/r6g/ - Rainbow Six General

Operation Remove Shitty Maps edition
Casual and Ranked map rotation changes (among other things) : rainbow6.ubisoft.com/siege/en-us/news/152-299564-16/changes-to-map-rotations-in-season-3

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>Official News & Known Issues
There will be changes to map rotations for Casual and Ranked in Season 3.
Operation Blood Orchid targeting a September 5 release. PC will be able to play it on the TTS on August 29.
Poland map has been canceled. GROM operators will be released together with HK and SK operators.

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first for consoles finally turned pc players into PCuccks by taking their maps away

Ela is cute. CUTE!

Hopefully the next Polish operator has pink hair. That would be so epic.

console virgins fuck off

>there's nothing wrong with favela!

xe is going to be amazing

Ela has the shittiest design so far.

I hope to god the next Polish operator doesn't outdo her. GROMfags like myself have suffered enough.


Proleague schedule

With all her lines about chaos that does kinda make sense

>paid for the game
>got the content i paid for
>only played ranked
>i actually enjoyed all of the maps except bartlett and border
>didnt care about pro league maps or esl settings
>i was still mid platinum every season
>level 181,540 hours played
>never played ranked bomb,only secure area and hostage
>ubisoft decides to castrate the game because of esports faggots and people who think they're 2 wins away from becoming a pro and signing an esports contract
>maps are being taken away from the game due to "data limits" and "esl doesnt like them"
>ACOG is being taken away from Jager and Bandit thinking that this will fix the problem when instead everyone will just use Rook and Doc to spawnkill

I don't want the game to get killed because its trying to cater to the esports faggot crowd , the whole "maps are not balanced" argument could get killed by working map preferences but its easier for ubisoft to hit delete

autists here think that the maps are being removed because of consoles and not because ubisoft are cheap jews who dont want to pay for more server space

>Operation Health statement

Oh boy, what a load of shit that'll be.

>calling people who wanted content fixed instead of removed from the game reddit
I'll give it to ubisoft defense force, they're blending in a little better than before



what maps are being dropped? they don't say

>more server space.
>cucksole companies want to jew devs on everything.
>put limitations on everything.
>nothing to do with cucksoles.

Rethink what you're typing faget.

I'm going to tune in only to watch this part
It better be a fucking apology.

For all you guys that argue about pickrates, we have a proleague team using Recruit on defense.

>removing a map from rotation is the same thing as deleting it

>game so big it saved the company from a buyout by vivendi
>too jew to pony up a few bucks more to host all the maps
the ubi defense force ladies and gents

>not being able to play it on casual or ranked isn't effectively deleting it
>we will be removing maps from the game entirely

read the article you bumbling tard
"As a result, we are currently planning on removing maps from the game entirely down the road"

I'm not defending Ubisoft at all, they're a pile of shit and have always been.

The fact you fail to acknowledge how bad the console companies are makes me believe that you're deluded about how devs have to pay to patch their own game and how that doesn't fuck the game as a whole and the PC community.

More PC exclusives please.

Its not about server space. the files aren't that big on server as each console/PC hosts the textures etc

Its about them wanting to rework maps.
so why play maps that are going to change?

I will start the salt
>Hey we gonna cancel a season for fixing the game alright guys cool
>So hey we didn't finish half the fixes yet, but we going to the next season alright cool
>Hey we gonna delay the new season cause we are incompetent fuckwads, we cool
>Hey guys we gonna kill some maps in the future cause we got data limits, k cool

I have never been so cucked in my life. I am seriously thinking about just quitting and letting my life improve.

how about you read it you stupid illiterate faggot
>(not in Season 3)

They haven't identified which maps are getting the cut, just clearly stated that maps will be deleted.


No one said they'll be removed in Season 3 you dense motherfucker.

People are protesting about the removal of content from the game.

based french demolishing the monkeys

How long did Ubisoft delay the new season?

Quit playing. Free yourself like I did.

Ubisoft initially stated on their blog the new season would launch on the 29th, and then announced it's launching on September 5th.

3 months overdue, so we've been 6.9 months without content

Promised it would be the 29th.

Delayed official release to the 5th of September and the 29th will be for the TTS.

It's an even longer wait for non-season pass holders.

That's only a week. That's nothing.


last benis DD:

After 6+ months of waiting? This most recent delay is a huge kick in the balls to the playerbase. It very obviously shows that they're either too incompetent or just don't give a fuck.

Wouldn't be surprised if they delayed it again.

We now have over 200 votes on the new Waifu of /r6g/


And there is a new Queen gentlemen.

>People are protesting about the removal of content from the game.
Point to where I brought up maps being deleted retard.


i voted for ela ironically, though.

Reminder to not respond to console shitters or butthurt redditors.

Yay for Stereotypical Polish Anarchist, jak babcię drypcię

>wanting to keep garbage maps in the ranked rotation

>b-but...it's fun

b-b-bb-b-b-b-but muh kahntent

Noob here just trying out the game. Holy fucking shit it's refreshing to have voice chat every match.

Simply telling your team info about what you see goes a big way towards winning a match.

Aren't they one and the same?

Didn't mean to put the video in the quote.

That's got to hurt, going 4-0 to 4-6.

>people unironically defend ubis fuckery

>getting shat on this hard by huemonkeys

french siege lmao...

Why did they make Ela so useless?

She's basically roamer god

i want to lick the filth between IQ's toes clean!

t. copper

Away IQ fan, this is Ela week

millennium is getting raped by huemonkeys so bad right now.
i blame the obeast guy on their team.

So, /r6g/, what game will you be playing to fill the hole Siege has left in your heart?

You've barely seen her in action


Siege, S3 is gonna be awesome.

What was shown in the Community Spotlight?

>MAC-11 and Vector fused into one weapon with a 50 round magazine
>3 speed power-roamer
>score notification whenever someone steps on your shock charge ripped RIGHT out of the newest call of duty games

It was a 5 minute segment of shitty fan art and cringy cosplay.

Im willing to give Ela's feet a sniff aswell to see how they hold up vs IQ's

>score notification whenever someone steps on your shock charge ripped RIGHT out of the newest call of duty games
Literally in the game since day 1

>launch casual
>it's filled with free weekend players
Well time to play something else.

Oh boy. I can't believe Ubi is killing its own game because it wants to suck the ESL dick. What a bunch of fucking twits.

Esports was a mistake. Video games aren't sports, they're games. This is retarded.

>free weekend
>lets try
>stimate wait time 23 seconds
>15 minutes later still waiting

>He never played Ranked during release

The fucking butthurt from this is delicious.

>Ubisoft takes over a year to add a map to the game that was, quite literally, already in the game
>Cancels Polish map
>Takes maps out of rotation because one objective on each map is retarded lyrics broken and needs to be fixed
>Will just remove them entirely and cites some mystical data limit that somehow applies to no other video games

They are just fucking with us at this point.

>It smells of PRL

>Most popular video game in existence right now is PUBG
>Game is highly marketable for unique moments so tons of streamers
>Siege also has uniquely unique moments no other FPS shares
>Wants to water down and bland the experience as much as possible to shill the eSports angle
>Nobody watches it
>Prize pools are laughably bad




Fontt is raping Millenium

Until I see Ela in her full glory I stand beside IQ

Here's some booty I did last night

>DrDisrespect just streaming PUBG solo has more views than the Siege tourney
>The shit tier absolute JOKE of a PUBG tournament stream so far also at Gamescom has 10x as many viewers

Ubisoft BTFO?

Why was the Jager wacking away at the Castle wall?

Millennium could easily win if it wasn't for Astro.

I'm not watching the steam but I assume to make it easier to run though it later since it would only require one hit

>"In response to Doc's stim pistol glitch, he will be temporarily removed from ranked play while we fix his gadget. The bugfix will be released during the next midseason reinforcement."
what the fuck man...

>Millennium would win if they had the man advantage
No fucking shit, retard

Nice. Speaking of Ela, hoping you do something similar when we get a better look for her.

He needed to get to the other side, the attackers were nearly in.

For stuff like this no?

wait what
where are you reading that?

Fucking UNF

Not in this scenario, no. I realize I should have specified he was trying to get through.

nice work

>not understanding how the game works

>the state of /r6g/