to fool user. I was here on Rengar release
No one was ok with Rengar "just press E" or Rengar "just press W" stages
He can never be a laner because of his passive and lack of mana. Every time he was viable he was cancerous as fuck.
Goddamn you people won't accept anything would you. Even if he did just auto-attacks you'd call him cancer
Keeping rengar in the dirt is the best thing they can do lmao
No other good solution
i think it was triforce to full tank or something?
yeah tank rengar was the shit but riot gutted his W
Rengar was designed as a fighter, including him in the "assassin" rework was a mistake.
+% XP quints. Yea or nay? I'm thinking about trying them out with TP to get a huge level advantage on the enemy laner.
1 to cheese gank with early lvl 3 route
Otherwise no
Yeah his kit and his fantasy are inherently not healthy. Bruiser rengar was utter fucking cancer. He'd one shot everything without ever putting himself in any amount of danger which is why it was rightfully gutted.
Jinx is built for lewd
during nuRengar release everybody complained about his complete shift from a fighter/assassin DPSish character to a pure AD caster
there were complaints there and there about his ult and his Q
then came bruiser rengar abuse, oh boy did everybody complain
You're not wrong
>Riot insists on having both complex high skill cap champs like Azir and simple low skill cap champs like Garen in the same game
>Riot refuses to take the DotA route and keeps trying to make most champs viable, instead of letting pubstompers be pubstompers
His rework was so strong they had to nerf it like ten times in a row which is why it's now weaker do you not have memory or something.
Kled seemed fun when I tried him yesterday, who else in toplane has decent burst, health, sustain, mobility and cc? The only one that comes to mind is riven but she's way too hard to play on good level.
Jinx is built for rehab
this, his autos DO MORE FUCKING DAMAGE than his Q now
what the fuck?
Most of the low skill champs aren't viable in competitive play and most of the high skill cap champs aren't viable outside of it.
>ywn get to feel how soft SG Jinx's thighs are
if lol2 ever comes out they should forget """beginner""" champs are a thing, and focus on the complex ones.
>Prefer to play the same champs over and over for some reason
As far as champ diversity goes, Rito has been doing a pretty decent job at it
>Manaless champ with hyper mobility and burst damage
>Can be fairly tanky even though building full damage
You for real? She's a fucking methhead, there's barely anything but bones in her thighs or ass or anything.
Why is medic's voice so digusting
Does riot just ignore the ability to speak when hiring their shoutcasters?
I'll help her rehab process by getting her addicted to my cum instead
Riot trying to turn LoL into a fighting game is what's ruining this shit.
"i can't outplay pantheon fhisoakjbsi"
lol just start cloth armor and hes fucking useless
the game should be around macro, not muh mechanics in the rmoment outplays
you forgot
>doesnt matter how far behind she is
>once you get a kill you're good
>dota's characters are glorified rightclicking minions that never get updated
that game was designed for 2011 and never evolved
yes because the Priming Empowered Q then instagibbing a the carry out of stealth for the 11th time was such an enthralling and healthy play pattern right?
christ fuck off dude. Rengar was actually busted and a completely bullshit champion. there were threads complaining about him every other week on leddit so it was only a matter of time before Rito caved in
the NUMBERS on his rework were too strong idiot. The kit itself went in a fine direction offering counterplay to abilities that didnt have them before. Q is now a skillshot meaning you can flash it, Ult crit only works if you are marked so its possible to coordinate with your team to deny that juicy 1k crit.
pic related was the reason he got gimped. the passive was way too fucking strong and then Riot had to readjust his numbers. Aside from this the only other busted thing was the free Ragnarok on emp W.
if you really want to be a bruiser babb there's no excuse to pick anybody but riven or fiora, that's what riot wants
There's a reason I specified SG Jinx...
>Sejuani after the tank rework
>has something like a 59% winrate in low elo but a balanced 51% winrate in high elo because apparently attacking her then waiting 1.5s for her passive to break before dumping your cooldowns on her is diamond level decision making
>gets nerfed into the dirt regardless
League of Legends cardgame when?