>General Info on Final Fantasy
The Wiki: finalfantasy.wikia.com
What version should I play?: Information: pastebin.com
XV manga released in Japan
Episode Ignis to be released in December
Brotherhood episodes: pastebin.com
Final Fantasy XV Multiplayer closed beta: finalfantasyxv.com
PS4 release date scheduled for Jan 30 2018
NA and Europe Closed beta has begun. Spoiler: It's shit!
>Final Fantasy Record Keeper
Game Mechanics PDF: happypluto.com
Upcoming Banners List: docs.google.com
Friend Codes: docs.google.com
FAQ Pastebin: pastebin.com
>Final Fantasy Brave Exvius
How to JP: pastebin.com
GL FAQ: pastebin.com
Friend Codes: docs.google.com
>MOBIUS Final Fantasy:
Anniversary event ongoing all month.
FAQ Pastebin: pastebin.com
>Other game information