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how do you get him?

defeat the lich king with every class

Is it worth buying Gnomes vs Goblins packs if I want to switch over to wild or am I getting bamboozled by Blizz?

Should I disenchant Malkorok and King mosh to make Murloc Warleaders?

>still playing Big Priest
>not playing Biggest Priest

you should definitely buy some of those.

>dumpster legend
>people still play aggro token druid
For what purpose?

If you already have LoE BRM and Naxx then yes you should

No, play Warrior with Curator, Proto Drake and Mosh.

I don't have Garrosh DK

I do, but don't use him for shit. Isn't he only played in Rotface gimmick decks?

they should add a "double your spell damage bonus" legendary
aka Kalecgos when

How to buy GvG packs?

No idea but fuck it
Malkorok will rotate out and Mosh will never be useful
Murlocs will never run out of steam

>24/24 +10 spelldamage

I feel like the game needs more minion like these, more bodies that can't be easily removed by a cheap spell while the deck your facing just continues on with it's plan.

Blizzard Shop on their webpage.

Unless you're one of those guys who dusts all his wild cards without looking back, you're going to regret it my man.


Yes, just what the game needs.
Less interactivity

you mean like prophet velen?

I stockpiled about 10k dust before finally biting the bullet, crafting a good paladin deck in wild, and rushing to legend just before KFT. No regrets. Both Tirion and Tarim are great and now half of my decks are paladin variants.

Tempo. I didn't even need to play any secrets. Got lucky with flamewaker rolls and trashed him by turn five

Patron, took a few restarts with frothings at the bottom of the deck, but it's a simply way to do it and really reliable. Going full control takes too long and has less of a chance of working, I think.

Murlocs and buffs. Mulligan for megasaurs and coldlights more than warleaders. You need the extra health on murlocs to make sure he can't take them. Don't trade, enemy murlocs still buff murkeye for lethal.

Jades and sub three cost cards that get dumped. All you really need is innervate, auctioneer, jade, and jade ramp. I used a couple scales for the armor, too.

Murlocs, again, with some one-off zoo equipment to buff and make sure you don't lose much health.

I got close with deathrattle, so that's probably doable, but it's better to use spells and murlocs. Get your spells removed and get good draws as a result.

Just fuck around, who cares? This is trivial.

Evolve. Once you evolve your minions they get their stats back, so a big doppel turn will win you the game.

This one's absolute fuckery. I looked it up afterwards and saw people saying Barnes/Y'shaarj, but don't waste the dust if you dont' have them. Hyenas, birds, cats, and luck is all you need. I ran mastiffs and hounds for big buffs combined with removal and managed to get two 20/20 hyenas just in time. You'll restart alot. Don't lose hope!

>Shit on 4 Jades in a row with Aggro token Druid
>Shits on every other class as well

I fucking love this

Velen is priest only and doubles the total spell effect no matter what, I mean a neutral legendary (like Brann and Baron Rivendare) that doubles your spell damage bonus on the field

Who'd have thought that you can defeat the lich king with a couple of murlocs? Thank fuck because I've dusted all my priest cards

Which list are you running?

I can't believe I picked the fucking US for HGG so now I only get 1 pack.

Who did you guys pick?

Only Warrior and pally left.
Post patron plxx

HGG will continue with Czechia vs Ukraine in about 35 minutes from this post.

www.twitch tv/playhearthstone

I'm a standart only guy
Started playing during WotG because Dueling NEtwork came down
Only had LoE from previous rotated expansions
So as long as I don't win 30 matches a day I will not reach the point to save enough dust and gold to have everythign I need
Dusting everything wild is my best option

Unironically do not. GvG is joyless and none of its cards are really used, even in wild. Maybe a couple mage spells and Dr. Boom, but if you REALLY want them, craft them.

This would encourage minions to be played early, how is this uninteractive?
You still get to use your board wipes, but decks that do absolutely nothing (ramp/draw) early on would take some punishment.

Who here, /addicted to rogue/?

netdecked straight out of the reaper report

replaced one hydra with malf the pestilent

I'm a Rogue and Warlock player

Not enjoying this expac a lot honestly lad

do you need murkeye to make murlocs work? because i couldn't get them to work for me, at all. once i get past frostmorne, the onslaught of taunts/bonemare usually destroys me

Will packlento deliver or is he just another one-pack-Thijs?

I was when DR rogue was fun and viable at low ranks, but now I'd rather play jade druid to win or elemental mage and emo warrior to have fun

Nigger Rogue is pretty fun, but too random to be good.

I'm curious if you warlock dudes run treachery + doomsayer at all, that combo looks sweet but I didn't see any deck use it yet.

Trust the slavs to play their Gopnikstone

I really wish DK Rexxar lowered the cost of zombeasts you created.
Right now you have to spend 2 mana for a minion that isnt even optimal at times, and usually has a high cost making it the only thing you will play in your turn.
Even just 1 lower mana cost would help a lot.

getting great zombeasts that synergize well is rare anyway, since its all random.

Hasn't he already delivered? I thought 1st and 2nd both got 2 packs?

in order for a 2 card combo to work the 2 cards need to have value independently of eachother, like doomsayer and frost nova

Treachery is a dead card without DS

It feels alot better to get him without netdecking. You have the direction, forge the path yourself, now.

If you're playing murlocs you're usually aiming to beat him before frostmourne, which is entirely doable. Murkeye isn't essential, but he makes it way easier. If you don't have him, though, megasaurs are.

>be big priest against shaman
>shadow essence into Barnes, as per usual
>amber into obsidian statue
>gets hexed and killed
>play eternal servitude
>barnes, or frog?
>"not quite what was planned."
>kinda embarrassing, since i've played probably 70-80 games with this deck thus far
>play barnes from hand, pull yshaarj which pulls ysera
>earth shocks yshaarj, making it a 10/9
>you win this one friend

Im enjoying it a lot, jade, miracle, and mill are all super fun, and the rogue death knight has won me so many games its not even funny.

no this would make spells even worse and encourage the first player that get one of these minion to go face since. and dont even metion aoe since 90% of the time they will get buffed to resist the damage

So is there an alternative to defeating Heroic steel sentinel that isn't C'thun rogue? I don't have the two blades of c'thun and really don't want to have to craft them just for one adventure boss.

>start arena run
>get to pick between nzoth or 2 other legos first part
>pick nzoth
>only get to choose from 3 entire deathrattle minions total over the rest of the draft

where is the synergy lads

whats this lich king bug i keep hearing about?

Day 178, I've lost 6 games due to the freezing bug today.

I cant take this anymore. I tried making a bug report but no one over at blizzard gives a shit. the reconnect feature is fucking atrocious. How the fuck am I supposed to play this game. Repairing it didnt work, reinstalling it didnt either, trying to lower everything didnt. Fuck this.

I vaguely remember beating him with some kind of go wide zoo deck.

I guarantee you Treachery is gonna end up being this year's Dreadsteed, IE a card that could be crazy with some support but that will be completely ignored until it rotates

the Lich King is a guy, not a bug. You're thinking of Anub'arak

the synergy shit doesnt even work as intended, you can get two tolvir stoneshapers and no eles or two historians with no dragons. i assume it pulls from a pool of cards with keywords, like if you were playing hunter you may have seen terrorscale stalker as a pick

So if I don't have murlocs I guess I'm just shit out of luck with the paladin challenge, right?

got the same thing on my shitty htc one m9

Anyone having a problem with paladin LK for their portrait there is a cheeky way to 'cheat' a win

Do this

But you must follow these rules
1 do not attack with tirion
2 do not buff tirion
3 do not play a taun minion
4 do not leave damage spirits
5 do not equip a weapon
6 do not play a DK card
7 do not kill your own minions
8(?) keep your health above 20 before t7

You can cheat out a win if you follow this guide

There's one with Paladin where you play Tirion under a very specific set of circumstances to confuse the Lich King into skipping turns, if that's what you meant.

There is another bug with tirion that is pretty easy to abuse

>CIS is best at HS
What does this mean?

You can do it with divine shields and buffs, but if you don't have murlocs I'm guessing you don't have those either.

Jeez, old boss. I think I did him with an animated armor mage?

Im playing on a fucking computer. Its like no one has ever had this problem ever, is there seriously no fix for this fucking thing?

Russia hacked Blizzard's server.

My point is to try and encourage more minion based play like oldschool zoo/midrange decks.
If your deck can't contest the board early on at all and you let buffs and more bodies pile on the board to the point where wipes aren't good then you deserve to lose that game / match-up.

Same here. Game crashes, friends list crashes, I've had many issues since this patch went live.

hm I guess that explain it. Yesterday I drafted a rogue deck with like 15 deathrattles, even though none of the first 2 options were deathrattles

It works just as intended.

First two picks you get are from a specific synergy pool. The rest of your draft is completely normal. Your first two picks have no effect on it.

You could say it's stupid, but it's certainly not unintended.

Thanks for making the lich king fight, blizzard. Really reminded me why I stopped playing this piece of shit no skill RNG-fest game several months ago in the most succinct and direct way possible.

Not on Big Priest.

What can I use instead of Finja in Paladin?

the problem with that is every class with weak early game would instantly lose. just look at zoo which is outclassed by murlocs, pirate and token druid because their minion can't compete. not only that but since you can't use spells the first player able to buff his minions will get always better trades and win. also some aoe will be even weaker since they will kill your board too.

I have shields and buffs, but I don't see how I'm supposed to be able to aggro him down before T7 with them. There's no way I can make anything stick on board long enough to buff it.

Another good card. There's really nothing else that does what Finja does and most good Paladin cards you probably already have in your deck.

>tfw you bounce N'zoth in arena

Send help, any standard decks that don`t use murlocs?

I'm only lacking Finja and burnbristle

jade rogue
evo shammy
patreon warrior

golly bob howdy, I am undead

I don't mind difficult bosses if done correctly. However, challenges like the mage one are not difficult because you have to play perfectly but to draw perfectly. What's the fucking point of the 1 hp handicap. It doesn't force you to play your best at t1 but to mulligan the exact right cards. I played exodia mage w/o quest vs him and if the AI was good I would have lost due to fatigue but he popped my block at 5 instead of 1 hp thus I won. My best play on the other hand was to randomly get the 1 drop and counterspell at the 3rd restart.. What a joke.

How does this image make you feel hsg


I don't run corsair or deathrattles in my face hunter so not at all

>One extra pack for winners
Who gives a flying fuck, Christ these miserly bastards.

You can probably just use Bloodlust/Evolve/Token Shaman.

Pretty good play from your side

Here's a tip: ALWAYS quit on a high.
I was winning several games in a row, got to top of rank 3.

Now I'm sitting on middle of rank 4, getting my ass pummeled by aggro druid and have no idea what the fuck happened. My play ability feels no different, I was definitely not tilting (hell, I was in a great mood - winning a lot of games at high ranks), the cards just... aren't coming.

Also is it me or is captcha being very overzealous lately

That is my favorite entrance line in the game

He deserves it for running pirates in hunter

Right, so there's no point in me telling you to put in Curator or Tarim for example since you probably already did.

It's good enough as is, problem is that Hunter lacks the tools to back him up, if they got some decent control tools he'd be one of the best cards in standard. Zombeasts are retarded good and versitile, problem is going face and winning around turn 6 is always going to be hunters game plan.

that hunter shouldn't have played cards to play around plague it's only his fault

What'd you use for paladin?

Same. I was one fucking star away from rank 5, and now i'm rank 8. Every game I drew shit even with a consistent deck like pirate warrior, jade druid or token druid.

Tarim was alraedy in
curator, did not think of that thansk user

If ever there was a Class that needed a rework, Hunter is it. They just pidgeonholed him into basically one deck and minor variations of it.

Only creative and different Hunter deck I ever saw was Egg Hunter in wild which I'm genuinely tempted to drop dust on and hope I don't regret it.

>coin wild growth innervate wild growth
>mire keeper
This guy wanted to go fast.

>Druid plays Ultimate Infestation
>I have Vanish and Coldlight Oracle in hand

Tales from rank 20