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First for Mag is pure.
Fuck you
Finally, something I can't complain about.
>all prime
400 weapons. 50 frames. Two dozens sentinels and pets. And here we are. This is the end.
I got a 3 day exp booster but all of my shit is maxed. Wish they replaced with a resource booster.
Is this a comment about how the meta is stale or about how I'm a shitter? Either way, I agree.
Forma some new shit then
forma some stuff
well he has 48 plat what did you expect
Diablo 3 has """"billions"""" of different builds, yet about 10 are actually viable.
More like the former, I understand people using that since it's the best you can get (I'm kidding about Frost Prime, but it's also because it was given away for free recently, so everyone used him), and the true melee meta is probably more like max range + cc on slide whips. It's more like DE's fault, I'm pretty sure they could solve all that just by making a single SQL query to see what the most used equipment is.
>I'm pretty sure they could solve all that just by making a single SQL query to see what the most used equipment is.
Its called riven disposition.
What's the defacto Oberon healslut build?
I will admit I use the tigris and lex because they are beasts, but I use the galatine mostly because I think cleaving whirlwind is a really fun stance. I also had frost prime before the free giveaway, so don't lump me in with that crowd. I'm also pretty much stuck with carrier at this point because I'm so used to ammo case.
deleting oberon and selecting trinity
___________________________play Trinity instead____________
if you like the power of lex try using the euphona
Don't compare WF with an ARPG where randomized loot is at its heart. I'm not taking rivens into account, otherwise you could say the same here. No, it's still shit that 90% os the users have the same builds. Hell, just take the Tigris Prime: probably the most used weapon, and for that weapon I'd wager the most used build is multishot + serration (shotgun equivalent of course) + 4 double status mods. There, 6 out of 8 slots are the exact same for virtually everyone, talk about balance issues...
Really? You should be seeing Ogris users everywhere then, or Lato or Magnus or...
Nope, Tigris P with its 1 disposition is still king. The fact that you don't even need a Riven for it to be OP says enough.
it doesn't matter anyway, Tigris is still my most used primary because I'm not even MR12, but as soon as I'll be able I'll probably switch to the prime version for sorties and the weapons I really like using for everything else.
What's with the spy sortie today? It's got horrid fucking load screens
Why would I use the euphona when I have aklex prime?
>Not getting the "Tenno space program" gun
why would you use euphona when you can use vaykor marelok
What makes it the "Tenno Space Program" gun?
Should I be building Euphona Prime for status or crit primarily?
buckshot has the range of a skana so
My Warframe is ____?
these are all garbage compared to the snub-nosed tambourine
Now pregnant.
sleeky, liki and cute
thats what you get for playing Nezha
I wonder who's behind this...
a jew
>can't do sortie 2 without an equipped sniper
bitch i don't even have a sniper. Just let me bring titania
you cant mate now buy plat und rush a sniper or forget about the sortie
I blame Chromas alt helmet, it set a dangerous precedent
Nezha is a cute girl (male)
>i don't even have a sniper
you fucked up
>yfw the alt helmet was originally going to be the default
I had just happened to started a vectis last night
Not even the Vulkar Wraith from Baro? Snipertron Vandal from alerts?
Among newer players there is this really dumb perception that if it isn't prime it isn't worth using
get the one baro is selling it's fucking awesome the vulkar wraith has been one of the most satisfying weapons to use in forever
Trinity is too squishy and Oberon's Renewel being a passive ability suits how I play better.
Among older players there is this really dumb perception that if it can't go 20 hours in MOT it isn't worth using
>I actually use the drac helm because I like frames with big jew noses
>I also use inaros anubis helm
>Trinity is too squishy
only in the lewd manner
She'd got ~94% damage reduction and can instantly refill her health+shields and has infinite energy.
She is anything but squishy.
Post warframes/potatoes
trinity has the squishiest butt
>he has never grabbed a lobster butt
Galatine is not even meta, and frost is situational.
>broken bull
Alright chums what's your go to load out?
>frame - Mirage
>primary - Amprex
>secondary - Atomos
>melee - Guandao
Haven't played in two years. Is a Defense mission really the pinnacle of mastery fodder leveling these days? What happened to Draco?
Draco is dead.
It got kicked in the dick and that kick had a really good punch through
My group and I usually run Dark sector Survivals since they have bonus XP and such or Survival on planets that have resources we want to farm
Still prefer Obi-One for his offensive abilities.
Does anyone else like Defection missions? I think the little dialogue makes it less dull compared to other missions
I got Harrow like on the 4th try
Im not going to farm that piece of shit for the corrupted mods
three grakata!
>offensive abilities.
I'd just pick Mesa/equinox/Octavia if I wanted a damage frame
>less dull
If the mission wasn't about escorting the slowest motherfuckers on the planet, maybe.
I had to grind the goddamn event that introduced it because I made the dumbass mistake of letting the shit-huffing fuckwits in my clan stick around after they promised to (and then didn't) log in and fucking help me; I was in one of those fucking missions for four goddamn hours straight just to break even and get that insult of a 'thanks for trying' blueprint and this was after getting the points for a suit of edgelord armor I never even used. So no, I do not like that gamemode. Fuck defection and fuck dead weight assholes; I nuked my goddamn clan list and haven't looked back. I fully acknowledge this was a hell of my own making for trusting other people but that won't absolve the gamemode of the association I now link between it and suffering. The unarmored Kavor female is still cute as fuck though.
>It took me a million runs to get the Ivara blueprints
>Now that I actually have Ivara I get an Ivara part every other time I run a spy mission
>9 NINE Alertium
>pisstle riven
Well now
>30% stat bonus max
Back to the grind unless 30% can improve it even more
Best Warframes for a solo-only player? I fucking hate people. MIGHT be playing with one other, not sure yet.
[Blocks your path]
>the only correct answer
Nekros. He can press 4 to make his own friends.
>mfw not gonna make it in time to submit my stuff for halloween tennogen
Anyone making anything here?
Octavia without a doubt
>scaling damage
>+448% damage buff
whats not to like?
She's not thicc
Buff frames are all boring.
I'm a sticc guy myself.
My generic loadout for generic missions:
Sancti or Prime Tigris
Hikou Prime
Give me a good Soma prime build
I got a ton of formas and want to toss them into it
What Red Veil weapon should i grab and why?
>playing crypt of the necrodancer in warframe is boring
she's more fun than most frames, she's just too complicated for pub shitters to grasp.
All of them, Best Cernos, Best dagger and best Ballistica right now
Dark Dagger because covert lethality
Why exactly do I have a billion fieldron and detonite injectors, but no mutagen mass or the thing you can use to make it?
Quality balance, right there.
Mutagen Samples only drop from Derelict and Eris. Don't worry, it RAINS them in Derelict according to DE!
>best ballistica
it's true, but sadly funny