/fgoalter/ - Fate/Grand Order NA General

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>"Moon Goddess Event Pickup Summon Period"
Period: August 17, 2017 (Thu) 8:00 ~ August 31, 2017 (Thu) 3:59 UTC
5* Orion
4*s Stheno and Marie Antoinette
3*s Ushiwakamaru and Jing Ke
fgosimulator.webcrow.jp/ - Mats, EXP & AP sims for game-planning
- Chaldea Gate: Daily Quests - fate-go.cirnopedia.org/quest_daily_us.php
- Drop rates (click on the NA tab): docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1_SlTjrVRTgHgfS7sRqx4CeJMqlz687HdSlYqiW-JvQA
- Check the schedule and drops before asking in the thread
- If cirnopedia is down, use other alternatives like the fgowikia, kazemai or the in-game announcements
>[Miscellaneous stuff]
- Master Mission - Complete Mission objectives each week to gain Saint Quartz fragments
- Rate ups in JP FGO: img.fireden.net/vg/image/1499/27/1499273270406.jpg (embed) (embed) (embed)
- Friendlist: docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1M8_ZNP-WinrDQvwckh6Q7DMK5Z8RSx7ZshXTLCaI4zo
- Add yourself to the list: docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSctk0n_OdMusCdkzQPQu8AHD-3Drc0kXqHOmKWJDpY-VkHVEg/viewform






I swear if another thread goes by without an Altera fluffy edit im going to delete ALL your accounts RIGHT NOW

Fucking hell, user. You wait for the thread to hit bump limit at least, not image limit. Be courteous for fuck's sake.

I always wonder if the same anons just lurk waiting for new threads just to post this at the beginning

Fluffly poster at least sleeps

Why is she so unpopular, bros!

jack every thread until she can be adopted

Adult Jack

Fluffy coats are civilization.

If I impregnated Liz, would our child be a dragon?

Dunno man I like her, that said it's a shame she is stuck at 1 star status

I got her just as a filler servant for that class until Jack and I ended up liking her a lot and that CE makes her an awesome crit start generator at times

your child would be retarded

Is there no better place to farm lamps? I've never gotten even once from Mt. Etna.

This is the moment. Post your unpopular opinions.

>Literal whore
Gee I wonder why

If she's a saint, why does Jannu have a slut tattoo?

I bet she isn't even a virgin

I want to become Medb and get fucked constantly every day.

Astolfo a shit

give her some fucking pants and give me 100 quartz

Fate/Zero is the best fate work after Carnival Phantasm
And I'm not even a zero secondary, watched the original Stay Night anime in 2007 and got into the franchise from there.

Liz is a good girl!

OG Jeanne is a slave to the BDC

Jannu Alter is the real pure virgin wife.

Xth for I am going to roll for chuuniman

H/F is the worst route.


>unpopular opinions.

I believe that regardless of your emotional attachments to certain servants you should never Grail to 100.
Also regardless of your tastes, everyone should roll for 2030s, Waver (best support) Tamamo (best arts support) , Jeanne Alter (best dps) and Merlin (best unit in the game)
There should be PVP on this game.
I think NA will not close down, but because I think that JP will become region locked (banning any IP from outside Japan, and banning VNPs as well)

King Hassan doesn't look as cool as people say he does

What will be next event?

Hakuno > Guda

>rolling for Servants and CE that are not limited

Fluffy Servant

whaats wrong with me trying to help a good girl off the colld unforgiving streets?
she wants and looks better in a dress, also all my quartz are for her clothes and food

Quick! Say something clever. This is your chansu for a threesome.

Deleted a bunch of 2 day no shows
Anyone want to add, only have two good servents though but NP2 Altera, not blessed with kaleidos


Hey I sleep too. In fact I'm gonna go just now, so next thread won't have Bunny Ghost.

>I think that JP will become region locked (banning any IP from outside Japan, and banning VNPs as well)
I hope that happens so all the people over in /fgog/ who always make fun of us will be devastated.

F/SN banner
two weeks long

Illya is a bitch

Are you Medusa?

Cause looking at you is making me rock hard


You can borrow my NP3 Altera anytime

How is that an unpopular opinion?
Enjoy my useless Lizard

Rest of the nine when?

Hey, alter.

These two are now in a 7v7 holy grail war, who wins?


Just deleted some people, feel free to add me, just farming for Saber monuments for Artoria

First user does not stand a chance.
Why even bother asking?

-pedos that like Jack should be jailed and raped by nigger dicks until they die
-all lolis should dress more modestly and we get 100 quartz for every edited portrait
-these drop rates don't work in NA and it's SEA weeaboos whaling and keeping the game alive because of their desperate need to not be the niggers of asia, they are also 90% of the apologists defending NA team's incompetence
-the game itself outside of all the required mobage treadmill is pretty good
-Fate Zero is good, FS/N is so chunni that in 2017 it's almost a parody of itself

I honestly think that it's something that Region Lock will happen eventually because the only reason DW servers shit themselves and maintenances are a mess is because of so many account farmers and gaijins

When you compare JP to NA in this regard, NA almost never got maintenance issues and clearly it's because is a complete different amount of trafic.
The amount of money they would save in apoloquartz and other shit is huge compared to the very few non-JP whales they would lose.

Assuming that we manage to coordinate a team for the Veeky Forums league.
Aside of:

Fluffy Servant
30+ Turns
Unlimited Evil Cat Works
>posting servants that aren't in the game yet
Like the Facebook page

Are there any other possible candidates worth keeping in mind.

He said unpopular not downright awful.

Forgot to add the image, rip

You do realize that apoloquartz costs 0 to them, right?
They're not exactly "saving" anything.

the previous thread didn't even hit bump limit yet
report this thread

Im want to roll Altera RIGHT NOW

Fuck off rulecuck

One year license and some form of censored/Burqa Jack.
Do we have anybody that knows PES and wants to manage?


Allow my fully ascended Saint to help farm your QP doors, anons.

176 226 911

What about?

NP2 Altera you replied to here

It's late, so I'll get comfy in bed instead of the thread this time.


How long until the Crunchyroll thing? I'm bad at timezones

Is Altera good civilization or bad civilization?


Who is blond Tohsaka?

Rin's cousin from Extra/Ereshikigal

As I recall the Fate/Extra Rin is actually blond.

Lily's Doujin


>Grailing Lily

Should be a player, like all the general fapped to this shit the day user posted it

SEAmonkey Intern
Start Dash

Apology for Failure

im just waiting on okeanos now

This and this both get a vote of confidence from random user #47


Frankenstein is an unicorn!

Every day I am growing stronger

Leave NA to me

Down for mff threesomes?

>I used 600 quartz for Merlin and 800 for Maid Alter
>Never got either

Gacha is a cruel mistress, you were saving for Kintoki right?

Are FPs going to be worth a damn again?


It's time to roll for Stheno, user.
You know you want to.

>quartz store shows my national currency instead of $
did it do that before? EU version confirmed?

How welfare is your lineup?

it's linked to your google wallet

I live in Latin America and it's shows on my currency as well since Day 1
Is just a google play thing

>Accidently quartz summoned when I meant to FP summon

That's what I fucking get for summoning without paying attention. I didn't get anything decent either.

Yep. I know that even now I'm still below 70% and in the end it's all up to chance, but I'll do what I can at least.

Me saving FP is mostly for Angra, but there are other good reasons to save it, especially until Okeanos where Euryale will become obtainable. She's one of the best 3* and is really useful for Camelot. I'm going to roll the FP gacha for her too since I like her.

I already have max Ascension Stheno. Rolled her and Liz on the tutorial 4* roll, picked EMIYA for the free pick.

Why you like Kintoki so much?, since Im a NAfag I don't know about his "lore" and the whole Oni thing with Shuten.

why don't they just release the english version worldwide?

Kintoki is a meme and falls off in the coming content just like Heracles and most Berserkers.
There is no point in rolling for him, since you will get him for free as Rider, which is better anyway.

Europe is poor and Japanese games are a crapshoot there. All the potential whales speak English, so they assume they'll just grab the English version.

>dumb and unintelligent post
Every time


He's just a very "genuine" hero, innocent and childish but still wanting to protect those close to him. I like that sort of thing, and being viewed as basically a role model for for children just makes it better. The whole "tough" act doesn't really get in the way of any of that, since he's quick to drop it, and guys who're good with children is always cute.
The main thing between him and Shuten is that Shuten transformed into a young girl once, and they met while they were children. Because they're both children of divine creatures (it's complicated), the only one who could actually match up to Shuten's drunken rampage was Kintoki, hence why she chose him as her playmate. They're basically just childhood friends, and with how innocent Kintoki is, he ended up falling for her, and Shuten grew affectionate towards him as well. Later on in his life, Kintoki became one of the 4 Heavenly Kings under Raikou, and since Shuten is still one of the 3 greatest demons in Japan, they had been tasked to slay her. In the end, Raikou devised a foul plan that involved disguising themselves and tricking Shuten into getting intoxicated, and then decapitating her. Of course Kintoki could do nothing but watch, since his sense of justice to protect innocent people is still overwhelming, but he carried the guilt of having killed the one he loved in such an underhanded way. His one wish for the Holy Grail is to bring her back just so he can meet her again.
There's obviously more details and stuff, but that's the general gist of it. It's a really cute love story but it makes me want the two together

Herakles doesn't "fall off", if anything him having actual survivability after his Bond CE makes him ideal. Kintoki falls off because Breaks are introduced and he's a giant glass cannon with a single lackluster recovery skill, whereas Herakles has Guts and Dodge that allows him to stay around for MUCH longer. There's a reason he's still sitting at 10.0 on the memelist.

2 Monument drops in 4 runs. Now my Edgy Seibah is maximum.

Time to max out her level.

I expect nothing but abuse, but if anyone here can spare some nice words for Matou Sakura, it would really brighten my day.

Thanks for taking the time to explain user.
Indeed he sounds like a great guy, sad history though, my rolling priorities are others but I think I will give it a 10 roll to his gacha just for you.

why is the guard so big and the blade so dull?