How do you end poverty in a 3rd world country?
Kill the government. Most 3rd world countries are poor because they have arrogant greedy leaders that consume most of the wealth, resources, not willing to collaborate with other countries, etc.
Haha well lets assume thats not an option, what sorts of actions can people take to help solve the issues and not simple bandage them (things aside from donating to charities that end up solving day to day problems but never the real issues)
I've thought maybe infrastructure would be a solution, places like dumps or illegal mining sites where the impoverished work recycling or breaking stones could benefit from safer facilities or buildings where they can begin making businesses of the recycling i thought might help but i can't see it from all angles
I hope it wont get fixed..We need low wage slaves to make everything cheap for us. Maybe in 20-30 years when robotics advances even further.
Then these people can simply be killed for taking up space...
Dont be dumb.
Fuck third world countries. The only people that can fix them is the people living in them. And if they can't then they deserve their fate.
Why don't you concentrate on making sure your own country (assuming you live in one worth a Damn) doesn't become one.
And if you're a shitskin immigrant living in America. Please go back.
>1) stop bombing them
>2) stop giving them aid
>3) ???
>4) profit
the freemarket wins agian
Shit has any 3rd world country ever pulled itself out of its 3rd world status? I can only think of china/korea off hand but surely there must be other smaller ones
Ehhh... They were gifted a country.
And survive by being worldwide fuckers.
>How do you end poverty in a 3rd world country?
Honest answer?
Let nature take its course. Let the population die off as they are meant to.
Breeding ignorant, helpless niggers in the middle of the Desert just so vain white people can feel better about themselves is the REAL fucking problem.
None of that makes any sense.
>Breeding ignorant, helpless niggers in the middle of the Desert just so vain white people can feel better about themselves is the REAL fucking problem.
"For a dollar a day, you can breed your own Pet Nigger in Africa! You get to feed it. You get to name it. And if it dies, you just get another!"
Ha, I thought I was being curt.
Honest question. Why do you insist on putting a population of niggers in a location where they cannot, and will never sustain themselves?
That's fucking sick & evil shit right there.
it could be about america destabilizing and invading other countries aswell..
cut the influence of the american lobby/elites and other countries will be able to prosper
I put them there?
(Also, shitskin detected.)
They need more equality and less corrupt politicians and stuff. Also education. Ofc the people also have to work hard. Many third world countries are in the process of ending poverty
>I put them there?
You keep them there by feeding them, providing tents, etc, etc.
Breeding niggers just to watch them die in the desert is like a hobby for you vain white people.
they survived by destabilizing their neighbors and mostly because of the billions of aid they get from america every year
How can you get more equal than everyone's black and living in a hut?
Equality is a myth.
the evil white man gave you the internet and you decided to shitpost instead of bringing international attention to your people
Uh... My posts are agreeing with you.
Please look up the definition of "curt" and research the inflection of "Ha"
I find alot of the ones the achieve higher education just leave the country because theyd rather be where the instagram famous people are.
How the heck do you keep educated professionals in their home countries?
removing corrupt governments in the biggest factor but culture also plays a big role. When the vast majority of the population hasn't learned to care for public spaces and has a total disregard for the land that they live in, even a stable government wont help.
Allow none of them to come to your country.
Let white people rule them.
Educating the population is your best bet. If they can't compete for high paying jobs and have no exposure to how things are done in wealthy countries then they have no chance
Eat the poor.
Very difficult if not impossible nowadays. Basically if you got no natural resources, or an intelligent workforce you can only whore out your populace to multinational corporations as a low source of labor. Then once they're hooked, slowly raise the bar and hope not to scare them off. e.g. China is losing labor jobs to Vietnam, Laos, and Indonesia.
If you have intellectual capital (unlikely since USA is a like a turbojew that seeks out brains and sucks them out of the 3rd world), you can go the way of Israel or Singapore - first important high technology as a manufacturer, then develop your own.
can't make chicken salad out of chicken shit
corruption is the number problem in south america.
it's corruption that keeps people poor, insecurity, scrupulousness rich people get richer and the society dumb
most corruption in southamerica is that cunning is a desirable trait in a person (being "criollo"), the more you can screw, lie, cheat the more you will succeed in the system.
not the strongest, not the smarter or the better leader win, but the most cunning (criollo) you could be.
tl;dr: you should identify the cultural background of the society and solve that specific trait that is fucking up your society.
Russia went from shit tier to a decent 2nd world
Hong Hong
Dubai, but only because muh oil
Use the area to test biological and nuclear weapons.
>inb4 commie
There is poverty in every single country on this earth. The problem is not to fix a 3rd world country because you have homelessness and poverty in Arabland and they have trillionares. The problem is capitalism and if you disagree then you don't understand class structure. The only way for people to become rich is if they exploit people underneath them and cyphen the money upwards. End poverty in a 3rd world country, do you just want to feel good for helping niggers out? how about help the people living in poverty in your own country where is OP from anyway? faggot
Eh, "third worldness" is ingrained into a nation's culture. See my native Brazil:
>over half of the people are semi-illiterate
>people vote for whichever candidate promises more free stuff
>people expect the goverment to lift themselves out of poverty
>bloated government
>corrupt politicians
>crony capitalism
>law punishes entrepreneurship and is too permissive with crime
Hell, I could go on for ours. But unless we fix our culture, we will keep a third world hellhole.
Invest the government's treasury in ETH
Stop being a gringo colony
With keynesian economics
Honestly it's up to the populace and education. It is hand-in-hand in my opinion.
Why would Pedro choose to defer gratification and seek higher education and knowledge when he can work as a cigarette peddler and reap the rewards now? The choice in logic lies on their IQ and or education. You can't force dumb people to succeed and if they are content being dumb.
genetic engineering, sterilization of males + mandatory usage of Korean or German sperm
skyscrapers and booming economy in less than 50 years.
Yeah, it's America's fault that your nigger ass can't maintain a well or stop voting for communists
Tell them to have less children.
Less people = more for everyone