Another Blood Orchid edition
(To find out why, read OP FAQ right below this, under "Which edition should I buy?" section)
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There will be changes to map rotations for Casual and Ranked in Season 3.
Operation Blood Orchid targeting a September 5 release. PC will be able to play it on the TTS on August 29.
Poland map has been canceled. GROM operators will be released together with HK and SK operators.
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First for shooting an enemy and my teammate's head takes a bullet too
fuck all these T-hunt dailies
>ela has a dead dad with no way to change it
why ;_;
Ukranian operators when
Ela is IQ
Sixth for rip Ela's hair
probably year 10
>Read IQ's bio then
Still doesn't compare with Hibana, Ying, or Lesion
I don't understand this image
Did you not play STALKER or something?
not after we convince the poles to take back their clay
Did they show off the IQ and Jackal changes ?
>ywn suck the pink nail polish clean off IQs toes
What's wrong with Lesion exactly? Didn't pay attention.
so does the season pass skin make Lesion black or is it just shitty lighting?
the polish attacker better look like that tacticool guy in the top left or im done with this gay waifu shitter game
nth for how fugly Ela is in game compared to her op video
this is just as retarded as the people who assumed rook's elite skin made him black too
There was weird shit about friendships with other operators which feels really out of place, but his wasn't actually that bad. Ying has a fuse rivalry, fucked echo, and I think she was the Israeli all female training facility.
His face is only half brown, I think it's supposed to be paint and it just looks really weird on his arms
Someone post the new lore writer image please
judging by her character model in-game Ela must of had some kind of disease or some disorder thats caused her to be as deformed as she is
She isn't new, newfag
Can't even remember the last thunt I played where I didn't get tk'd. I'm so fucking sick of this game
Her bio said 10 months, new in that she didn't write the original ones.
>Be Russia's bitch
>Not having fetal alcohol syndrome like Russia.
Pretty accurate.
>tfw Ela was obviously the product of incest with looks like that
anons im fuckign sick of the free weekend. at first i tolerated it because i thought maybe itll be good having some new people to breathe more life in to siege, but it really fucking isnt. bls make it stop
It is going to happen again and again and again. Useless fucks that need carrying. Worse than those that still don't grasp the mechanics of each operator past level 80. Worthless shitbags that need intense carrying.
Ok I'm fairly new to R6 Siege. Could someone explain the memes about IQ's feet?
Not even the people posting about it can really explain it
It's literally just one degenerate avatarfagging and posting the same shit over and over. Ignore him like the rest of us are.
It is one resident shitposter asking about IQ's feet. Are you really implying you are not him?
For all the illiterates and ones who hate reading, this video is for you
Basically Bioware forums
Criticism = Cancerous.
rip in shit season pass owners
go to your options and turn your settings so you only play t hunt classic
then play solo
i do one or two solo t hunts every time i play to warm up
btw what do you think are the chances of someone from newly revealed operators will be in new game meta?
tfw ela will be instalocked every round
slim to none
if I have the starter edition can I use the free weekend to buy all the characters normal price?
ive seen him in another video dying and he looks like that
however in the trailer hes much more pale
>enemy mont last one left
>2 left on our team
>both free weekenders
>mont has shield extended but free weekenders empty mag after mag into his shield
>one reloads
>mont shoots him
>other needs to reload
>goes for the knife
>mont smacks him in the face
I asked what was wrong with Lesion, not Ying.
I'm just gonna tk anyone who picks my green haired waifu before me
How do I control horizontal recoil on Blackbeards SCAR? It's so bad.
please do it twice, I'd like to see you banned
depends on how sexy Ela's feet will be
>It's a cav tunnel visions towards a downed attacker and gets killed episode
that's his default skin. it's the season pass where he looks black
>struggling with the SCAR
is this a meme or something?
They changed him to an Indonesian immigrant. Very progressive!
Stop using angled grip?
>New universal seasonal uniforms
Thanks Christ. Now I can actually make Buck look good.
Reminder you will never be a delusional GSG9 defender main
What is the biggest percentage that anyone has ever gotten their alpha pack thing up to?
Also if I buy the standard edition from Ubisoft can I use the ubisoft shekels to upgrade to get ops?
Also I'm sorry for being bad to anyone that has had the misfortune to get me on their team.
33.5% here.
75.80% for me.
Attach muzzle break
why do it yourself when robots do it better :)
talking about this btw
or should I just try to find the cheapest i can from somewhere else?
asked this at the end of last thread like an idiot
Ela sure is a qt.
Lesion's mines being invisible seems pretty dumb though
>how is this game fun
It's fun when you git gud. Not memeing you. The game is great when you actually have a team that communicates and you start making meaningful plays.
you realzie shes deformed right?
Echo cucked out of existence by Ela.
>season pass shitters paid money for a blacked skin
have you got any pics of it?
If you actually think this you're delusional.
What, where? I watched the livestreams and didn't hear anything about that and I just checked the in-game shop and didn't see anything.
i have shit taste: the post
There some some guy using it on Castle in the demonstration game.
>There was weird shit about friendships with other operators which feels really out of place, but his wasn't actually that bad.
Reading comprehension
>not using your drones as an attacker
This is what separates the men from the boys
are you sure that's not just a castle uniform?
She looks better than Valkyrie. R6s girls only look good with a mask on
Why did they call her Ying instead of Dazzler?
Yo that fat presenter is actually pretty handsome, if he loss wait he could totally fuck Genevieve while the other cuck that got curved watches
The last time I used my Drone as an attacker after the initial phase, I got chased into a welcome mat then promptly fucking raped
I saw that on the stream. Nobody ever said it was seasonal related though. Fuze has that desert quicksand uniform, but it's not exactly Dust Line seasonal related.
Stolen from reddit pls no bulli
Lesions gadget just makes me think of fucking Teemo
Seriously, do we really need throwable invisible slowing damage-over-time traps that recharge so can shit them out all over the map?
echo will still be used in pro-league due to the fact yokai can give info from a real-time feed to echo who can relay it, it can be moved with roamers, shotgun for opening walls and that tasty bearing 9. Ela is much more likely to replace one of the roamers.
no shit free weekend brings out the smurfs and cheaters.
Guy on reddit says he was at gamescom and that it was available for ever op.
Too bad the drone is extremely visible if you lower your graphics a bit.
>getting butt blasted over vidya
Salt is bad for your health user
But how do you know it's universal?
>R6s girls only look good with a mask on
yes, yet with every new gril added since frost they all have their ugly deformed faces on full display. surely its easier to model facewear and masks than it is faces, as evident by them having to "fix" valkyrie's face even though shes still ugly as fuck. i guess they HAVE to show their faces so that thirsty losers with bad taste can jerk off over them or something.
thats why you use it then move it
Put the compensator on it.
The vertical pull will be massive, but there's basically no horizontal, even with an angle grip.
Probably best to use a 1x sight with this setup, since the ACOG does not handle this much vertical climb well. If you want an ACOG, use the muzzle brake with it and fire very short bursts.
I'll never understand the sheer bottom of the barrel pleb mentality it takes to make a smurf account
The new operator unique win poses are pretty cool.