League of Legends - /lolg/

Prince Edition


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You can make it to plat, user i believe in you!

>enemy counterpicks with malphite
>rushes bramble vest
Whoever thought this was a good idea should be shot. It's an "I can't fight you but you can't fight me" item that just makes for the most boring lanes imaginable as I rush tiamat and proxy the wave for the rest of the game.

That is always the worst. Although, 25 lp is still a pretty big gain

xth for Syndra

no one cares get carried more idiot

Grievous wounds has always been a radically flawed mechanic because of it's uninteractive and binary nature. For fuck's sake, there isn't even varying degrees of heal mitigation intensity.

Sanghyeok "Faker" Lee is an icon of modern esports. Known as “The Demon King” in his homeland of South Korea, Faker’s quiet and respectful demeanor in person does little to alert bystanders to his dominance on the Rift. But then he steps onto the stage and shatters the limits of what we thought was possible with just a mouse and a keyboard. Faker was so untouchable in Korea for so long that his opponents started saying he had a 3rd Summoner Spell -- how else could he be so strong?

Faker has already raised the bar for what a mid laner is expected to deliver, lifting the Summoner's Cup at three World Championships, once in 2013, again in 2015, and the third time in 2016. He has also netted his team trophies at Champions Summer 2013, Champions Winter 2013-2014, Champions Spring 2015, Champions Summer 2015, Champions Spring 2016, and the 2016 Mid-Season Invitational (whew). After winning every international event that League of Legends offered in 2016, Faker and SKT are looking to sweep the international stage once again in 2017.

>no coin
>no tear

adding wounds to thornmail was the dumbest fucking idea. The only fucking way to beat it in the past was to lifesteal through it and now that doesn't even work

xth for breast metal waifu

>twitch kills everybody
nice game lolbabs, nerfs when?

Best husbando!
Booky Cat best ranked duo!

>fiora still has dorans blade

they do need a better 'release valve' for healing but my problem is that they thought this game should have an efficient form of early 'thorn' damage as it's an effect that in lane phase heavily discourages any form of interaction.

From a design standpoint it just makes no sense, it would be like letting solo lane janna or lulu be a thing again, they're lanes that force both sides to do nothing but farm minions as efficiently as possible.

>realize it's been about 2 weeks since I last played anything other than aram
>jump into a few normal games
>lose every single one handily
>play a ranked game
>go back to playing aram for about two weeks
>repeat cycle
My welfare diamond will remain intact this season.

So has anyone been playing ornn?
Is he shit or what? I only played against one and he fed pretty hard.

>there are people in this thread that arent Honor 5
Why havent you killed yourselves?

>they're lanes that force both sides to do nothing but farm minions as efficiently as possible.
High top laner, welcome to midlane for the last three years.

I never realized that SG Jinx one was in two places.

We could really use more writefags, there's not a lot of good league smut and it has so much potential.

>when they line up for the dance party

His power level is hard to determine since he's not only a hard champ mechanically (for a tank, that is) but a massive slice of his budget went into his item upgrades

>silver 4

why havent you killed yourself?

because i found out today that you don't actually get anything from higher honor levels. you hit the key drop cap earlier in the month but it still has the same cap.

suicide is a sin

>someone picks Ornn

A champ that makes your own teammates dumber...

This is Sonas chest! The biggest and best in the league!

Say something nice to it!

I'd be jealous if it meant anything.
I'm honor 4 and haven't gotten any capsules and way less key frags than when I was honor 3.
At the moment it feels like a really cheap hollow system to fight the perception of toxicity and not a real system to reward non toxic players.

So this is my younger bros profile na.op.gg/summoner/userName=c9wanderwine

Im 100% sure hes paid some korean to boost his account

What do you think?

are you not supposed to rush the new items? When do you build them?

>play ADC once in a blue moon
>supp picks Bard
>lands decent Q, I go in to get kills as enemies are both around half hp
>watch as bard literally fucks off for no reason
>not even throwing an auto nor ignite when he was in range
>die from a free double kill
>scenario literally repeats itself two or three times
>Bard never puts down Shrines either
>"if this your first time adc?"
>Bard fucks off to do whatever
>Meanwhile bot is fed enough to tower dive easily
>"gg adc cant even farm under tower"

I have seen more retarded supports than I have for ADCs as a support main. I have an much easier time carrying as support than ADC holy fuck.

>I'm honor 4 and haven't gotten any capsules and way less key frags than when I was honor 3.
you had probably already hit the cap when you leveled up to honor 4, you'll have to wait until the key drop cycle starts over.

>you don't actually get anything from higher honor levels
Oh really
thats stupid
Becasue i dont want to put my family throught the trouble of having to deal with my remains
>costs a lot
>emotional suffering
>they're having marital troubles and this would probably be the tipping point
I suck, im trying to get better

>all of the new items are raw stat increases, no passives/actives are improved no new stats added
>several are gold inefficient like Molten Edge on top of that

You only ever build them at full build. It's basically your team getting 6.5 item slots.

>rito buffing orrn literally less than a week after release


Maybe he just got good

literally as a last item. Dont know why it's only exclusive to him and not for everybody in general.

Thoughts death's dance + spirit visage on GP?

Better items could fill the slots or is this maybe situationally good?

If GP gets caught he's going to die, his healing from barrels would be in spaced out bursts rather than constant so he'd just get popped regardless. Would have to be on tank plank.

league is cancer
both yours and the overwatch community are cancer
full of autism and whoring
kill yourself

>Maybe he just got good

user I fucking watched him play and theres no way his new ritilin can but him on a 16 win streak

Would anybody like to join a poppy club? We just need 1 more for the tag

i'd rather they release champions underpowered and then tweak them up to snuff with hotfixes rather than breaking the game with them.

Just make a smurf to fill spots, then kick/leave them for real players, ezpz

It's alright but it doesnt help as much as you think. Build them as late game items if anything. Trinity should always be his core/first build.

>tfw I much prefer his old passive over his new one

Id rather not, sorry user

what champion likes to put on puppet shows?

If you get me to gold sure ill join

Illaoi's damage feels underwhelming for a champion that's "JUST" damage and nothing else (highly delayed 95% skillshot damage at that).

shaco, obviously

Needs a damage buff desu the tentacles should apply sheen

>account has been permabanned FOREVER because the shitty SJW community's feelings get hurt when you type words at them

thank fucking God I am free from this hell. I use to feel remorse after the first 14 day ban, but now its for real and I'm free to actually enjoy other video games.

League of legends is for chinese fucking commies and if you're still playing it past 2017 I feel very sorry for you because it is cucked to fuck.

>waaah i cant say niggers all the time

You're somehow surprised that calling people niggers got you punished? Come on, user, have some self-awareness.

IGN: EuphTone

thought the same way and my friends dragged me back in

fucking shitty friends

fuck off

shut the fuck up fag

how do i get better at csing?

Add me too!
IGN: Aura Bella Fiora

no hate speech was ever typed. I would try to tell people what they did wrong and what they could do to change it and they report me for it instead of acting like an adult and putting in their own input, or simply using the mute option. I'd add in my chat logs but I already uninstalled this garbage off my computer and you should as well.

If you're gonna say "just use /ignore all" then what is the point of even playing a "team" based game, when about 90% of your games are going to have toxic, raging assholes who only want to get high off of some KDA/LP/made up Skill points instead of actually trying to better themselves at a competitive game?
its not too late to repent and enjoy other games again user. I feel absolutely no remorse and renewed.

>ping mia
>half a minute later botlane dies
>"next time ss please :D"


>get forced into jungling
>never gank lane
>never give buffs
>mute everyone on my team

Jungling is for cucks and bronzies. It should be removed from the game.

ok riot shill... theyre only doing it to artificially raise his 20% win rate lmao


i'm sorry your feelings got hurt, user

No need to apologize! My feelings aren't hurt at all . In fact I haven't felt this free in ages

the rest of your are stuck playing this shitty moba for the rest of your lives until you finally wake up and realize that LoL is just owned by a chinese communist game company.

Post and rate. Don't hold back.

what is this, anyway?

>theyre only doing it to raise his 20% win rate
so you don't want them to try and buff champions which are obviously weak? or you want them to release overpowered champions that become ban or ban tier instantly?

>i'm the only way we can win
>i'm the only way YOU can win
That was kind of romantic, actually

which champion gives you CONNIPTIONS lolg?


to this day this faggot has never been healthy or fun play against.

Yeah user I'm sure you only typed a bad word one time only

How fucking new?

Don't be retarded. Riot isn't some 10yr old kid banning you because he see's a bunch of numbers. You were obviously acting like an asshole for long enough to get multiple warnings.

>If you're gonna say "just use /ignore all" then what is the point of even playing a "team" based game

You don't have to type a word to work as a team. In fact while you were sitting still typing like a cunt, an alternate version of you that isn't so stupid was getting shit done, helping his team and getting ahead.

The fact you got perma'd tells me you're so thin skinned you can't handle moving past a mistake or someone bm'ing you have to sit there typing while the rest of the team picks up after you.

Disable your enter key. You'll be better off for it because you obviously don't have the fortitude to handle chat.

Whats the fucking deal with every ching chong on NA being master/diamond/challenger and yet being completely garbage?

>teammate bans my champion in champ select
>I double their role

Okay, I give up. I'm fucking toxic

I love it when I'm jungle and the enemy jungler locks in Yi. It means I'm can pick Jax and shit down his throat at literally every stage of the game.

how about they learn to design champions before they release them

Who the fuck are those next to diana/quinn?
Is that Sona or Morgana dropping spaghetti-o's

But ornn is clearly well designed. People like his abilities and they feel fair to play against.

He's just weaker than shit.


nice tank meta lolbaboons

I feel like ornn is super good, but as per usual new champs suck ass on release because no one can play it to it's fullest.

The 5k gold value across his team late is going to matter somewhat so buffing him hard will make him broken later down the road.

>Special snowflake got his feelings hurt

Morg is dropping doughnuts. Sona doesn't have wings.

Diana is flanked by karma and sivir. Quinn is surrounded by Cait, Janna, and Nid.

but how often do games fo to 6 items? Typically one team shits the bed before the game gets even to 3.

>But ornn is clearly well designed.
Personally ornn feels very underwhelming, Riot is too afraid to push an idea to the extreme and just sprinkles a little bit of a neat idea onto a stale formula. I play hots for fun sometimes and it's really cool to see some champ out of the ordinary champ designs like abathur

>top lane teammate getting camped to hell and back
>say "gg this feeding top lane"
i dont know why i do it

You need jesus

at least mid got the best tradeoffs the game can offer for it; mid has access to the whole map from their privileged position, get minions and exp faster and are basically ungankeable if you're not an ape

meanwhile top got 4 second channel teleport every 300 seconds and getting to be a risky jungle camp to the enemy jungler if you're not playing a boring ass tank, fucking l o l

will jesus help get me a gf that wants to fix me?

celibacy is big in some christian sects so no :^)

Riven mayn to honor 6

why would voluntarily ending your ancestors legacy be a good thing?


ask christcucks

Lulu is the cutest! THE CUTEST!

Why does Demacia have a king? Giving it's origins it seems a bit strange.