/fgoalter/ - Fate/Grand Order NA General

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>[News, Events & Campaigns]
>"Moon Goddess Event Pickup Summon Period"
Period: August 17, 2017 (Thu) 8:00 ~ August 31, 2017 (Thu) 3:59 UTC
5* Orion
4*s Stheno and Marie Antoinette
3*s Ushiwakamaru and Jing Ke
fgosimulator.webcrow.jp/ - Mats, EXP & AP sims for game-planning
- Chaldea Gate: Daily Quests - fate-go.cirnopedia.org/quest_daily_us.php
- Drop rates (click on the NA tab): docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1_SlTjrVRTgHgfS7sRqx4CeJMqlz687HdSlYqiW-JvQA
- Check the schedule and drops before asking in the thread
- If cirnopedia is down, use other alternatives like the fgowikia, kazemai or the in-game announcements
>[Miscellaneous stuff]
- Master Mission - Complete Mission objectives each week to gain Saint Quartz fragments
- Rate ups in JP FGO: img.fireden.net/vg/image/1499/27/1499273270406.jpg (embed) (embed)
- Friendlist: docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1M8_ZNP-WinrDQvwckh6Q7DMK5Z8RSx7ZshXTLCaI4zo
- Add yourself to the list: docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSctk0n_OdMusCdkzQPQu8AHD-3Drc0kXqHOmKWJDpY-VkHVEg/viewform

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whyd we get deleted

Are we alive?

If you're gonna make a thread at least proof read it and remove your (embed) (embed)s

Jeanne's visible nipples

Guess I'll watch this thread for a bit to see if the fluffy servants can move in.

liz thread (embed)

Dumb Lizposter

Don't sexualize Jannu. She was a pure Christian girl.

Anne Frank servant when?

is it safe to post here?

>every skill is evade

>every skill is Golden Rule (Money) (Goyim)

What happened? I just woke up.


She couldn't win a grail war, or a singing contest.

>deals zero damage
>every skill applies evade and taunt for 1 turn
>NP kills her and makes remaining enemies drop pages

She could win my heart


Probably be an arts servant
Skill 1 - Evade + arts up
Skill 2 - Dmg up against man, Further up against evil
Skill 3 - NP dmg up, np gain of some sort

the usual stuff

a bunch of idiots started three (3) [amount of edges a triangle has] threads after we hit bump limit in the previous thread

>before we hit bump limit cuz they wanted to punish us or some similar autistic tomfoolery

I'm tired of waiting for Hassan. I'm gonna roll right now in the story gacha

this shit happens so often
3 different new threads at same time
cant really fault them as they did not see each others thread and then who decides to delete

Post results

Reminder that Liz is the true Grand Lancer


No, it was the same guy making two different threads to be a dick, and then one stupid liz poster making a third (((real))) thread. they all got pruned and then (embed) (embed) poster mad this.

No you can fault them. They all posted before we even hit bump limit. No excuse for shitting up the board.


>story gacha

>E- Noble Phantasm

Your heart is a shit drop.
I bet even wolves drop it.

King Hassan dummy

She's hiding her true one!

Yeah, thought it was weird you had that shitty luck for a 2*

>Strength C

Are you guys ready for the one month of nothing?

Why haven't you just bought a JP quartz account on ebay for $5 yet?

Doggo > literal garbage > Rin >>>>> foxslut

Would smash.

it's so bad that it loops back to being good again, you uncultured swine

now buy my newest single

so how has hana kana not voiced a single servant despite her popularity and the games popularity

You can't fool me user. That's best boy

Because I can't get motivated to play unless it's from the start like with NA.

DW is poor. Please understand.

I'll have you know that it was 5. Get your shit straight.

I've spent my level up on the 30AP green daily, and got neither hearts nor scales.
I swear I'll only farm MP and fill my inventory with gold xp until we have proper dailies.

paying $5 FIVE dollars for 1 ONE quartz account

Because she's expensive.


You and me both, I have almost no MP anyway so I'll have to start now

but that next 30ap daily will give you a lantern and a heart
your loss

Because Hana Kana is a shit and does not deserve to voice a servant.

pent-nobu-ibaraki is the best midget berserker team

>Agility E


do you guys think DW employees get paid quartz
do they spend their entire paycheck on quartz and the bosses know
must be weird working for a gacha game you play

Obviously there's the tickets, but it's also nice to maxfou your favorites.
Hush fake priest, you had enough offerings until Halloween.

>/fgoalter/ discord when?

I really like this artist's stuff.


Is the 30 ap quest better for golden cookies?

>People stress out about farming for hard to get mats
>I'm just playing the game for fun
I'll get my Nero to her last ascension in a bit, she'll just be stuck at level 70 for a while

What's the difference between Sigurd and Siegfried?

Kill yourself discordfaggot

Hanakana is boring.

Were there to be anything along those lines, I would imagine that it'd simply be significant discounts on quartz. You know, $10 for 100 quartz, or whatever. That's how shopping within a brand usually works, anyway.

Are there any strenghening quest on NA?

EMIYA has one

Seiba and redman I think.

Please tell me I can get Berserker monuments from an event soon
Need 10 for Cat

One's from the Nibelungenlied and the other is from the Völsunga saga which both are based from a story that's been long since been long.


I had the ones for Shirou, Nero and Seibah's nps.

>Look up who Hana Kana is
>She voiced Mayuri in Steins;Gate

Hopefully never.

>Look up who Hana Kana is
Lurk for at least 5 more years before posting again

>3 gold chests in a row

Guess how many were hearts/scales?

Even as Japanese voices go she sounds like an annoying 12 year old girl whining constantly.

She literally does not voice any good character, in fact she tends to voice the worst in the shows she participates in, but don't say this or you'll anger her autistic fanbase.

I bet they were cookies and gems.

user most people don't memorizes the names of cartoon voice actors.

Begone with your faggotry

You too are levelling your Casters and Riders' skills ?
Truly a great experience.

Can someone explain to me how the Babylon Gate works? Gilgamesh claim fact he collected all the treasures of the world by himself. That made his vault to become a concept where every weapon that was created in the world instantly appear? Or even every single thing recognized as a treasure?


You are posting this on a Korean cartoon violin making marketplace you know?

Most people don't. People here do

This. She's also more same voice than teh Rie without the interesting tone.

I am glad that Type Moon cares for the details of its universe.

It does. Not it's fault you are too retarded to understand it you filthy secondary.

i agree shes boring, im just surprised that the popularity of the 2 has not resulted in some sort of collaboration
to me it seems inevitable, even sugita has done some work

Reminder that autists got obsessed with her because she said she was a virgin

>Type Moon cares about details
>Servants now have memories of past summons

wtf I love Hana Kana now

She's surprisingly cute . If she just kept her mouth shut maybe she could find a man willing to put up with her enough to fuck her

I might be wrong, but he stores the concepts and prototypes that become every great technology and legendary weapon, he has the original concept of "the sword that selects the king" for example, which became caliburn/excalibur later

TL;DR he has the alpha versions and in this universe the originals are stronger

>the originals are stronger

In theory at least

Good post.
Take your own life.