Fighting Games General - /fgg/
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>not capcom general
Why is dbz fighter allowed to completely copy the mvc games?
Doesn't seem fair at all.
You had one job, OP.
See my morrigan/carol day one.
You cant put a copyright on game mechanics
I don't like sniffs tbqh.
Lusting after women just makes me feel bad that I'm not getting any.
nice tier whoring
They failed to copy the neutral game though. SHOTS.
Why is this cat so sexual
>MvC/anime fighting game
/sfvg/ and /mvcg/ can't come soon enough.
The game isn't even out yet. No one knows exactly what the tiers are gonna end up being yet. Also, not my fault if the characters I like to play end up top tier.
dbfz looks fun bros
But why can't any of these fags antiair
See my Jedi/Dante on day 347. Yes, I need a bit of practice first.
rawr :3c
when will europeans learn damascus is one of the worse commentators to come out of the eu
damascus is a cool guy.
Boatsluts fg when
He seems alright but his accent is awful.
DBFZ is being surprisingly fun to watch.
I hate all of the EU commentators, most of USA too. They all yell too fucking much when shit isnt really hype. Yipes and Seth Killian are the only ones I can like and they both represent the opposite ends of the commentating spectrum. Everyone else is just a poor imitation of these two.
I like him
Post atago.
As a game to watch it's fucking masterpiece. Hope it will be good game to play too.
just gotta be friends with the right people. literally how commentary works unfortunately. blame london for pushing friends for commentary I mean look at the gfinity commentary team lol
dbz is so boring after you see all the cutscenes
it's literally just dash and mash past that point
I have Takao
>ground taokaka with a sword
what a boring game
what's the fighting game equivalent of smash bros?
> i watch it week ago
>i watch it at evo
>i watch it now
>it's soo boring, gonna continue to watch
It's sfv all over again.
But it's a button dash so it's ok
its not too bad. he's passionate, knows enough about the games he commentates and is hype.
I like him.
soon, but only if it include boatsluts (male)
Not takao, atago.
stop posting here damascus, focus on your job of being ass
think we should bring ichiban posting back tbqhwy
my fucking dick
>That feel when you can't play online fightan anymore cause the internet in guam sucks horse cock
I guess it's finally time to kill myself
People said Piccolo, Krillin, 18 and Buu were supposed to play different but I'm not seiing it. They play exactly the same as the rest. 90% of their normals look like combo filler and their specials look really shitty too.
16 is the only one so far who looks like he has actual unique gameplay.
It may be the accent but he sounds really fake to me imo.
It's only made worse with him continually demanding to be on DBZ commentary like he is the best for the job.
All while putting down others because he's supposed to be a 'super' Dragon Ball fan and no one else likes the series more than him and him Tyrant.
Is Bloody Roar the peeing in a cup of fighting games?
If there's one thing arcsys is failing at right now it's explaining the characters.
Everyone looks to play about the same and those big move lists I see never really come up in conversation or explain what the moves can do. Even MvC:I has plenty of exhibitions and gameplay footage floating around that gives you an idea of what the characters are capable of.
japs are relatively sexually open culture.
They aren't.
yeah japan is so enlightened about their sexuality that they had to make separate buses for women so they they wouldn't get sexually assaulted by men
>East Asians
>open sex culture
they are really not, you Western decadent, iniquitous wanker that has watched too much porn which has perverted his view on the world
yea all the non consensual molesting is very freeing
>japs are relatively sexually open culture.
Don't be retarded.
It's because they're sexually repressed and stilted that hentai takes off and sexual assault is rampant.
yep, all those famous people/politicians that off themselves after being outed or coming out of the close sure are sexually open
having a negative population growth must mean they are sexually open and engaging in lots of intercourse!
>tfw no japanese gfs (male)
separate Japanese sex general when? we could post countless Rams in there too. give me /jsg/ NOW
Nice. I don't think I've ever seen a Necalli picture in the OP.
Anime really rots people's brains lmao. No wonder so many animefags are /pol/turds
we have to keep him under the radar
post more cuck porn doug
You dont speak Chinese, poser.
Fuck off weebs
Put stun in Marvel
No, I just know the one spoken phrase feng has.
He has never spoken a single line in any Tekken game ever, though.
Stun is owned y Konami. Why would he be in it?
stop projecting.
i'm doug? oh wait maybe i am
I wasn't talking about Capcom
Delet this
wrong? in his second intro he clearly says "lai ba". It's even subtitled as "come on"
now i'm remembering that doujin where a trap gets on the women's train by accident and gets fucked by the futas riding the train
who bitch this is
Melty with a scrub ne1?
see me in Rising Thunder, nerd
They don't even have same sex marriage, but its not like they dont tolerate anyway, they just don't encourage it
Tbh it's the most healthy mindset, though not having same sex marriage is a bit caveman-tier
Leopold the Shingle
what kind of music do you listen to while in training mode
kohaku did everything wrong
Marvel/Shina aka best catgirl, Felicia take a seat.
>Rising Thunder
Don't remind me
>tfw RT devs sold their studio to the LoL devs
>canceled Rising Thunder
>started working on a LoL fighter
>Riot then canceled the LoL fighter
>RT devs have now been absorbed into Riot and they're making skins and other garbage for LoL now
dragon ball looks fun but it seems extremely limited. hopefully it's just because no one knows how to play the game.
look how well that turned out for SFV.
what you're seeing now is what you're going to get.
i'm going to buy the game and i'll play it, but i already know it's going to be shallow and not a fighting game i'll ever play for more than a month or two at most.
>he has to play a F-aoko again
Yeah I'm going to wait for the beta before passing final judgment but right now they're gating damage extremely hard and the combos aren't looking terribly creative.
it actually looks even more limited than SFV lol
I'm not convinced arcsys are capable of making a simple game.
it's impossible.
European weebs sure sound cool
>blue goku and vegeta
I can't sniff to this. Wtf op you had one job
she'll be low tier anyway
Just go to /bbg/ if your gonna be a kappacuck
>DBFZ has 4 clone characters in its base roster