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Let's start with your character butt.

why did you bring it back

just let it die

lyn ear tips

i hate every single one of you

>bringing a death thread back


Shame it costs more than I'm willing to buy it for

Post that picture one more time and i'll send you death threats

>sending death threats over the internet instead of actually killing people over the internet
>the current year

i want to pull up her bathing suit it's falling down


I want to pull up her bathing suit so far that she gets a wedgie

>Being so illiterate that you dont get the pun i based your spelling mistake (death thread)
Go back to school and learn how to read and write.

do it you wont

>being this much of a sperg to completely ignore more jokes made to go along with the original pun

I'm taking my ball and going home, I liked your brother better.

*sniff sniff*

who is this semen sniffer

I'll do it

I'll do it so quickly the friction causes everything to light ablaze like pic related







there's certainly something wrong when you're bigger than the fat mob

>Gonna tenderize that fat meat


>tfw all you want is to keep Kyoppi for yourself, cuddling and patting him but all he cares is to attentionwhore in the thread posting butts

t-that sounds nice



paying 5g for good mori pics


now post feet

>female only special deal cosmetic

This is discrimination

You look really pretty today Cavok, congrats on Ravenfall


stop stealing my reply!




come on dude we were posting nice things here


I think those things are pretty nice, even if they aren't butts

>niggers and their thicc meme

who thinks these land whales look good? thicc meme needs to die

Why arent they oiled up ?
Where is the gloss ?

no one does, the best part is these are the people who talk shit the most about normie presets when they have the worst sliders in bnsg



What can I say? I like fat butts

Thicc is fine if the face is good... unfortunately none of the thicc posters in bnsg meet that criteria

what constitutes a good face

post one; it doesn't have to be BnS

I know right. Thicc meme is the worst fat fuck enabler in years.
>uhhhhh thiccccCCCC
>look at me boys 150kgggggggg and 5 chins


Holy fuck!! That looks like something straight out of Parasite eve!

I hate this, because I like bigger women, but not landwhales that are usually attributed to the thick meme. Like I'm cool with 100kg, but not 150+

That legit spooks the shit outta me

The worst part is a ton of it is women pushing the idea that fat is somehow now attractive.

You don't get to make the standards of attractiveness. It's like a chef serving up a pile of shit on the plate and saying it's a delicious 5 star meal. What actually matters is the opinion of the people who are supposed to eat it.

>mfw eyes too far apart

Also hello, can someone give me pointers on making my lyn extra thicc? 150kg+ pls

Uncanny valley right there


i miss eristic its his birthday tomorrow

>tried to make my character look like me
>get called a meme landwhale and ugly

The ultimate warrior leaves no openings, except in his mind.

ur mental illness counts as an opening

Dude, 100kg is already fucking huge for a woman, unless she's 6'1 or taller.

you know what they say

if you can lift it you can fuck it


So I can fuck my miniature schnauzer?

If you live in Canada

100kg is huge for a regular height woman
t. woman

The amount of negative comments on characters around is disproportionately high. They're either purposefully bullying you or lack the ability to make differentiated judgments since everything that is less than perfect as seen through the lens of their personal biases is literal shit to them.

100kg is huge even for a tall woman

Looking at some reference pictures, I take back my proclamation about 100kg. That's still a bit too big for me; my strike zone is probably closer to 75~85kg, depending on how well the woman wears her weight

Sorry, I'm a horrendous imperial who usually uses pounds instead of kilograms and also is bad at estimating weight on sight

If your woman isn't at least twice your size then you're low test

Are we talking about height, weight, bmi, muscle mass, dick size

This makes a huge difference

Fucking manlets or twigs trying to justify their poor size LMFAO.


All but BMI


>go to most empty channel possible to farm mobs
>some loli fucker still manages to appear out of the blue to steal the kills
Gonna snap any day now

>most empty channel
? there's only one channel in most areas

that's server merges for you nigger

Ready to blast my entire load on the 13th.

My nigga. I didn't think anyone had good taste in games anymore.

good evenyan~

this is my favorite lyn

shut up skd

w-why nyan

Grew up playing that game as a kid. It scared the shit out of me every time they showed transformations.

Nice. I emulated the first two games a few years back. 3rd Birthday was nice, despite what people say. I wish it didn't have to end.

Each parasite game was really different from the last. Though if they make another one i want it to keep it's game style from the first game.

Tomb HM for I cant remember why!
NA #367 981
2/6 !

i'm a 6 foot girl and weigh 50kg

i dont think anyone could be my height and weigh double me and be remotely normal looking..

You're underweight.

maybe in america lmao

Filled and left! Thank you friends!

fug me, dezzy!

Wish we got KR's hongmoon weapon...