loloo and veigar's love is pure and true edition
no swimming today
League of Legends General - /lolg/
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First for CLIMBanon.
Best couple
bow down lolg
le blanc is probably best waifu wish i played mid
I'd expect God to have a higher CS/minute.
xth for Syndra
How does Sona feel about having the uncontested largest bust in the league of legends?
>italian /lolg/ poster
I have a problem /lolg/, how do i stick to one champ and get good at them? I get bored of the playing same champ so fast i'm always moving on to other champs.
>ywn be leblanc's sexy toy
>ywn spend days at a time tied down to a bed being sexually teased with her magic
>ywn have your orgasms blocked so days worth of cum builds up into one load
just kill me senpai
>*sex toy
god damn new keyboard fucking with my shit
This is your toplaner tonight. Say something nice about him.
>ADC Quinn
Well bot lane is fucked.
>censoring your win rate
fucking gets 0 pussy i hope he dies
so cute
she is best waifu, hands down. How can other girls even compete?
> censoring everything
insecure faggot
what matchups do you just start to feel sorry for the opponent in
extra healing aside from spirit visage was mistake
gangster or omega squad twitch?
Jinx is cuddly and cute
>180 cs in a 44 minute game
i like both, but if i didnt own gangster already i wouldve bought omega squad
Le Blanc is perfection
vlad guy has the same cs in 17 mins you have in 45
does tightness directly correlate to cuteness and cuddliness?
>you now live with Lewlew
how does it go?
do you bake cupcakes?
those are some long fingers
What league girl would let me sniff her feet?
looking for someone to play normals with on NA, summoner name: fabulous velour
add me and lets play
>that body
>generations of experience
She must be absolutely mind-blowing in bed, I doubt there are adjectives in any human language that would do it justice
tfw no shards
but of course
Doubles decides who I get next.
Play all roles.
i dont feel sorry i just rape and enjoy it
I bully her
here's your (you)
>get an orn
>beg him not to play him
>hes useless the whole game and its basically a 4v5
>next game
>bot lane feeds vayne so shes 3shotting people at 20 minutes
>top feeds teemo, vayne cant into positiononing and gest blown by amumu/fizz
God i hate the teams im getting, i was 1 game from gold and silver is dragging me back to the dregs
>top feeds
so do I have no takers on people to duo with?
do you people even fucking play this game
give me 1(one) good reason i should get it instead of visage
>10 posts on average
>to choose a champ for some random guy
>on a board where doubles arent evne possible
fuck off make it odds/evens/multiple of 3
dubs are disabled, dummy
if I roll a 0 you have to get jinx
so I've been away from league for a while, did they get rid of the group chats inside the client? I can't seem to find it anywhere, how am I supposed to get a bromad going now?
so realistically, its only viable against like 5 champions
>dubs are disabled
wtf im going back to tumblr
It's pretty garbage but works against handful of dot champs
>Top trolls
>Sit in fountain as we open
>Low priority queue
Thanks riot, way to punish the victims
Yeah and those who deal magic on-hit like Kayle and Jax but more importantly it also has a bitchin' purple item icon.
>skip silver 3 to silver 1
>stomp up to my promos
>it skips me straight in to gold 5
>win my next two games
>+35lp each
>lose then next one -8lp
You don't get low priority queue from one afk, and you could have very easily just not been afk while opening to avoid it
How much range does he have now when he ults? Just a little bit less than adc range, right?
Q change is ridiculously important for him
what the fuck are they thinking?
Well that's what happened. I did move around, but there was like 3 mins that I didn't move and leaverbuster popped up.
Why would they buff every champion that's historically been a huge balancing problem for the worlds patch?
>Jungle Ivern and rushing Ardent Censor first
This shit can't be legal.
what the fuck did I just listen to
why was that shit so funny the fuck
too add some spice to the mix
>Ivern buff
oh boy it's time again :3!
>eu wakes up
>thread quality immediately goes to shit
does it take longer to get all the way in or pull out
Those champs aren't competitively viable and they want them to be because epic plays so they buff them.
I think Riot's balancing team is seriously retarded
>buffing nidalee who's already being played rather often in competitive
She probably feels extreme back pain
>Urgot buff
Please dont do something stupid, Riot.
Azir buff is only buff at level 16. Why even bother.
>play a game of adc
>get a rakan support
>he starts W
>he has no lane presence
>doesnt help with farm under turret
>get zoned from farm under my tower
>"i got ocunterpicked"
kill these people
they are
>fiora is not a free win champ for 1 fucking patch
>support and adc wins or loses the game single handedly while being much stronger than the other 3 roles
>haha this is fine
they seriously deserve to get whacked on the head by a fucking mace
shut the fuck up you yankee stanking doodle shite
Starting W is pretty standard for him.
>Get adc fed
>They rush boots and zeal
>Enemy out trades them with bf
This is why I stop trying to be a team dependent support and just do mages. Because I get chuckle fucks who just waste all the effort.
Who would win a 3d chess match?
Swain or Nasus
regardless he played like shit
>yurocuck wakes up
>immediately takes the bait
Don't know why you'd play support in bronze anyways
ye shut the fuck up
>most powerful man in the world, leader of the most powerful military power in Runeterra and a master tactician the likes of which was never seen before
>a dog with brother problems
I just want to watch playoffs already
>No guides in the OP
Heh look at all the salty shitters who have never experienced being so dominating and powerful in a match you literally sustain yourself solely on kills.
Weak pathetic virgins lmao.
who else /stereotypical vayne main/ here
>most powerful man and master tactician
hes just a backstabbing jew with a demon bird
>Ornn is so trashy the higher "environment quality" filters him
fucking kek
nobody needs that shit lol
So what if you could shoot cait's traps? like they had a hit points and such.
Cait is already in the dumpster but she would be completely useless in that case
35 kills, 180 CS, 21.9K gold
Jinx has 15 kills, 314 CS, 20.6K gold
Jinx has about the same gold despite being 20 kills down.
You'd have reached endgame faster and stomped them harder if you had farmed more instead of chasing kills.
>my adc picks wrong mastery
>my adc doesn't buy bf before building zeal item
>my adc rushes wrong item
>my adc can't lasthit for shit or pushes for no reason
Everytime I get autofilled into any of the cuckroles it's painful to watch the central damage dealer of my team messing up the simplest thing. Yeah I can understand how you can prefer warlords/fervor depending on if you're rushing botrk or shiv or it's just your personal fucking preference, but why in the hell would you think picking fervor on jhin is a good idea?