/owg/ - Overwatch General

D.Va is still top tier edition

>Tank except DPS Hero
>Support Except DPS Hero
Keep in mind that they explicitly said that they'll change parts of this if necessary. This is PTR, not final.

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I want to bully D.Va until she cries!

Junkrat is for Having plutonic relationships with everybody

>Officer D.va shitters still trying to deny that Palanquinn is the best D.va skin because they couldn't get it during the year of the rooster event


/owg/ has shit taste

Surprised nobody's posted this. 25 minute sof gameplay on the Junkertown map.


I can't remember the last time I actually ahd to wait to get into the PTR
are there really THAT many mercy mains?

Tracer needs to sit on my face!

Koreafu D.va skin is definitely the best

delet this, tf2fag

Is it true you get banned for using autohotkey? I just want to afk in custom games for XP

> D.Va is still annoying as fuck edition.

> Most played hero by quite a wide margin.
What do you think?

>Is it true you get banned for breaking the rules?

Yes, play the game loser

> girl with the smallest ass besides DVa
your taste literally couldn't be shittier

Nah, colour scheme, star on the chest and basic bitch tumblr art suggests otherwise from your obscure aminu.

Extension to Junkenstein's Revenge a week or two the first event after seems more fitting. Gives em an excuse to let the gang into the Eichenwalde castle whilst the doors are under repair
I'd say Technomaner Sombra has magiced up the onmic back to life with Zen, Bastion and Orisa zombie slaves to her. Hanzo has left looking for his brother and Giggles has turned up looking for Hanzo just before the second set of bosses attack. Medieval themed skins for 76, Ana, McMeme and whoever else is there

Last thread the people were talking about Geguri, her shitty team (ROX Orcas) lost all of their games in APEX and they will prolly also lose their next game against LW red.

Girl gamerz BTFO.

I would put something like that in the next OP, because it is useful, but I couldn't listen to that voice for even five seconds.

Why doesn't Pharah have an ISIS flag?

Doomfist collision changes mean Mei can now boost herself (and anyone else) through most ceilings in the game

>gay ben
>not a jew

>t. dirty negro obsessed with big asses

He describes the map pretty well, so it's worth listening to him the first time.

What were you expecting. It's like seeing a white person in the 100m sprint or a black person in a grandmaster chess championships

Physical limitations

>obscure animu
were you born five years ago or something?

it COULD be a prequel too

sombra will take you to the top easier. theres many GM that one tricked sombra with a lower that 50% wr because of this

we have plenty of mercy mains who want to become something. let the dust settle before they notice mercy can now fight as well as support

>her shitty team (ROX Orcas) lost all of their games in APEX
user Orcas lost to fucking AFBlue, they're one of the best korean teams
they've only had two matches with her on the roster

>play video

Hi, I know that I'm a colossal fucking scrub but I've found that I really enjoy playing Sombra. I like the kind of hybrid hero role she fills with dps, (some) healing, and disruption.

Now I'm seeing some feedback on Mercy's new got, and providing it stays viable (because I'm pretty sure it'll get nerfed) she kind of fits the same mold. More on the support side obviously.

I guess my question is, for a relatively new player, would my time be better spent mastering Sombra or Mercy?

I know, right, non-whites can't do anything involving intelligence and and whites can't do anything involving physical activity.

>sit around a corner
>200 HP hero walks one foot in front of me
>delete them
Is this easy mode...???

Seagull played Junkertown for an hour, go watch his video instead. He's at least competent.

Geguri looks like a 14 year old boy.
Also her name means "Frog."

Will Mercy's pickrate drop after rework?



Spend your time mastering Sombra. Mercy's pretty easy. Not to mention everything you learn from Sombra about positioning and shit will translate to Mercy better.

Sombra is easily one of the hardest characters to play well. She requires by far the most game sense out of any character (besides Zarya) to do well, so she's really not recommended for newer players.

However, it all depends on how you play the game. There are two types of people who play Overwatch: the people who play it casually and don't take it seriously, and the people who play it competitively. The real question is, do you see yourself playing the competitive mode a lot? If no, then it doesn't really matter.

It's camping. Which means you're not only a coward but also a tumor for the community.

Mercy's ult doesn't actually help keep her teammates alive through ults, so what's the point of it? Having a constant healing stream on you doesn't let you survive Barrage/Blade/Dragons/ect

>leave ranked game whenever I feel teammates are acting retarded

The only thing I regret is not being able to see their reactions to the imminent defeat they can't do anything to avoid now.

No, but Mercy players will be worse for a while after the rework. A lot of them don't understand tempo rezzing which is a critical part of her new kit.
It won't be a big issue as long as the comp SR changes work out well though because the bad Mercy mains will drop like a rock.

>girl gamers btfo

Iunno, I still love me some Eloise.

Yes, because every single female Mercy main will start moving to Lucio, Zen, Sym or D.va.

You missed the free XP train. I got like 6 using AHK before they patched it. Others got like 20+.

Not today.

If you care about SR Mercy. If you just want to have fun switch between both, one-tricking is lame.

>Mercy's ult doesn't actually help keep her teammates alive through ults, so what's the point of it?
It can be used as an initiating ult now, she ults and damage boosts her entire team, healing when necessary

It lets you rez multiple people

Its a minimum 2 man rez with rez ult rez, then you have a flying mercy flying around like an attack helicopter keeping everyone alive and bringing someone else back 10 seconds later.

Essentially you counter her THE OPPOSITE way you countered old mercy. You have to wipe everyone at once. If you stagger your kills, she'll bring em back one by one every 10 seconds


Fuck no.

Her new ult is fucking insane. Like, I'm not exaggerating when I say no other ult currently in the game matches it. Just the ability to be able to heal your whole team from a distance so far away that the enemy team can't even shoot at you is powerful enough by itself, that's not even counting the crazy DPS she can do and her Orisa-like damage boost.

Once people get used to this rework I can see it changing the meta in a very, very big way, and in a way that Blizzard didn't intend. Whether this is a bad thing or a good thing is up for you to decide.

>mei cinematic short
What were they thinking? What a waste.

What happens if the doors are closed? Can you get 6 people in there before the game starts?

mei is so hot but not in a sexy bakini anorexic magazine cover way. more of a "im cute, shave my legs maybe twice a week, wear loose clothing, reeeeally into books and video games. and id be like "im really into you!" and we'd laugh and she would give me a look and reply "ya know what jerry im into you too." and id gulp and build up courage to say "would you consent to me being in you." and she'd get serious and ask "like.... with your penis?" and id nod my head and shed be like "meet me in my room in 15 minutes." and hell yeah wow im all excited now hope they fix these bugs fast!

Ty for the advice.


>have a FPS shooter with all these squishies around
>add a actual flying armored tank with skills to wound other armored tanks
>CoD the CoDdening
the only disvantage dva has is that she will need to bodyblock more often, so more ult charge to the enemy, and she will still get staggered in baby dva mode, but you will need a competent team to do something about it.

people will not care shes not a tank anymore, or that hog can tank better that her because she can be a more annoying genji anyway.

>2 man rez
It's actually a minimum 3 man rez.

> Is this easy mode...???
It is if you're playing a braindead hero which you are

>tfw Summer event almost over
At least I got Amélie's skin.

Ikr right.
10 minutes for nothing...

Shut the fuck up jerry

You have gay

Can someone explain to me why she needed the cold gun in the first place? Why not just climb the fucking hill next to their base?

They're working on taking down the DPS part already, so don't expect that to stay.

>She flies in
.>Ults to reset cooldown
>10 seconds left before next rez
>She dies in that 10 seconds

Nope. Two near guaranteed, 3-4 if she cna stay alive for the entire ult

I want to lick the sweat over her abs and between her delicious breasts

Better than what the hearthfags got t b h my man.


"B-but she can't rez the entire team s-so its a nerf!" - Actual Mercy Main

>I can't mute a video and just watch it

Bigger crybabies than the ones on the forums.

the way i see a mercy can now ult to save herself because she can take to the skies to protect herself

if the team gets a big fight shes a very passive game changer until she ults. when she does ult she might not prevent a team wipe with 2~4 ults but 4 res with AoE heal between will cancel a lot of offensive ults that are paired with defensive ults.

she will cancel soloulting without ulting too.

I don't think it'll drop at all. It'll most likely stay even at shitter levels still, but rise a lot at higher skill levels.


If you noticed, part of the antenna was broken. So she needed something to hold it in place and "fix" it. She can't metal work with one pair of hands out in the cold, the the ice gun was the best option since it won't melt and is quickly dispatched.

What's up with her(him?) lips?

at some point i wondered if it would be better to have 600 armor added to her or a flight thats more free form that pharah's

she wont die if she knows how to fucking swerve. a enemy team that focus a ulting mercy that just did 2 res will lose to the ground team.

McCree wants a Reinhardt tittypad

Who's the lowest learning curve/ceiling character since Mercy actually requires skill now? Who can we shit on for being too retarded to have skill ?

Adverse reaction from xer HRT.

>She dies in that 10 seconds
That's the difference between a shit Mercy and a good Mercy, if you can't fly around like an animal so you don't get snipe'd by a Widow, and you also have her buffed regen keeping you alive, you're just a shit Mercy.



>14 kills ahead of everyone as D.va in deathmatch PTR
>proceed to get kicked after 4 consecutive wins
I love you blizzard, Dps.va is all i dreamed of.

is there a key to lock in a hero rather than having to click?

i want to instalock faster

Any interesting custom crosshairs for specific heroes? Here's one made using the "Circle" preset for Tracer. Surefour uses something like this on her, too.


>Sasuga Blizzard




That or the other player is that much better.

Why is she the most perfect girl in the game? Tell me.

Zen buffs when? Basically every other hero shits on him now thanks to the power creep this game's been going through since he was last nerfed several months ago.

I require mending.

>since Mercy actually requires skill now

>sound barrier to double jump

le m1 ape hero

Post sexy brown Egyptians

They also lost to fucking GC Busan, one of the worst teams in whole APEX.

>Who's the lowest learning curve/ceiling character since Mercy actually requires skill now?

>that bloo skin
>that voice
>those voicelines she drops while killing
>that figure
