/arena/ - Arena FPS General

UT4 night edition

A place to discuss all of your favorite old-school and modern arena shooters such as Quake Live, Quake Champions, Unreal Tournament, Reflex, etc.

Pastebin with download links for FREE GAMES: pastebin.com/NzQifF9b


UT4 Night this Sunday at 2PM PDT download at epicgames.com/unrealtournament/

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first for you can buy the champ pack on steam, refund it, then play for free with all the champs and a few jewboxes.

vehicles fucking when

nth for choking on slash's fat futa dick

>this game is unplayable
How wil Cuck Champions ever recover?


which key you guys use for zoom and active ability?

M2 has always worked wonders for me. see little to no reason to change F.

zoom on m2, ability on mouse thumb button

confirmed quakecon winner

Goodnight /arena/

>not using M2 to jumps

zoom is never not right click
Q for active because it's my "situational but quick to press" key
E for RL, m4 for LG, m5 for RG

water u?
454 casul?

vehicles + fps = shit game

>rune trial
>win sacrifice matches

> nobody plays sacrifice

nn user

any other stereotypes I should add?

has anyone thought to request quake porn in the drawthreads?

How do we fix BJ

give me one and ill tell you bby ;)

first you change his name so it doesn't look like a smug emoticon

>quake dad

but all the quake dads play like nyx and ranger

ok so first we want to stop using our teeth,,

a little teeth can be enjoyable


I adore you now


Did he lose WW2 because he gave to much heads to nazis?

>tfw you will never get a blowjob from galena with her fangs grazing your dick

no but he took a real death head

god fuckin hell


how memeworthy will Bones be when he comes out?

why is lizard being bullied all the time

go for the actual villains
like Visor sniping Anarki out of the sky with the RG and boots him off the pedastal

it's always either Sorlag or Clutch


I was shooting a sorlag player with a rail gun from behind and he got scared and immediately turned around and panic spat even though i was nowhere near him

sorlag fags in a nutshell

delete this

>running away from someone
>turn corner and pull out gauntlet
>free kill

every time

What's the matter user? Spooked?

she just wanted to be left alone
do not bully the lizard

can we stop and appreciate that sorlag's attack is literally just vomiting on people

like think about that for a minute

> vomit
that would mean she ingests nothing but acid


i'm not a geologist, i thought it was just whatever's in her guts is already broken down by the acids and that's what she's vomiting up

>vomiting a caustic material means you must have ingested a caustic material
So do you have to eat vomit in order to have stomach acid?

>i'm not a geologist



anyone have a webm with the remaining gun skins please?

I need that doom ssg

Is anyone else enjoying agent's commentary?

>always bad
hey man fuck you I'm enjoying him
Though the amount of DENIEDs enemies are getting on me is probably insane

> comparing against low levels
someone was going to say it and you know it

literally everyone in this screenshot is a low level

Levels just reset the other day. 16 is the highest level I have seen since then.

generation z gamers huh

but i thought QC was casual garbage!

No its just poorly programmed trash that managed to piss off veterans even more by "being an Overwatch clone"

ah these buzzwords again
mmm classic

say it with me: M O B A QUAKE

i'm not saying anything until you sit on my face

ql is only freeze tag wtf guess I'll go back to qc and frag some noobs hehe

not being able to play FFA while in a party is asinine

I mean I get why they wouldn't allow it, but I still hate it

Just spend the money to unlock custom games :^)

Bots when?
LAN when?
Dedicated servers when?
Server browser when?
Modding when?
Full customization (picmip, forcemodel, forcecolor, etc.) when?
Good netcode when?

Porn when? I'll forgive the rest if we just get some good Rule 34 of Quakefus who've been left out since '99.

UT4 doesn't have these issues ;)

ut4 doesn't have players either

ok I have been busy these last few days so I didn't have time to check the general alot. still pumping fresh OC without me?

Hello goys, is the downgraded logitech gpro(g102/g203) good?

Someone had to keep us going

I'm trying to write a thing.

writing is fucking hard

Is it something lewd?

I think he's the user that's doing a W40K crossover

you mostly fucked up every single one

Nah, not that guy.

hell yeah it is, although not sure how far I want to push it

Is it something lewd involving Nyx?

Nah, it's Hunter andKeen.

Meant to post this earlier, but was busy.
These are the best settings you can use for Visual Clarity and Framerate.
This is so you can see enemy models better, and get rid of all the junk floating around in the air and removes details that you don't need to see.
This'll be better than that crap LODBias/Forced Picmip graphics card setting people are using.
If you have the game on steam there is a way to hide your weapon model, but I don't know it.

How the fuck am I supposed to get 4:3 bb working with this game
I use the same amd scaling settings that I use for csgo and it still stretches the res
Google has been no help as well all results are for nvidia goys

Set the Windows to a 4:3/5:4 aspect ratio, then set the game to Boarderless Windowed mode. Make sure Windows Aero is disabled or it will force vsync.

Make sure that both your monitor and graphics card are set to "Preserve Aspect Ratio"

The game stretches automatically if you fullscreen it.

>set the game to Boarderless Windowed mode
How do I do this? I only get the option for borderless or windowed.

i don't play mobaquake, but if there's no ingame option you can use this github.com/Codeusa/Borderless-Gaming

>Smoke trails
>Bright rockets
QC devs should learn


those eyes are making me laugh way harder than i should be
it's abstract art

Guess I've tried everything but nothing works. The stuttering and and mini freezes is just making it unplayable. On a 980, i5-4790k and 16 gigs of ram, and it stutters offen enough on LOW settings to make it unbearable.


Go onto your dekstop and right click anywhere on the desktop and go to Screen Resolution. Set Windows to something like 1280x1024.

I can't really play tech support, but when you figure it out set Quake to Boardleress Windowed Mode and let it use your desktop reoslution.

Borderless is borderless windowed.

>ultra shadow quality

It doesn't affect frame rates and it makes it so the shadows are not plixelated or blurred at all, which makes them fall more accurately on models. and makes it so the shadows can't hide player models.

>It doesn't affect frame rates
stopped reading there

It literally doesn't affect framerates at all.
Jstnvc even made a post about it.


Just caught up with the semi-finals. Finals what time? Also,


Posting very first quake meme


>fov blocked out
>probably set to minimum


I just blocked off what was irrelevent.
The resolution scale is there for people to adjust according to their graphics card.
