Whys it still dropping Veeky Forums...
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Because of BTC drama. If you want to get into the moon ride now would be a good time not when it's ATH and you're like oh no muh deposit isn't going in... (see pic even bitcoins own Andreas Antonopoulos has been working on Ethereum the sneaky devil) look at his new book coming out.
It hit $30 and bumped to $32.7 in 5 minutes
strong support at 30
i... i think its over.
hold on to your butts, huge ETH moon coming on March 30th. Don't say I didn't warn ye.
that's actually pretty cool, this'll give eth some value other than muh instant transaction
Thanks homie the way biz is reacting reminds me of how pol was when DJT said grab them by the pussy - oh no can't become president cuz Hillary is such a strong candidate. Ethereum is DJT and BTC is Hillary. Out with the old in with the new.
Shhhhh let them sell. I need their cheap ETH
I wish their sell patters could align with my paychecks though. Can't spend rent money now. :v
i love to buy LOWWWW !
I tripled my buy in when I got in at 18 and sold at 50. So I have some money to move around before my next paycheck. In the mean time, you should look at DCR. It's mooning as hell right now and biz isn't jumping on it
So I traded my 18.3 eth for 26.55 eth thanks to this dip. Did I do good Veeky Forums or should I have waited longer?
it's erecting
Pump and dump scam
Just bought back in at the right moment
It seems to be too early for another moon mission desu
credit me with coins then
Sent 0.5000
This should help you understand.
lost $2k so far
So should I get on the train now?
You should have gotten in when it was at around 30$... you can't make money trading if you always buy when things go well
tfw I was eating breakfast when it was at 30 and missed out on that super low dip
I was sleeping last time it happened so I can understand your pain user
I had a buy order to buy at 29 because I'm a greedy cunt and I thought it would hit that low while I was away
Today has been fucking magical for me.
On poloniex I moved my BTC to USDT then traded ZEC for a while. Now ETH BTC DASH and ZEC hit the floor and are right now having huge huge pumps.
I've made $300 today and I only started with $600 this morning.
Biz you should donate me ethereum, I can't afford it right now...I don't want to miss the moon mission. 0x0f9811e26177be7fc5473a105c2969159033152f
If anyone feels sorry for this stupid fuck who put his life savings in at $54 USD
should i just end it now boys
Noep. Wait till november and then you'll be doubling your money. Devcon is then.
Is it safe to put money in usdt when you want a safe place? Is it always tied with the dollar or not?
>Is it always tied with the dollar or not?
I assume so. Not 100 sure though.
I mean they caim it is but if soeone has experience or info about tether to say if it has awlays been so? how relaible is it..
Don't let me miss the moon mish plz 0x0f9811e26177be7fc5473a105c2969159033152f
How can you be so sure I'm literally down $3000
every day is suffering
Bro I'm down 100 dollars
You don't even know real pain
we on the way up negroes
also any of you who arent buying and selling throughout this turmoil are missing out on gainz
Would you care to elaborate? Is the best way to do this by putting in a stop-limit in poloniex at a specific foreseeable amount and then repeat through dips etc?
Put all of your ETH into XEM now bitches, and get your loss back in a few hours.
>written in Java and JavaScript
Nah, I think I'll pass on your shitcoin, thanks.
no, only use stop loss if things are looking bad and you're going to sleep, because its pretty much a given that the stop loss will trigger even if it then goes up 4 or 5 dollars a few minutes later because its so volitile. Just buy every dip and sell once it tops out for the day at 40 something. It's fluctuating so much at the moment that theres some easy gains to be made
>Almost back at 40
Just bought 230eth
why would you buy it now instead of at a dip lmao
So much this, I'm making insane profits.
Gonna sell at 50 and then buy the dip again. This is fun.
Its gonna go at least 100. gonna double or more from the last top son. learn before you burn.
panic sellers on suicide watch
Give me free eth next, Veeky Forums
Made $250 in the last 3 hours.
But I'm running out of my coinbase funds.
on just eth??
Yeah, I'm expecting it to bounce from 32 to 42, maybe a few times.
Easy money
You and I both know that at every 10 dollar increment there's going to be a whale that's going to cash out. This is going to cause the price to drop back to ~30 and then it will go back up to what it was before. There's strong resistance to 40 right now, so it will be AT LEAST another 6 hours before we see 45. We're going to the moon, but it's at a measured pace.
Because it was likely a pump and dump?
true that, i missed the dip today I'm hoping it drops back down to mid-low 30's tomorrow morning
I just bought a few for the memes. i hope youre shilling this really hard kek
its fuckin over LOL
dead cat bounce. Whales are keeping you engaged with just enough bait.
Enjoy sub 30 next week
Emerging competitors causing it to fall perhaps
is this a joke or what is this meme crap