/gbp/ - Bang Dream! Girls Band Party General #48: Afterthoughts Edition

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Android: play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=jp.co.craftegg.band
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bandori.party/ (eng)
bandori.pro/ (jp)

Infodump: pastebin.com/qZfUYAs0
Song of the "day": youtube.com/watch?v=kPuZb-o9HPo

Previous Thread:

Other urls found in this thread:

over-lap.co.jp/BanG Dream! ガールズバンドパーティ! Roselia Stage/product/0/ZG0011/?cat=CGS&swrd=



>no Lisa in the OP

himari in the op!

Afterglow is catching fire

Why why why why why why why why why why why why why why why why why why why why why why why why why why why why why why why why
I loved you with all my heart

Can't find the /c/ thread

>Lisa's birthday is less than an afterthough

I don't think it ever got made.

lisa is crying

>wears choker

Faggots, that's why Rimi hates you.

I spent 5 minutes deciding whether I like Maho Shoujo better or Lisa more.

Whether I wanted to celebrate the release of Magia Record more or Lisa's Birthday. I went with Maho Shoujo. >>/c/2962167

Sorry Lisa.

Are you saying Lisa is too old to be a magical girl?

That's better.

i have never seen something so pointless as bang dream on /c/
like just post your pictures here, whats the point

Are you implying bandoris are not cute enough?

no, im implying you should post cute bondoris here
like this cute himari


They just want more people to see how cute the bandoris are. Here it's always the same 20 anons and the occasional newfriend.

Yeah well the /jp/ thread was a pointless thread that started off as a joke.

/gbp/'s first thread was created partly to stick it to llsifg and @'s mocking on why Bang Dream had no General.

Good things start from Jokes. Let's see what comes of this thread.

Stop making extra threads.

It's bad enough having to have 3 tabs just for Bang Dream, or 4 when /a/ has a thread.

I feel bad never posting in the /a/ threads since the OP is so dedicated in making them

Aya resembles Madoka, the MC more then Risa.

Thread watcher, nigga

there are still threads on /a/?
i thought they stopped when the anime was done

Thank you for posting that music video I got some very nice tsugus from it

They did, but there were a couple of threads for the OVA.

I see one when there is some kind of big news

I want to beat up Tugu in front of Tsugufriend.

This will be my last for now and no I don't post in /d/ or /h/.

Finally saw Roselias live, shit was lifechanging

Getting to see a song that hasn't been released in live videos by the Bushiroad yakuza was pretty great too

I will protect her with my life

Did you get a glowstick?

They didn't sell Roselia branded penlights there but i got a Roselia bag and sacked Lisa/Yukina out of badge gacha

I have to immigrate to Japan so I too can attend all these events.

Good luck, David-kun!

Roselia Stage 10 is out
over-lap.co.jp/BanG Dream! ガールズバンドパーティ! Roselia Stage/product/0/ZG0011/?cat=CGS&swrd=

Rips here
also ripped LiveRevolt's manga

A little late on the Word Cloud today, but anyways, どうぞ.

Thanks doc


And I forgot the picture. The idiot I am.

Unless of course, someone wants to claim /d/ for Bang Dream themselves.

>ded always

Much appreciated, user. Also including the Live Revolt manga. The absolute madman.

What the fuck

I've told you Rimi is the most powerful, but you refused to be reasoned with. You could've prevented this had you listened.

>No goblin
We didn't do it, guys

The best.

bideo games

D-Does anyone else here want an Afterglow anime more than one for any of the other bands?

At the rate we are going, we might as well get used to only ever seeing Roselia and PoPiPa perform live.

Is this joke?

Pasupare and afterglow both have at least VA that won't play for shit and HHW is Kokoron and friends, they really didn't think this through

Hagumi Six and Michelle do care about Bang Dream but sadly they don't show up enough.

Afterglow has too many popular members so that could be a factor in why they don't show up.

I'm still holding my hopes that this will turn out like PasuPare's story where Chisato cares more about fame then the group at first but grows to love PasuPare and Aya's dogged, never-give-up attitude.

Can Amita save pasupare?

She needs the entire band not just Shawako and Mom Idol.


The only afterglow member who consistently tweets is Moca iirc so it's hard to tell what they think


Do you know if that HHW commercial had the actual VAs aside from Kokoro? Couldn't really tell, but the guitarist didn't really look like Kaoru

No, nobody except Miku was there

Theres a making of video on the official YT for that CM actually

I'm pretty sure it was just some random girls. I didn't even see Moe

How will hhw recover from this

Join and have fun.

Roll one 10-roll
Don't roll
Roll until I have both Tomoe and Himari or no rolls left Just kidding; roll once

>have fun

Did it already fill up?

Got thrown out

I have fun playing with you guys.

I feel betrayed..

I guess we're dead around this time of the day.

The dumb Idol couisins got their thread deleted somehow.

Also did you know that Lisa's Birthday also marks the 7th Anniversary of the release of LL's first single?

>love live is seven years old
I'm dying

Whatever you do, DO NOT search the archive for deleted OP posts unless you want to be forced to fap

Cumming inside Rimirin's nose~~~

Plotting revenge on Rimirin for ignoring my feelings~~~

>already ded
>bully sayo
This word cloud is giving me mixed signals here.

Making Rimirin fall for me by saving her from the bullies I egged on~~~

If odds, roll 10 again and post nice rimirin posts
If even, roll 10 again and post mean rimirin posts
If dubs, forever stay a rimirin fag and buy 2 10 rolls.

Jesus stop.
post results

Not even mad, just thinking about rimirin calms me. Truly she is the cutest and best bandori.

>no Arisa
You should be mad.

You guys didn't wait for me before hitting bump limit, I didn't make it in time for live revolt posting.
pls make another room guys.

You've shown admirable restraint to stay true to your word.

No user, I feel no anger; as long as rimirin exists I no longer feel aggressive. A cute 4* rimirin or yukina will come to me eventually. May all you anons know this inner peace.

Oh, it was you oc-user.

I wonder what's the highest number of 4*s in /gbp/

What's cuter; natural cuteness or tryhard cuteness?

Why would you post a picture that doesn't have either?

Who's that dude on the left?
He's fucking ugly.

Stop trying to bully the two cutest Popipa and answer the question

Natural cuteness unless the tryhard is a really good faker. See Chisato for a bad faker

Being naturally cute at trying hard to be cute.

I want to snuggle with rimirin

real ded hours

>stop playing for some days
>now being able to do songs that were impossible before.
Burnout is real.

bumping with our favorite boys

Tomoe is a beautiful girl.

But you missed out on sailor outfits.

Kaoru is too handsome, pls nerf

I hope you guys shut your mouth when 4* Kaoru-chan gets realesed.
