

Last thread: Last time on /ss13g/ - spessmen on a spess station:
>PALADIN Lawset, ft. Gary
>clever Ops rused by cult hunt
>pre-smelelel shuttle bomb faggotry

>What is Space Station 13?

>New player guide

>BYOND client

>Pomf Serbian, main Veeky Forumsstation server

>Test server

>Public server list

>How do I connect to the servers?
Hit the cogwheel in the upper right corner of the BYOND hub and pick "Open Location"

>Veeky Forumsstation forum and logs + Discord circlejerk

>Map renders collection: updated sometimes

>Coderbus, here!
@rizon #coderbus @rizon #vgstation

>Cryo Autism

>Round Stats

>SS13 booru for all your SS13 images!

>How To Install BYOND: The Video Tutorial: The Movie


>OP Pastebin

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first for my waifu emilia

first for vox

Oh look a pagef rom favorite gender bender manga thats ongoing right now

Holoparasites when?

Holosymbiotes you mean

Neither the air or the mix are used while cryo is on but doesn't have occupants

>turn off air alarm treshholds and create high pressure death traps
>vent cryo
>release polyacid smoke in chemistry
>turn off environment power in a few places to disable the doors but nothing else
>blow up lights
>fuck with the doors in less obvious ways than just shocking all of them
>sic sec on my own borgs and blame the roboticist, sadly the borgs didn't fight back
>buddy up with engineering by fixing my own mischief
>set a trap for the detective to investigate the PA, flood plasma there, then let him out, so he tells people I wasn't responsible and so people steer clear of engineering while I'm busy there
>utterly fuck the escape wing
>mfw managed to convince a security officer who recovered my card to enable wireless, to attack the HONK mech and to call a death sentence on the roboticist

It's fun doing less extreme stuff than station wide plasma floods. It's especially fun to mess with specific people too. After 1.5 hours and because I was crashing every 5 minutes, I decided to end it.

Thank god you ended it when you did. That round was terrible

>I died 20 minutes in because I kept crashing and I slipped into space and died
>I got to watch as MemeSlaw the fucking IAA meme'd his way into YET ANOTHER adminbus with Jones Bones
>then I got to watch the heads of the station, sit around for 5 minutes while Jones Bones went braindead, only to comeback and start randomly shooting people.

That was a god awful bus, and of course the fucking IAA gets to be apart of it, YET AGAIN. For the 9th round in a row

>sec enabling wireless on a carded tator AI
Oh god I'm having flashbacks to all the "accidental" doorshocks that happened when I was retarded enough to do this

Im getting sick of watching memeslaw get adminbus attention when Ive never, not once, have had a fax or message answered as captain or iaa and the only prayer was to kill me
Kinda disgusting to see memespouting get answered and not forms formatted with upmost care.

>tfw every time you find another player you like playing with in your department, they end up disappearing into thin air or start playing another department
Maybe I should just give up my hopes of having pleasant rounds with people and go full-time mute carbon-robot doctor. I'm convinced something about how I act must be what's driving all the nice people away from my department.

Get on the discord.

We're waiting for you.

But that's where all the UNpleasant people live.

What did you do the first time you played assistant well?

Just follow the meme and play a random name random appearance or just stay low key as possible. it'll save you a lot of headache when the player base decides to sacrifice you for petty drama.

What's subtler?

Random appearance, static name
Static appearance, random name

Name can be spotted on the manifest and over radio communications. Body only in LOS, if you're not wearing a hardsuit or whatever. But people can still pick you out with a static appearance if you stay in one place doing the same thing too long across rounds.

Killed like 13 people and got away with it as a non-antag on GOON back in 2011. Apparently half of them turned out to be revs. After that, I just became more and more of a menace, until I got it all out of my system.

you also gotta keep in mind people will target your ckey if they're really petty. Just play like a perfectly autistic robot and pray you don't trigger someone. Don't befriend anyone, always keep a two tile distance from everyone, always wear a gasmask. if random isn't your cup of tea play a male with black hair in the Jensen or Mulder cuts and do only use the top 10 most popular Anglo white names on your preferred baby name site. Pray no one husbandos you otherwise hard delete your byond account and start new.

The adminbus from the other night with the Lunar revolution against the dictatorship fuelled by NT left me thinking about implants.
I get that loyalty implants deconvert revs but not head of revs and prevent any further subversion of the crew but from a lore POV how do they work?
Because I've seen security officers getting tatored while being implanted.

Where can I give pomf money?

Asking for a friend

So this started updating again.

Thanks for asking! I wouldn't have noticed.

I've been playing on both Veeky Forums and Veeky Forums with random names and appearance for years now and no one knows I exist, just the way I want it.


The only thing that is set lorewise is that it makes you feel a surge of loyalty toward NT. All syndicate agents and revheads have (presumably) undergone special conditioning to resist the effects.

Traitor and Revs are 2 different things user.

A traitor is just someone working for the syndicate trying to fuck over nanotrasen. Loyalty implants against a company you feel no loyalty towards doesnt work.

The revolution however, is a bunch of quacks believing they are right and they need to kill the heads to rule the station, they feel some loyalty to the company, but not enough to stop them from revolting against nanotrasen.

Noice. And it's kept the greyshirt theme.

The revs are also working for the syndies, aren't they? The brainwashing tech in the flash was made by a syndie company.

I see, thanks for clarifying my doubts

I've staticnamed my whole life and never had this problem.
Maybe, instead of people being petty, the problem MIGHT be you?

Just because people take help from others during revolutions doesn't mean they joined their sides.

America didn't become french during the revolutionary war because france loaned america ships and guns.

> loaned
We didn't pay them back, either.

Is this the most popular ss13 has gotten? It feels like there's more and more people hearing about the game and playing it on servers, not just counting Veeky Forums

Pomf Serbian has seen higher traffic.

the server sure felt more alive in 2016

>not staticnaming as a bald manlet or something else goofy like Space Hitler
This is light RP, user. We've had people roleplaying or just playing superficially as Yu-Gi-Oh characters and so much more. Stop being normal. It isn't healthy.

and remember: if you self-shill your retarded "goofy" character hard enough, you may even meme yourself into becoming an admin!

>check /v/
>hl3 lead writer just released the final story on his website
>hl3 is kill
I demand a bus in honor of Half Life

Call it whatever you want. I'm having fun without dealing with drama.

I'm glad you faggots and your denial is finally over.

It has only just begun.

>want to be mime
>spend whole round being HOPCAPCURITY
>just want to die the whole time
>go full powergamey and get weapons, advanced magboots and whatever
>don't actually do shit
>just run around as trouble rises
>keep the mime brain's company for a while before I decide to free her from her misery
>get murdered by the acting HOS and CMO in the shuttle before it even launches
>they weren't antags
good memes

It is not relevant to the thread. Make a new general or take it back to /v/

>get tatored and try to loose the goose because noone can come aboard shuttle alive
>unweld and unwrench bottom emitters
>turn power up to two
>still contained but grabbing things
>eventually loose it by going in there and turning off the emitters
>Singulo then eats me and AME eats it
Its a learning experience

did you ahelp it?

Make a new general for what?

it was the end of the round and I didn't really give a fuck so no

I don't Ahelp each time I get killed, I just assumed they were antags until the final screen, and when you get the SMELELELELE it's too late to bother anyway

I came in after being almost murdered by the guy and saw you with his sword in hand, I didn't see the dead corpse in the corner. I'm so sorry.

Don't be a pussy.

all good, I'm just surprised the HoS didn't stop you

he had just captured him and I decided to do a field execution on the spot because I couldn't be bothered to deal with him

>want to be mime
>they weren't antags
Should've grabbed a costume and rejobbed your ID.

HoS here, I was literally too stunned to do anything while Riccardo killed you. Honestly I should have stopped him, but he did express remorse. I was just so surprised by it.

I was literally the only head on the station, I couldn't just let it all go to shit

well fuck me I guess, oh well

Although if you already took the HoP slot it's your responsibility to at least appoint another HoP.

Hopcurity is worse than no heads.

the only sec was a detective too so there wouldn't have been any serious sec

my only regret was not calling it sooner


You DARE provoke me into using my「HOLOPARASITE???」

Hopcurity is worse than no heads AND no sec.
Literally nothing is better than hopcurity.

I thought I did pretty well. I did kill three bad guys.

>be hop, there's no sec
>can't hopcurity because it's bad
>if you recruit people for sec, you can bet your ass they're the antags

The fuck are you supposed to do in this scenario?

I mean, it's not like actually arrested anyone though all I did was promote the the detective to HoS

you did plenty well, would make you an HoS again

promote and implant and hope they're not antag, that's all you can do

recruit people for sec, so you know who the antags are

>it's too late to bother anyway
>he doesn't know

Just leave the ID sitting in your office.

And if even the antags don't volunteer for sec (a scenario that happened for me a couple times)?

Implant and recruit latejoiners.
Very small window for them to get autotator'd, and you live close-ish to arrivals.

Stop giving a fuck and recruit greytiders.
Also fuck faggots who shit on hopcurity. Anything can be necessary under the right context.
This has always worked for me. Believe in the assist in assistant.

that's meta-gaming.

Hold a draft:

>forcefed an injured individual about five poppies as treatment
>forget that they contain opium now rather than bicaridine
i hope you liked your minor high at least

not if the Weimar grants sec checkpoint emergency powers by captain decree

Don't say you're doing it for that reason.
>Since you are not settled in...
Etc etc.

Hardly in practice. No admin is going to pull you over for it.

opium works just like bicaridine

opium is plant bicaridine, plant variants and chemistry variants of all drugs stack if they are different reagants with the same effect

Best part of randomname random appearence is when a static is really nice to you one round and then hates your guts the next. I guess it's just nice to see when roleplay and first impressions matter.

>someone made a donation to get "Fuck you Duny" written as graffiti every now and again

Why don't clowns get B-4

It looks exactly like C-4, but when it explodes, banana's fly everywhere, kind of like the grenade, but more.

It also should honk loudly and make anyone near the explosion center deaf.

This is great, but the clown already gets like 6 exclusive items.

This guy comes to the station and starts giving the SUCC to the crew. What do you do?

target head with fireaxe dual gripped.

Where do you get more boxes for building the AME?

Get enthralled.

>side-scrolling SS13 beat em up
>borgs in the later stages of the game don't flinch when you hit them, so they're impossible to beat unless you picked up the flash in Stage 6

It's a cargo supply crate.

dead game dead thread

dead user

>that posture and grip
Dead sides

>that arm

what the fuck

Caliber change to 10mm, autosear and extended mags for glocks when?

I want jean blancy to shove my face into the carpet as she pounds my boypussy with her nigger cock so hard my worthless white dicklet squirts all over the ground!

I want to demote Jean and @187276937 and then sell them to two different vox traders!

Space a tranny and a fag today

why would you do this?

The (you)'s

Sell them to two different vox traders? So they never meet again and are forced to do hard labor, fitting punishment for being faggots

Took getting banned for my Veeky Forumsness to make me realize it, but I'm reaching the end of my foray into ERP allowed servers (specifically Citadel).
Besides it just getting boring and no longer challenging me as a writer and roleplayer, there's so many things wrong with it. The drama people brew up over who ERPs who is beyond petty and a constant, if you want to do more than one scene with someone it's never just textfucking and RP. Nobody likes to make things clear in LOOC just IC everything no matter how shitty it ends up. I'd do Vorestation but it's fucking vore and furries almost exclusively. ERP in ss13 was a mistake.

>dfw cant find any time to sleep nevermind test updates I want to push

I have an IAA alt title job ready for barebones implementation if anyone would be willing to test it. I want to add additional content to it but itll require sprite work Ill have to wait on.

Dont want to sit on content I could push now while I try to get caught up with work.