/gbfg/ Granblue Fantasy General #2037

Beta and Zeta thread!

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Xeno Conviction Flashspear (gbf.wiki/Xeno_Conviction_Flashspear)
True Conviction Flashspear (gbf.wiki/True_Conviction_Flashspear)
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>READ THE FAQ before posting! - it will answer most of your questions if you are new or learning

>Schedule for August:
7/31 - 8/8 - Poacher's Day
8/9 - 8/15 - Five Flowers of Fate
8/16 - 8/23 - Guild War (Earth favored)
8/24 - 8/30 - Xeno Sagittarius Clash
8/31 - ??? - Lonesome Dragoness

>How to Start
Go to game.granbluefantasy.jp in Chrome. Set language to English.

>Mega Pastebin - This pastebin has lots of useful things like important guides and other stuff so don't be a shitter and read these before asking something.

>Crew Pastebin

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Don't bully dead girls

What is best element in your opinion


Charlotta is the cutest-de arimasu!

Depends on what I'm fighting

My wives.

>Idiots don't throw up a wait up sticker in Morrigna and eat a reflect
Every time

if we push down hard enough will she spring out like a rocket afterward?

Voiced when!?

dead game dead general.

post wind grids!

Arcanum will have 100% elemental resist to act as a timegate.

/fgog/ is laughing at us again

DJs VA whispers "dai~su~ki~", every raid would just be spammed with that sticker.

fucking finally

Do it cygames.

I have teams and grids in every element except light. I hope I don't need to use my light team desu.

>1% rates are laughing at us

Who cares?

It's Clarisse time.

How many anima?

If I were to host a Sagi room for plates because I can't do EX without potting, do I need to prep the room? I need to host for red chests if I'm gonna have any chance of getting a True spear

can i start replacing my flb katanas with 0* eck sachs? the attack on them is so abysmal that it seems like getting a couple more uncaps doesn't matter that much. the difference between 0 and 3* is like 500 attack.

It's shit right now. But I want to work on it before next GW.

Post the soundfile.

fgo is already over who gives a fuck.


FLB Spear soon.

63FDC come farm Sagi plates with me.

>+s still on wind.
>playing wind outside gw unironicaly.


I need to pokerbot christina guns to flb 4 more guns and flb my mh spear afterwards.

why dont people use normal modifier on their grid? i though normal x magna x unknown is the optimum


>get spear
>replace the EX katana with the spear at sl10 and 100
>damage barely changes
wtf did I do wrong? Does that MASSIVE boost mean nothing? Is the boost just like a regular big EX boost?

>at sl10 and 100

E8214 Sagi Plates bring boosts.

FLB it.

Still have to 3* two more guns. After that I'll work on 4*

It's 4 axes, 2 claws if I don't have Zoi but have Djannu and D.Cog, right?

The entire point of the Xeno weapon is that it's capable of FLB. 50 levels of extra stats and 5 extra skill levels are a large boost.

Bahamut weapons are normal modifier. Thats why you don't use them on primal grids.

Wind has the fashionista to boost their Normal ATK%.

Dancer when? I'll officially switch to DJ if it has good skills. DJ does many things to my dick

is this the doraf with the most pronounced tits?

What's your point? My question is whether the MASSIVE boost means anything. The katana was at slv 10 and 100 and replacing it with the spear barely improved my damage.

Post Grid.

What's the one character/summon that just makes your blood boil when you see someone else draw it?

massive lvl 10 = large lvl 15
You're basically using a Pinya fan if you don't FLB the weapon.


Ah. Thanks for the explanation. I've already FLBed it. I'll get it to lvl 15 then. Thanks again.

All guns are 4*.

Anila has the largest, I believe. Followed by Izmir and Sarasa.


Shiva. That call has saved my Fire team more than once.

It's not going to drastically increase the damage anyway. All memes aside wind has the best magna weapon so the difference cannot be big.

Thats Magisa.

Magisa is a human.



let me be more specific: I meant through in-game art, not by cup-size

Yeah thats why humans are superior in every aspect.


>dorafs lose to a human in the one thing they're supposed to be good at
Why do they even exist? Also Magisa EVENT when?

Go full claws and spark Zoi.
4 axe 2 claws only hit like 200k damage at best.

I guess

>Xeno Sagi barely drops SR fodders


you can just Mo-chan's horns as handle bars instead.

>someone on /fgog/ saying GBF is better
>someone on here saying FGO is better
This is why I'll never believe the Internet and just choose everything with my dick.

Choose me qt



The largest is actually Daetta.

You're ugly and unlovable.


Ayer holding his cock.

How do we counter this

Better than GW desu.

Especially when your grid is shit. I've bought 2 spears and I already want to quit.

I'll take this over CHECK YOUR PENDING RAIDS War.


No one cares.



It is.

There appears to be more shitposting going on in the FGO threads than /gbfg/. wtf is going on there?

Pretty much this.

Mathfags, if you do your memeroll daily for 30 days is the chance for a SSR decent?

Daily reminder /GBFG/ and GBF as a whole are a FUJO training facility designated to turn straight folks such as myself into homosexuals.
It's too late for me anons, save yourselves while you still can.

They have nothing to talk about other than the pink whore or swimsuit Nero. At least /gbfg/ talks about in-game stuffs.


Why is Daetta so fucking shit?

The current event is over and there's literally nothing to do. I wish there were weekly challenge quests or something so there would be any incentive to discuss team compositions and such.


3% chance each day for 30 days, I'd say no, so don't and just wait for legfes.

They're not wrong. When so many players have to install a third-party add-on to make the UI less shit then maybe the UI has some problems that should be addressed.

There's nothing going on in FGO right now. Their Summer event was in its Part 2 and ended yesterday. Wasn't bad, gave me twintails Nero which was a thing I didn't even know I wanted.

Yes, since 3% chance x 30 days means a 90% of rolling a SSR in a month