Hearthstone general, now with even more mtg
1st for America lost
the last one was deleted by shills mods because it was too antiBlizz?
also fuck ben brode
It was deleted because OP is a retard who can't into proper thread starter. hsg is not even between //'s for crissakes.
Maybe, might have been because no long OP post with links and stuff,
>finally get the Lich King stuck as Paladin after two hours of trying
>just unstucks in a few turns and kills Tirion for no reason
This one isn't exactly better.
Which 1-mana minions would you play in a midrange hunter, aside from alleycat: fiery bat, jeweled macaw, or fire fly? Hungry crab is not an option.
I'll make a proper thread
Haven't played in a while. Did they really make the worst meta ever or are people blowing druid out of proportion?
this is fine
Acherus veteran
Its really awful at high ranks, aside from Druid though, this expansion has some awesome cards and archetypes
Only shieldbearers doesn't own Arthas
post warrior dicks please
I want to win with warrior
15 days without any lego , I feel like it has been a month ago, send help.
based OPs
why was thread kil?
I hadn't even considered that, why that one?
So alarm bots and big boys huh? Anyone have a standard list? I'm not about to burn 1200 dust on faglocs to get Arthas.
stubborn gastropod x2
alarm o bot x2
every big minion you have x26
I look forward to finally experiencing these cards, once Year of the Mammoth rotates over.
Why did you not copy the links from previous thread? Could have also linked the previous thread in the OP >Deck lists, news etc
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>tried to beat Lich Kings all day with non-murloc paladin
I give up.
How do you beat the Lich King with Paladin, Rogue and Warrior?
Doesn't seem to be working at all.
I've gotten fairly close, but still feels futile.
never thought of that, I'll give it a shot.
I fucking love Homestuck