/xivg/ - Final Fantasy XIV Stormblood General

>Patch 4.06 Notes

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>All Worlds Maintenance
Aug. 28, 2017 7:00 p.m. to Aug. 29, 2017 3:00 a.m. (PDT)

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xth for raen

>running HT EX solo for WT and there aren't any parties up
>mount drops


>Threads bounce back and forth between blonde midlander and other plain boring op
I hate you both! *throws soup at*

what class? I think 6:30 is my best on PLD but didn't have as much gear.

>Another tripfag trying to force their thread personality
Holy shit just fuck off.

Scathach is truly the best

tfw comfy watching fireworks oob with your friend

theyre so close here its crazy

I bet you don't even know the proper pronunciation of the name.

Warrior, my dps was probably shit since I forgot how the fight worked and spent most of the time just trying to stay alive.

Yes, considering she's from Irish mythology.

I'm ready to get edgy!

just hit 50 on BLM should I use BLM for the rest of HW/SB or maybe go SAM/RDM?

BLM is okay i'm just wondering if it gets more fun.

OOB is like the best place to watch fireworks from.

you have mental issues paks
stop posting here every day every hour and get help

Reminder to water your mandragoras

grats on your 20% drop rate mount?

>tfw no mandragoras to water
What's a serf to do without lands to tend?

Water someone else's mandragoras

But you're literally a lizard... How can you even complain?

You're not ready until you hit 70. Spike up, friend.

Remember to take your meds!

Alright so me and my boyfriend wanted to start playing a traditional mmo (trinity and shit) but there's a couple problems

For once i never played a tab target mmo for too long, i played TERA 8+ hours a day since it went F2P until around 1 and a half year ago, i purchased and played WoW Legion around 5 months ago and i played it religiously every day for around 2 week until i got bored my boyfriend has never played a tab target mmo before, we both play PSO2 currently

Should i even try to play this game? what should i do to NOT do the same thing i did with WoW? do i have to buy the game with all the expansions in order to enjoy it? if i buy the expansions should i use that lvl up item they give you?

I don't have enough patience to read/follow the story on MMORPG's so that's something to keep in mind too

TL;DR: Want to start playing this game, too scared i will waste money and only play for around 2-3 weeks and yes i played the free trial but not too long because it doesn't let us party up

Post lizards or I shoot!


ive been locked inside your heart shaped box for weeks



>got bored of WoW after 2 weeks
>doesn't read story

Don't bother, the majority of the game is story and it takes like a month to get through all of it even if you play every day.

Is level 50 special again

>but not too long because it doesn't let us party up
Have someone else invite you both to a group, then that person leaves, now you're partied together until you have to drop to do solo instances.

If you're seriously interested in playing the game, and you do go through with the purchase, just don't sub. You get 30 days for free, and even if you did only play for those 30 days, that's more than your money's worth.

I'm almost done, friends

Stop bullying the dog please

Running leveling roulette as tank. Password is 9009. Come get your instant queues, dps.

This isn't the game for you.
Go play Guild Wars (the original) and be his little monk pet.

>it takes like a month to get through all of it even if you play every day.
It took me 3 days. Do you need help learning how to read properly

Play the trial, if you don't like it, move on.
It's unlimited time wise up to level 30.

What is that anime girl eating, a big circle?

After having to run Aurum vale it sure feels like it.

Data centre and initials might help.

Read the post you fucking illiterate.

So I just unlocked SAM. Is it as painful as it seems it would be in leveling roulettes where you don't even have full combos?

>it's another "cat wearing a poncho" commission


The fucking post says that they've already played the trial you fucking moron.

>red xaela

Please post more.

I will post more just to spite you
also not paks

red x meria erp logs


>it takes like a month to get through all of it even if you play every day.
lol what it doesn't take more than 15-16 hours to do all of the level 50 story and it's by far the longest stretch

Finally decided to actually sit there and watch the fireworks since the event is about to end.

I bet this sounds like a sitcom

enjoy the fireworks and your evenings
whats wrong with those?


grrr i hate people who play raen girls and dress like sluts and show me their butslts grrr


Futa? Or if not do you like them?

yes thank you for proving my point

You're cute

Thx, I will, or I did, I already logged out since it got to morning lol.

No lewds!

I'm saving this to repost whenever she shows up to whinge about inane crap in the most roundabout way possible.

What's the point of dressing lewd and using the nude mod if you're not gonna get down and dirty?

you could have just said whenever she shows up

Can I tug on your twintails

How do I get more energy after work? I can barely focus.

>Playing trough this game for the first time
>Everything trough ARR and Heavensward has been a total faceroll
>All of a sudden a wild Susano appears

I mean, we still cleared it on our first try, but it was alot harder and more fun than anything before this. I tanked so I was fine but alot of the DPSes kept dying, the healers and one red mage rez'd like crazy.

Here's hoping this trend will stick trough the rest of Stormblood.


become one with the /sips/

>White Xaela
Why is this even an option.
Normal is arguably harder than EX is due to that triple lightning cloud nonsense and the fact that the person who is targetted is literally always beyond retardation and doesn't know how to get the hell away from the group.

A bathing suit is not lewd if its used at the beach! And I like the bare wedge feet, the sandals are just awful lol :P

>normal is harder than EX

Everything has clearly defined markers in EX.

Server? I think you secretly do want to lewd, you just need someone to take charge.

stop playing retarded down syndrome lizards


he is so handsome

fake? fake

obvious edit of this pastebin.com/whCb24b2

Doesn't matter, still funny.


No shit sherlock, the editor should have added way more puns and spaghetti to make it better.

sometimes you just gotta be down with the syndrome

I knew before even opening this it was going to be the barbed cat cock one.

Who the hell translated this game and why do they still have a job as a translator?
No, seriously. I don't speak Japanese myself, but I work as a translator. I've looked up people's posts of literal translations of dialogue in the game and compared it to the stuff we get in the English version, and it bears no resemblance whatsoever. Only the broadest strokes of the plot outline is recogniseable. This isn't how translation works. You don't ditch the original entirely and write your own story.

Is this real? Did Guffy and Neko really erp?

FFXIV has some heavy localization going on (compared to direct translation), but I never thought it was that bad.

I always found interesting how there's really complicated names for spells. Really obscure words like "Excogitation" which I'd never heard before this game.

Its like they grab a ye olde dictionary and choose a word that remotely resembles what they wanna say.

Making an annoying person feel uncomfortable when they've stated numerous times that they don't like sexual topics brings me a streak of malicious joy. This isn't a hug box and expecting people to avoid topics or cater to your batshit insane triggers on Veeky Forums is laughable. My money's on more fussing about how she's an adult woman and can handle things like this, yet still demanding people stop sexualizing her via proxies. It's the same old song and dance that gets played out whenever she drops off the relevancy radar, which is especially now that she's supposedly privatized her twitter and purged everyone from Veeky Forums. It wouldn't surprise me if she or one of her hangers-on didn't edit the original to shitpost with and stir up drama.

hi ippiki/lance/elk/puttel/sera

hi orbiter

hi abe

people are going to bitch at you for this but you're 100% right

watashi wa nihongo desu too tomodatchi, many years watch anime, listen to game in nothing but 2000 folded japanese dialog, is chou warui

The results of my fantasia

pretty decent


jesus christ that .png isn't even compressed yet those textures look like ass. what kind of potato PC do you have there?

isn't that an edit too?

>chubby cheeks

Come on now. You literally have to put in actual effort to make something that bad

god you people are insufferable

My dude, that's not textures, that's the POWER of the FINAL FANTASY 14 TESSELATION ENGINE.

hi brucie

>whats wrong with those?
The goddamn price on those ponchos is what.