My push guard is better than yours

Name one reason why this particular push guard is worse than yours, in fact, name one reason, or as many as possible, for why this push guard is a bad and unnecessary one.

Here's a pro tip: YOU CAN'T!

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I could swoop in and drop a couple of grenades into the barrel and leave in a couple of seconds and that tank wouldn't have even been able to move it's machine gun turret to shoot at the dust behind my Jeep.

Nice larp you god damn fag
If i ever see some mall crawler nigger acting as gay as you in a parking lot im going to trade paint with it in my banger.

No protection for the radiator

Then I'll ram into you at full force and crush you after breaking off your door, afterwhich I'll re-decorate the parking spaces and the cars nearby with your brains.

That's a good concern.

lmao look at this internet tough guy

No radiator protection, and it’s a unibody vehicle. Any meaningful impact will destroy the subframe and mounts.

Unibodies aren't as weak as you think they are

lol youre probably a huge pussy irl
everyone ignore this fag

That is a Keiler, it is designed to destroy mines and heavily armored.
Handgrenades have little to no effect on it.

That’s my point. The subframe mount will get fucked because the unibody is strong.

That depends on the way the unibody is designed, you can build pretty much anything strong or weak...

>Turning a Chad vehicle in a Virgin.

"Probably" you're probably a female. Everyone ignore this whore.
See how that feels? We're all equally offended here, aka not at all.I said I'd throw grenades into the barrel. If that didn't work I'd spam rockets.

Why should i waste my money on a push guard if i can just buy another shitbox if i ram something like i ram your mom


It doesn´t even have a barrel...

I see... Well in that case It's no threat because of its super slow speed.Now that's what I'm talking aboutBecause I don't care about how pretty a vehicle is, I care about reliability and performance so that's why I choose Jeep.

>It's no threat because of its super slow speed
It rotates at a verry high speed...
skip to 1:40

>, I care about reliability and performance
Oh boy have I got some news for you.

Holy shit Ford that spread. Meanwhile Mazda is tight as a loli

This ain't the 40s anymore

That's because Mazda made 4 cars and they all have basically the same power plant and everything, so they are very similar. They also could just not have as many complaints because you know, they're Mazda, and Ford sells more of one model then they sell total in a year

And it's a damn good power train too

Well according to the data, it's 80% more reliable then an LS

Skyactiv X when?

I've got the 2002 Grand Cherokee, the last good one.That doesn't really do anything if it can't launch at you or drive faster than you.

you're a gay nigger and you have a bad gen jeep designed for roasties.

I could be driving a vehicle designed for Chad Thundercock too, that's not the point, this is about pushguards, not vehicles.

Does a push guard protec against pushes? Sounds like sheer faggotry. Get a bullbar you cunt

the guard in the op isn't even a push guard it's a brush guard

I need to see where I'm going at night and those chain links are going to hinder that. Also, why the long ass antennas?

Dual antennas increase the effective cb range by 25% over a single antenna especially parallel to direction of travel. I have little flags at the top so the road trains can see me before I get to the crest of a hill


How're tunnels for ya, ya abbo?